View Full Version : QF MAM Casuals

30th Dec 2003, 17:18
This probably isn't the best topic to post, and you've probably read the following in another topic, but anyway.

I had a call from Qantas along with some others about 4 weeks ago telling us that QF won't be recruiting permanently for the foreseeable future, however they're looking for about 10 people to be based out of Perth in Jan/Feb am I interested? Of course i said yes and then she said had i heard of MAM? I said i had and then she said unfortunately the position would be casual, (didn't bother me, i am willing to take anything i get offered). She then emailed us (the ones that said they were interested) a form to sign to say that we agree to have our application passed over to MAM which we had to fax back. Being excited from getting a call from them, I couldn't remember the rest of the conversation. I just got off the phone thinking, "do i have the job or do i not have the job or what???????

Due to the time of the year, no doubt HR etc will be on Christmas/New Year's holidays, so I won't try calling them, but just interested as to what any MAM casuals think is happening now? Have you heard anything through MAM in regards to the Perth base? Does it sounds as if we're in with a good chance?(Apparently not all shortlisters in Perth got a call) I am quite happy waiting, because i know people still aren't back at work etc, but just interested as to the thoughts of any MAM casuals?

thanks for your help

30th Dec 2003, 18:32
You never cease to amaze me ozcabincrew at least you are consistent.

On 5 December you started a thread about this very issue. On 12 December you advised me that you were not "worked up" about this issue and now on 30 December you start a new thread about the same subject. What you think you will get different answers by starting a new thread?

I know the reasons why QF are not putting MAM casuals into the Perth base and if you had bothered to call HR you could have also found out the facts.

You have more right to telephone HR than anyone else on the shortlist as you were personally contacted by them, do you seriously think you will be taken off the shortlist for making a phone call? You could have saved yourself all this worry by simply picking up the phone. An attribute of a flight attendant is assertiveness may I suggest you be a bit more assertive in 2004 and you will be brought up to speed within a matter of minutes.

Hope you enjoy your New Year and I wish you all the best for 2004 and hope to see you in air along with all the other shortlisters.

31st Dec 2003, 02:18
How about a little Christmas cheer Galley Hag and pass on the info to OZcabincrew?

Just because you would have handled things differently doesn't mean that OZcabincrew deserves to be treated harshly.

Perhaps it would be good for some people to remember what it was like before they got in the industry, the nerves, the frustration, the shattered dreams. I too would have called HR myself but maybe the fear of being rejected is greater than the fear of picking up the phone for some people.

Please put OZcabincrew out of their misery and just tell them what you know. :ok:

Happy New Year everyone, may the 2004 be safe for us all.

31st Dec 2003, 03:57
Ozcabincrew I'm afraid I too agree with GH on this one. Trust me, it is much better if you pick up the phone and call HR yourself than reading things on a rumours message board. Though I don't doubt the authenticity of any information coming from GH, you are much better off hearing it from the 'horses mouth' so to speak.

Ozcabincrew it is great to see your enthusiasm, but don't let QF rule your life. Your time will come, in the meantime do your best to better yourself and don't stress about getting 'that' call. Easier said than done I know, but take a few deep breaths, relax and you will be fine. Things happen for a reason!

All the best.

31st Dec 2003, 06:34
I have tried to help ozcabincrew and point he/she in the right direction but you can only do so much.

Hope you all have a safe and happy New Year.

Parry Hotter
1st Jan 2004, 08:26

I agree with you. Ozcabincrew, you posts are starting to get up a few noses, including mine.
You hear one RUMOUR then you hold on to it for months, guessing what is going to happen. It's a hard time for all on the QF hold lists. There's many many people out there in your shoes.
It's been said before, but you must give QF a call if you are looking for answers. Its quiet easy, just pick up the phone and call. If you can't do that, then just tone your desperation down. It's frustrating for us to keep reading your posts, that are covering the same things all the time.


Our crystal ball is the same as your's mate!

QF skywalker
1st Jan 2004, 09:26

Despite what peeple may lead you to believe, the people at QF HR are not all that bad, just phone QF in a polite manner via the switchboard and ask to be put through to HR. The people who work in HR are just normal people like your good self who have families and homes also. I actually think that not calling them is a sign of lack of enthusiasm on your behalf, show them that you are keen by calling them up and chasing them for the information you require - remember that they are sending you to a contract labour company so it's them (MAM) you need to get in the good books with - they will ultimately be the ones who will give you your hours each month.

As flight attendants we all have to have the "balls" to step out of our comfort zones sometimes, either by kicking off the drunk man/woman oboard the a/c or asking a celebrity to stow their hand luggage properly. I suggest you take the first step in learning to become assertive by calling QF NOW !!!

Do you think all the flight attendants on this board got to where they are now by listening to rumours ? nope....we were the ones on the telephones telling QF to call us back with dates etc.

Look after number 1 - no-one else will......

Good Luck, Safe landings

12th Jan 2004, 16:33
How did you go Ozcabincrew did you give HR a call?

13th Jan 2004, 10:53

I tried to respond to your PM but your mailbox is full.


13th Jan 2004, 14:59

OK, I'll get rid of a few messages