View Full Version : Virgin Blue gave me the blues......

9th Dec 2003, 17:46
I didnt expect to have to post this when I booked some recent Virgin Blue flights.... but here goes... and I know i will probably get whipped... but hey...

Check-in facilities and staff all great ! friendly and efficient throughout....

Aircraft clean, tidy, stylish and relatively comfortable...

Good range of value for money refreshments....

HOWEVER..... :oh:

The only thing that let DJ down was the Cabin Crew..... :ooh:

They all looked fab... (on all 3 flights i took) and were very welcoming..... but then once airborne things tended to deteriorate into a bit of a pantomime....

Excessive use of PA sytstem throughout all flights became very very annoying.... jokes flying between staff at forward and rear..... including a selection of quite "ripe" swearing... always nice on flights with kids... plus the cheesiest standard PA's i have ever ever heard...

On one flight i had the misfortune of being seated in 1A.... opposite a No1 who was very very intimidating.... the PA was stuck to her like a limpet.... i was waiting for a selection of songs from the shows.... and when she managed to un-fasten herself from the PA she spent the rest of the time trying (and suceeding) to embarass her other "team members" including one poor girl who was training.... and looked like she had had about as much as she could take....

On another flight I heard the No1 commenting (loudly) on the dress sense of the pax in row 1 - gee how charming.... and on how a disabled pap was a "bloody nuisance"..... again... how charming... try and keep the bitching for behind a curtain....

Putting the fun back into flying is one thing.... and DJ's inflight "atmosphere" - would probably go down well in the european charter flight market... but I would say that if i was regular business traveller within Oz... i would soon get a bit tired of all that "fun"....

Yeah... its great that the cabin crew were having a good time....
but dont be seen or heard to do it at the expense of the punters or fellow crew.... It looks terrible...

Having flown QF several times on domestic.... i have to say that they win hands down.... they are so much more professional and polished than anything i saw on DJ.... it will be interesting to see how QF's LCC shapes up...

I know that the quality of the flight is very much dependent on the crew.... I worked for various airlines both on the ground and in the air for over 10 years.... and after sampling DJ 3 times.... i feel justified to express my opinion.... I was looking forward to flying with them... hoping for fresh, innovative service.... not hours of cringing at every PA, and avoiding eye contact with bossy, over-confident crew...

Maybe i was just unlucky with DJ .... seeing as though their pax figures and growth rate are so high...


9th Dec 2003, 18:42
ive flown with dj several times and had great experiences.
what type fo comments were they making over the p/a

when i fly its usualy the safety demo then the captain at the take off and prior to arrival

i love dj they have always been great when ive flown

9th Dec 2003, 19:24
ive flown DJ 2 times ( i usually fly every 2-3 weeks cause of work).
Personally I prefer the meal, video screen, ff points and all the added extras...and honestly its not usually that different in the price!

I have a joke with a mate of mine that works for Virgin, he is always tellin me to fly with them. However I always joke with him and say that I only travel on the preferred carrier (qf).

Honestly there is nothing wrong with DJ they are good at what they do and their certainly is a market for that. If there wasnt they still wouldnt be around would they. Good luck to them its a fantastic business model nothing against them but i prefer QF.

(and yer some of the flighties do joke around a bit too much, and I know of corporates that arent really into that as well)


9th Dec 2003, 20:15
I've flown DJ 2 or 3 times as well and must have had very tired or just boring crew as there have never been any jokes or use of the PA apart from the welcome,Captain and landing PA's. I deal with corporates and leisure guests all day in Hospitality and have heard a few corporates whinge about how they don't like DJ as they're nothing like QF and prefer to fly QF. Well news flash corporates, get your company to cut ur salary and spend the money on paying that bit extra to fly QF. You are all getting exactly what you pay for when flying DJ, same again when you choose to fly QF. I have had no problems with either airline. Have though heard a few stories re QF long haul crew, but that's a different story..............

9th Dec 2003, 22:17
All of these "bad" experiences you have had with DJ are, I'm sorry to say, what makes the airline what it is.

As with all of Branson's businesses, the atmosphere within DJ as a company is meant to be relaxed. I remember hearing somewhere that the Cabin Crew aboard DJ are TRAINED to be informal with the passengers. They are TRAINED to paint faces on kids. The are TRAINED in rapport building.

I guess that different people look for different things when it comes to cabin crew, but I can assure you (having worked for DJ for a short time) that the crew are doing largely what they have been told to do! Flying on DJ is meant to be a whole new experience, and I bet you'll aggree, it was!

All the best,


Z Force
12th Dec 2003, 03:05
And CASA wasn't impressed when they found out one flight attendant called out "Brace, brace, brace" over the PA when the aircraft was about to touch down or when some management did the safety demonstration. Very professional.

12th Dec 2003, 11:06
After having flown exclusively with QF for a number of years, I flew DJ from Tassie to Melbourne twice in the last couple of months. And after hearing all the hype about the sexy FAs and the 'fun' PAs, I wasn't at all disappointed to find out that none of it was true (at least not on my flights).

It was all much of a muchness, really. With QF you are handed a box of food and offered alcoholic drinks for purchase - with DJ you were offered both food and drinks for purchase. The girls weren't any prettier, the smiles weren't any brighter, both times I had pleasant, uneventful flights.

Perhaps its different on longer flights?

And why did I fly DJ instead of QF? Because I got internet specials for $98 and $79 return. These were trips I didn't plan and wouldn't have gone on if it weren't for the price. Which will make the introduction of the Jetstar operation interesting to watch - I wonder if QF will copy DJ and offer rock bottom internet fares to capture people like me. And if so, just how low can the fares go?

12th Dec 2003, 16:26
I think it could be quite easy to misjudge the 'crowd', and leave people with the same impressions as limpbiscuits.

For example, the whole 'Welcome aboard this flight to... Oh, were are we going again? Oh that's right, Melbourne!', must get tired if you fly a couple of times a week. In fact, it would get tired if you only ever flew twice in your lifetime! One guy i know of actually failed to see the humour in that exact PA, and genuinely thought the crew were unsure as to the destination, but we won't go there.

The scripted and prepared nature of most of the jokes just ain't funny. Afterall, most of the best humour is that which is spontaneous.

14th Dec 2003, 08:22
Must admit i have never flown Virgin so cant comment on cabin activities.
I used to fly Ansett because of convenience only.That was because our airport was only used by Ansett,so it was always easier to book right through to final destination.
Now its a Qantas service so hence the same.I joined the Qantas club and get flyers points etc,so no point in getting the odd Virgin flight.Probably a waste of money as i only fly 2-3 times a year ,but visiting family and sons all over the country ,i get to spend time in terminals,so why not.
Leaving that aside ,i have found Virgin flights have some long stops between connecting flights.
As far as price goes there is b-all between them if you book ahead.Sure Virgin have a great advertising gimmick with those super cheap fares which never seem to be around when i fly.

All that aside,and into the cabin.What do people want.
On short flights...Ade to Melb or Melb to Syd you need nothing as they are so short.
Longer flights i like to watch the movie----seems to make the trip faster.Also look forward to my 10 minute nibble on whatever they bring around.
But thats me--------everyone is different.
There are those that lay the seat back into your lap and sleep the whole way ,those that can read a book the entire journey ,those who listen to music and those who watch the movie .The last 2 dont happen on Virgin.
Virgin may have a fun crew but how many care.Maybe the first time flyers get a kick out of it but the normal punter couldnt care less.Just look at the safety demonstration----how many look at it.

I have friends who wonder why i fly Qantas as its more expensive.I show them the web sites ,say pick a day,then compare prices-----a few bucks the difference either way.But imbedded in their mind were the $50 or whatever fares they saw in the paper---------superb advertising on Virgins part.

Ive been on many airlines around the world ,they give me a seat and get me to where im going.The best are the ones where you scored in the dyke ,the worst when you got delayed somewhere.
Others ,nice hosties ,other ,old bags.
In the end you stick to one you thought was ok-----bit like being a Ford or Holden man.

But for me ,its a movie to watch and a bite to eat.
Suppose i could add that Qantas is the second oldest airline in the world and is a good old Aussie icon.

14th Dec 2003, 10:26

Great post and I couldn't have put it better myself.

Advertising cheap fares all the time gives the impression that they must be cheaper all together. Very wrong!! Virgin Blue seem to have so many different types of fares on the internet and finding a cheaper one than QF can be a challenge but at least with QF internet fares they are there right in front of you with out having to do too much searching.

JetStar is going to make the next few years very interesting around here. Just as it seems Virgin Blue were slowly getting away from the cheap fares, enter JetStar and the race is on again.

The only winners in this race will be the passengers, which is the way it should be.

14th Dec 2003, 10:55
lol never mind getting the same joke in a few weeks. Its really sad when you get the same joke on a connecting flight with a different crew :\.

Nav Light
15th Dec 2003, 08:44
I now work in the health system, after losing my job at AN, the other day, I saw one of our Staff members who had been away to PER 2 weeks ago, and asked him how his flight was........
( he flew Virgin)

And he said

" Never again, we boarded the aircraft, and the CM got on the PA, and started going on about someones birthday, and how everyone should sing happy birthday to the crew member, then she went on after take off, about the games they were going to play all the way to PER, I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me, I was so embarrassed, all I wanted to do was read my book in peace"

But then I flew Virgin to BNE and back, and it was cramped and very boring, not a smile from anyone on either sector!

Go figure!

15th Dec 2003, 11:51
.........which just goes to show you , your flying experiences as a passenger can differ from day to day , sector to sector ,depending on the crew.

It doesn't matter which airline ,or which continent ,that factor doesn't change .

Just thougt I'd put my 2 bob's worth cause this thread seems to be going round in circles,


16th Dec 2003, 19:08
Sorry, but I just cant resist this one!!! Having been a very regular DJ flyer for the last 4 months (which I can assure you is only for financial reasons) I have a plethora of stories. Like a few others in this thread I am soooo sick of the same jokes. If I hear one more about Brisvegas and its two high rises and 1 street light I shall scream. Do they need to be reminded that it was only because of "Brisvegas" and the subsidies the Qld govt paid them that they are in business today.
Last Sundays flight took the cake though. On our 1hr 50min flight the Cabin Manager cared so much about our inflight health that she had her crew line up in their demonstration positions and do in flight aerobics!!! Yes everyone, she actually got onto the PA and told the passengers to do "butt clenches" just as her crew were doing. Naturally I screeched with laughter thinking this was one of their inflight "jokes", but alas it wasnt. Needless to say I was mortified and if it had been humanly possible I would have removed myself from the aircraft. I too was subjected to a crew members birthday as we were all asked to sing Brandon "Happy birthday". I am sure I dont need to point out that Brandon did not receive birthday wishes from me.
I have plenty more stories but shall save them for another time. I must admit though, every time I fly with DJ I come away with another truly hilarious story that I share with as many people as possible. Keep up the good work Virgin Blue!!