View Full Version : The TWE Boy from OZ

Baby Diesel
19th Dec 2003, 03:57
Gidday to my Scandi friends from the former TWE,

I am now flying Diesel (B717) in OZ and am interested in the PICMA approach which I learnt a lot about during my short time in your country.

PICMA - pilot in command monitored approach - F/O flies and Captain manages, to take over at the minima and land.

Do you guys and gals still fly this type of approach? - we're only CAT 1 down here and we also do a lot of NPA work as well.

If there is a trend away from this - if so,why? - and what is now considered the cutting edge of approaches in your country.

Merry Christmas to you all - I always think of you from the swimming pool on Christmas day - 35 degrees C and a cold beer.

Email always welcome.

Pete D

21st Dec 2003, 04:52
Hello Pete!

Of course we still do them! And in my opinion the absolutly best way to commence a safe appoach and landing in bad visibility.
Always in Cat 2 and 3 and even at or above
Cat 1 when commander so wish!

Regarding NPA approaches normally the flying pilot land the aircraft. ( no problem with visibility )

Regards Mega

Former F100 TWE Aviator