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1st Dec 2003, 10:41
Qantas announce its new low cost domestic airline would be called Jetstar.

The airline will use new Airbus A320 aircraft from June next year and will eventually have an all-A320 fleet.

Jetstar will fly new A320 aircraft featuring 177 leather seats and an inflight audio entertainment system.

The domestic leisure market is growing rapidly and now represents over 60 per cent of all passengers. Jetstar will concentrate on growing this market with value fares while opening up new destinations.

The Qantas Board had last week approved a number of initiatives for Qantas’ domestic operations, including the:

· selection of Impulse Airlines as the operating entity for the low cost carrier;

· placement of an initial order for 23 A320s for the low cost carrier;

· reorganisation of the full service Qantas domestic airline into a two-class jet operation on all services, using only two aircraft types – Boeing 737s and 767s; and

· acquisition of an additional five Boeing 737-800 aircraft for the full service domestic airline to replace the airline’s last 737-300s and further modernise the fleet.

Using Impulse as the operating entity and with new aircraft, new slimline seats, a new booking system and innovative products, Qantas is confident Jetstar will be the lowest cost operator in Australia.

The start-up of Jetstar will add to the overall strength of the Qantas flying product, which currently comprises:

· Qantas International, offering 540 services each week to 77 destinations in 33 countries;

· Australian Airlines, the full service international leisure carrier, offering 50 flights each week to 11 destinations in six countries;

· Qantas Domestic, offering more than 2,500 flights each week; and

· QantasLink, the regional airline, offering more than 2,500 flights each week.

The purchase of the A320s and 737-800s will not stress the company’s balance sheet.

We will remain within our desired gearing level. The domestic market is strong and the international market is returning quickly from the effects of SARS and the war in Iraq. All our businesses are profitable.

Jetstar will begin selling seats in February 2004 and start flying in May 2004, using 14 Boeing 717s currently operated by Impulse Airlines under the QantasLink brand. The first Airbus A320 will be delivered in June 2004 and Jetstar will, over time, move to an all A320 fleet.

While the initial order is for 23 A320s, we can acquire more of these aircraft as Jetstar grows. As we said in October, Jetstar will operate a minimum of 23 aircraft by mid-2005.

The A320 family is used by two of the world’s most successful low cost carriers, Jetblue and EasyJet, and it has an outstanding track record, including excellent fuel efficiency.

The airline’s route network and fare structure will be announced in January 2004.

The Board’s approval for the acquisition of an additional five Boeing 737-800s highlights the full service airline’s strategy of simplifying its fleet to include only two aircraft types – Boeing 737s and 767s.

The new 737-800s, to be delivered next year, will replace the airline’s last 737-300s. The 737-800 is more fuel efficient and cost effective than the 737-300 and it offers more spacious cabins, more headroom and larger windows.

Qantas has taken delivery of 20 737-800s since February 2002 and another three of these aircraft will join the fleet by the middle of next year.

The additional five aircraft approved by the Board will take the total Qantas 737-800 fleet to 28. This will result in a large, uniform and more modern fleet for the full service airline and this will deliver further improvements to utilisation, reliability and on-time performance.

The full service Qantas domestic airline will continue to offer award-winning inflight entertainment – including video news, movies, sitcoms and sport shows as well as up to 10 channels of audio programs – and the popular Frequent Flyer program.

Qantas will maintain its ongoing investment in domestic product, both in the air and on the ground, including the extensive network of Qantas Club lounges.

Business and leisure travellers using the full service airline will continue to have access to an extensive range of discount fares. As well, the simpler domestic fare structure introduced in June has allowed travellers to mix and match one way fares to combine affordability and flexibility to better suit individual needs.

red rat
1st Dec 2003, 11:35
Virgin Blue you better watch your market! we're playing your game now!

QF skywalker
1st Dec 2003, 14:28
Ok everyone here are all the details

New Website - http://www.jetstar.com.au

Australia's newest domestic airline, Jetstar, today unveiled its brand and livery featuring a design inspired by the Southern Cross.

Chief Executive of Jetstar, Alan Joyce, said the brand and livery had been developed after extensive customer research that covered not only design elements, but also the image positioning of the airline.

"Jetstar will offer a fresh and open approach to air travel, and be committed to offering its customers the lowest fares," Mr Joyce said.

"Jetstar is about simplicity and fun, and we wanted our brand to encapsulate those qualities."

He said the Jetstar brand design was based on the Southern Cross, with the orange star in the Jetstar logo representing the smallest star of the Cross, Epsilon Crucis - the only five point star in the Southern Cross as it is represented on the Australian flag.

"The airline's colours - orange, silver and black - were chosen for their bold, modern feel. It is a combination that appeals to all age groups, and really sets us apart from any other airline," Mr Joyce said.

Sydney-based design firm Moon Design and Melbourne advertising agency, Dewey and Horton collaborated on the design with Jetstar's marketing team.

View the Jetstar livery and brand on their website www.jetstar.com.au.

Issued by Qantas Corporate Communication (J0)

1st Dec 2003, 15:33
Let's hope that jetstar doesn't become the " deathstar" for airline working conditions in australia.

Heaps of ex ansett staff keen and and a never ending queue of airline wannnabes out there prepared to work for a lot less that virgin or Q.F. Nothing will change that fact .

Fasten your seat belts folks It's going to get rough. Glad I won't be aboard !

Take care .

12th Dec 2003, 13:00
Someone had to come up with a negative attitude. JetStar is all good news for the airline industry here. And by the way, if you disagree with the pay, conditions etc, well then just don't apply!!

I dont like the livery though. It looks a bit American and tired. But we can wait, maybe in the flesh it will look better.

12th Dec 2003, 14:34
I don't mind it, I don't think its as snappy as DJ's and it doesn't come anywhere near my favourite livery.... QF....

Aww, ain't I a tosser! heheh :O

13th Dec 2003, 07:06
missleadfoot -
I will be working harder, doing more day trips, more sectors and serving more pax. I will be getting ALOT less money for doing so (around $10K less!). I may also lose staff travel. I will also cease to be a 'full service' flight attendant.

I have been with the Pulse 3 years and seen some changes, let me tell you. All have onwards and upwards. We have a great environment now. High FA to pax ratio. And happy customers as we offer a somewhat decent service (except Double Catered flights...) and great legroom. I stand to lose all that. I will be working a Greyhound with wings.

Really. It has hard to be rejoycing about a drop in income and more strenuous working conditions. Also job satisfaction won't take long to go either.

Excuse me for not being ecstatic. :hmm:

I am keen to be proven otherwise, people. We shall see.

**positive** I am not a total pesimist... I think the livery is great and the name is far better than some I heard being bantered around! It isn't all bad... (Mostly. But not all.)

13th Dec 2003, 13:41
I didn't know and still don't know the impact this will have on the current Impulse employees and just want to let you know my message wasn't intended for them, or you.
What is going to happen to you guys? Are you going to be transfered to JetStar in your current capacity? What about your benefits? I know you worked hard to get them.
Did you have a feeling this would happen? Will you all be transfered or do you have to reapply for your position? Are your salaries going to be the same or are you under another contract?
Sorry for the questions but this industry is so shaky at the moment. I turned down Impulse for another flying job, I think I dis the right thing,

14th Dec 2003, 10:50

Another accurate and observant post. Impulse crew worked so hard to get their existing conditions . The struggle will have to start all over again . Good luck to you all.

16th Dec 2003, 23:30
Have to say i was hoping that Jetstar was going to be a Jetblue style carrier or atleast an Impulse style one. A 'quality' low carrier.

I guess i shouldnt say too much untill they have flown atleast one sector :D QF may be playing games and the first passengers will get a BIG suprise when the board the aircraft, hmmmm im kidding myself :hmm:

Not that im going to let it stop me from applying, I'll soon find out if loco flying is for me :P

19th Dec 2003, 01:38
It's very quiet on the Jetstar scene at the moment. Someone must know something.:confused:

Come on people give us some goss.

20th Dec 2003, 22:57
Hey guys, just reading through an article about Jetstar. Apparently they arent going to transfer luggage (so if you are on a connecting flight you have to recollect and recheck your luggage) to save more $$$. now i cant see how they are going to replace QF in the domestic scene with something like that, with the amount of connecting traffic that goes on in australia especially from smaller ports (DRW, ASP etc) should be interesting especially since DJ transfer.

Either i have gotten the wrong end of the stick (yes its happened once or twice b4 :\ ) or there are going to be a few not too happy campers out there. Anyone out there who has a better source than Newscorp :ugh:

Im just slightly worried about Jetstar eating away at QFdomestic. With 20 32Xs on order with another 40 on option it seems as if Jetstar may be the way of the future, Mind you there are still something like 75 options on the 73Hs arent there. Good Luck all those at mainline.