View Full Version : Taxi/small freight operators

3rd Dec 2003, 20:06
Dear all,

Would any one know any small charters /taxi operations in sweden or denmark looking for pilots?
My JAA ATPL I/R is restricted to multicrew only.

Thank you for your time,

Safe flying,


5th Dec 2003, 03:22
Try Aviation Assistance in EKRK. Regards Twin2040.

pilot dude
5th Dec 2003, 15:55
How do you get an Multicrew restriction on your licence??

I'm just curious


5th Dec 2003, 23:01
Twin,Thank you.

I have a restricted licence to an "IR multicrew" only because I converted my FAA ATPL to a JAA one by doing a type rating(Atpl skill test) and IR skill test at the same time.(for initial licence issue observed by a CAA FOI)
I havent flown the typical CPL and IR as it would have been more expensive than doing a two in one exam in a multicrew type A/C.

So I cant fly single pilot IR in europe.


8th Dec 2003, 03:53

As far as I remember, in order to fly single crew, all you need is a proficiency check as such, that is, do a proficiency check (PC) on any single crew aircraft, doing checklists, radio and all yourself, and you should be good to go. This goes for all, if your latest PC is done in a multi crew environment (as in sim with a copilot, instructor in the back) or with the intructor as NFP, then you cannot fly in single pilot operations (unless your former single pilot ops PC is valid).

When you get a job, you would have to do an OPC anyway, in this case, it does not matter what your last PC/OPC was regarding single/multi crew.

Hope it clarified it, otherwise, look it up i JAR FCL ...

9th Dec 2003, 19:08
hi the drop,
Thank you for your answer...it makes sense..
So single pilot ops operators HERE I COME!!!



pilot dude
9th Dec 2003, 21:17
Are there actually many single pilot operators in Sweden. I thought that all commercial Taxi/freight ops in JAR states have to be multi crew (unless you fly private)


22nd Feb 2004, 03:43

I am really interested in flying in the north of europe. Does anybody knows if there are non-scnadinavian speaking pilots in norway, denmark, sweden or finland ?
Would it be an advantage to speak also fluent french and german ?

Thanks for your comments.

26th Feb 2004, 01:04
M.85, I sent you a private message.

As for non-scandinavian speaking pilots, I know that one company in Denmark uses pilots from all over the world. That is an exception though and it's usually to get cheaper labor.

26th Feb 2004, 09:25
No I didn't.....but I wish I did.

I am actually interested in the FAA conversion he did.

26th Feb 2004, 21:49
Hi trolle,

The rumors are correct..i got a 737 job.
About the conversion FAA-JAA, you need to tell me your experience level.YOu may want to call the CAA office in Gatwick for further and more accurate response.They are rather quick to answer the phone..
If you have as i read a CPL FAA..you will need to seat all 14 exams.
I suggest if you have the possibility (time and money) to do it at OAT in the uK and full time.In 7 months youll be done..its a **** time but with efforts you ll get the hardest behind..also sharing a house with classmates helps a lot..always one in the house who knowsthe answer..
After that,youllhave to get your CPL(no minimum time..the better you are the quickest it is),do it inthe summer..winter is hell for VFR flying.
Then a minimum of 15 hours for your IR..bewrae the hour is very expensive..
Depending on your experience you ay want to consider a type rating..but you need a rather good backround for it to be usefull..

I dont see anything else at the moment..just remember it WILL pay off,just hang in there do your best..and one day when you least expect it..youll be flying a shiny jet with a top model for paint job...



27th Feb 2004, 16:24
Hi M.85

sorry to jump on this thread but could you check your PMs please, quite an urgent question:8


27th Feb 2004, 21:49

You have mail:p :E
