View Full Version : Australian Airlines

25th Nov 2003, 05:23
Just wanting to ask any AA crew about Cairns, the aircraft, overnights etc. Thinking of applying!

What's the morale like?
Are the aircraft (B767) new?
Do they have seat back videos?
What service is provided?
How many overnights do you get a roster?
Are you able to bid for flights? for days off?

On a different note - what are the favourite destinations?

Any information shared would be appreciated.

red rat
25th Nov 2003, 07:54
The aircraft are not new they are like majorly OLD but on the other hand well maintained. They are leased aircraft from the Qantas fleet. From memory they have the 767-338s please correct me if i am wrong.

There are no seat back videos it's entirely full econonmy service. Just the normal projector screens and headsets. All economy food etc. They have duty free stuff. Very friendly service...your holiday starts as soon as you step onboard the aircraft. The morale is really great fresh and new. The uniform looks alot better in the flesh in fact it's stunning the kangaroo is soooo cute. but doesn't tend to breathe so well in sticky humid places.

Be aware AO do not pay penalties in the first couple of months of traniing. You will have to relocate to CNS at your own expense and find accomodation etc. I think the first couple of months or so are also monthly pay.

Working long haul is great wit this airline most legs are as long as a normal working shift and the timezones does not vary too much.

27th Nov 2003, 11:32
Thanks to you both!! Sounds good. Happy flying!

28th Nov 2003, 19:22
I have to agree, aircraft are ex QF B767-338 and not the most modern but easy to operate on. Work is shared almost evenly and op's try to make sure everyone gets a good distribution of destinations. No bidding system as yet.

Best destinations.......

1)....Sabah, cause I havent been there and have heard it's fab.

2)....Bali, hotel is a 10 min drive from airport, great resort but low allowances. Great fun and cheap. Not a money trip but good fun and DVD's are only $2.50

3)....Hong Kong, great night life and allowances, bad rooms

4)....Singapore, chilli crab, shopping and good hotel

5)....Fukuoka, great hotel , 3 day layovers. Make your money here.

6)....Osaka, fab hotel, huge rooms for Japan lots of shopping and food close by, unfortunately a 1 hour bus ride to the hotel. Not nice.

7)....Nagoya, nice quaint hotel, great location, hard beds and pillows, rooms very small. Great party place. Hotel is ok if you like CNN, thats the only english channel you get.

This is only my preference, others may have a different view. edit... took out the hotel names; even though non-specific am very sensitive about naming crew hotels for a variety of reasons. Ta.

28th Nov 2003, 20:03
"125 hours max per 28 day roster, 9 rdos'."

Followed up by:

"Sounds good"

Are you completely and utterly pissed?! On what freaking planet does 125 hours in 28 days sound good????

28th Nov 2003, 20:33
Try a max rostered hrs of 125 hrs per mth but you can be extended to do a max of 140hrs per mth with roster changes!! And that happens more often than not!
Welcome to the world of NJS Qantaslink!

29th Nov 2003, 02:47
Heheh Cart_tart you got it easy!

Our friends at Eastern can be rostered up to 152 hours in a 28 day period with only 8 days off. Usually they are around 120-130 but of course with delays and stuff ups by the end of the 28 days it's up around 140.

I know that AO crew can be rostered up to 125 hours per 28 days, but does anyone know what the usual roster range actually is?

Ta muchly

29th Nov 2003, 04:23

Anything other than 160 +hours chained to a desk in monochromatic conservative office environment having to feed the egos of men with equally monochromatic personalities who insist on complaining about how the market's affecting their multitude of investments .....(ad infinitum) SOUNDS GOOD TO ME!!!



29th Nov 2003, 05:58
God, I'm lucky to get away with less 200+ hrs in a 28 day period. 8 days off in the same period.

29th Nov 2003, 09:26
If you want to look at AO EBA go to www.faaa.net .. click on Australian airlines section... then click on EBA

Although we can be blocked to a maximum of 125 hours in a 28 day period , in reality it is a lot less...

Quote from EBA 25.2.1

"The total duty hours for any cabin crew shall not exceed 1365 duty hours per annum; this is an average of 105 duty hours per roster..................................."

My last two 28 day rosters have been 94 duty hours (75 stick) and 102 duty hours (79 stick)

sound good to me

29th Nov 2003, 17:50
Hi 604chic
Just to add to the information you are gathering..... I've never worked over 105 hours in 28 days in my last 15 rosters. We also have days that aren't assigned a duty and you may or may not work (it's up to you generally). You can't bid for trips, but you can request a specific block of days home once every 12 weeks. Leave is 4 weeks every 8 months (6 weeks/year).

Red Rat
our 763s aren't "majorly old", they came off the production line in the 90s which in aircraft terms isn't old. There's 737s flying around that were 1980s production a/c

take it easy girlfriend, don't work too hard if you can help it and remember slippery..... in expensive land

29th Nov 2003, 17:54
Yes flitegirl, there are slippery things in expensive land!
I also know that there are loud and excited people there too!

I think you lot have it easy at AO! Oh for your life! I'd love to swan around Sabah for 4 days! Instead i'm stuck doing the do in Paraburdoo!

Eastern sounds like it sux...remind me not to join there!

30th Nov 2003, 16:44
Just so the prospect of working 125hrs a month doesn't scare anyone off, I have have never been blocked more than 90. Anyway, if you were to be blocked the 125 cap, so what, you still get your secured days off and if you are flying more it means more $$$ in allowances. Unless they were really under crewed I would find it hard to see anyones roster blocked at 125. My average has been 70-90 hrs.

QF skywalker
1st Dec 2003, 14:55
Cart_tart - I think you should give AO a shot - the Japanese pax would definetley love a "very loud excited girl" at 0300hrs on the way to CNS from KIX. But just watch out for that french lady in the bathrobe and hairrollers - I heard she likes to knock on doors and complain ;)

2nd Dec 2003, 16:27
mid assist
"Eveybody is equal at AO (except Cabin Managers) "

As Pauline would say >>> Please explain!

And working hours.. Lets be realistic here.. Try 90something a month for good measure.

9 days plus 2-3 avail/IPD days

2nd Dec 2003, 20:43
yes cino...I'm also interested to hear the reason why CMs are not equal...
we can all play just as hard as the FAs!!

3rd Dec 2003, 13:30
So, is there a perception that F/A and CM's are rostered inequally?? Paid disproportionately?

What's the story?

Thanks to everyone so far for their responses - helped enormously.

3rd Dec 2003, 15:11
guys, guys..... let's not get so pedantic now!

Cabin Managers get paid more (obviously).

But there is no "seniority" or "bidding" among crew regarding rosters.

Sometimes official 2nd language speakers may get rosters with a greater distribution of trips to the countries where their language is needed.... ie hong kong/cantonese

flitegirl, found this post as a "new thread" on the forum. I think you meant it to be here instead, so I merged it in. Hope that was your intention.

4th Dec 2003, 18:25
I heard today that AO has a new destination......Darwin!

Flying Darwin to Singapore (I believe....can't remember all the details).

Hope you guys get some more exciting destinations soon.


4th Dec 2003, 21:35
yes that is correct vdd.
we will be flying a cns-drw-sin shuttle twice a week from May 2004.
next training school is scheduled for Jan 5th 2004, with another to follow after that ( no confirmed dates as yet ).
good luck all!

5th Dec 2003, 00:36
are new recruits still being offered full time positions?

mid assist
5th Dec 2003, 07:50
There seems to be alittle bit of confusion on what i had wrote on a previous msg.

Yes everyone at AO is equal....i may not have chosen my words well... i mean as a structural way..... No supervisors in y class etc etc... apologies to anybody at AO who was offended.

The equal word is suppose to mean if someone has been with company for a year and someone is on there first day. No seniority.......

5th Dec 2003, 14:31
The Jan 5th school is all full time, permanent crew. AO at this stage has no casual or part time workforce.

Mid...no worries or offence taken!

QF skywalker
5th Dec 2003, 14:36
L1P - Do you know how many people will be in the 05 Jan ground school ? you also mentioned that another ground school will follow after....will this be directly after group 22 graduate or will they have to wait a few months before the next ground school.

People who were interviewed in the recent group interviews have been told panel interviews will be held in CNS in February so maybe they are only looking to form a waitlist from this recent recruitment ?

Any Ideas ?:confused:

5th Dec 2003, 22:23
Hi all,

I have made it to the panel interview in Feb and was told I will recieve my confirmation of date and time this month.

Has anybody else heard any news?

Was there previous discussion about the next aircraft arriving in May/June? I can't remember, but maybe that's what this recruitment is for.......I'm purely speculating here, as I believe this recruitment is for a hold file.

All the best guys,

6th Dec 2003, 21:23
As far as I know group 21 will have 16 trainees, which is the usual number.

As for group 22 there is no confirmed date yet, we are/will be fully crewed after 21 graduates. Will not really require crew until May when we start the DRW flights. That is, unless something unforeseen happens ( like crew resigning after Xmas etc).

12th Dec 2003, 11:26
Hey guys,

Just letting you all know I revieved my confirmation to the Stage 4 interview in February today!

Has anybody else heard. It is on Saturday the 14th of Feb. Will be a group assesment and will be for 5.5 hours!

Have a great day and good luck everyone and see you in Cairns!



12th Dec 2003, 15:31
Good luck RaverFlaver.

Hopefully Valentine's Day will be lucky for you in more ways than one.;)

12th Dec 2003, 19:12
Good luck RaverFlaver - congrats on the good news.

I didn't realise the next stage was another group assessment - I thought the next stage was a panel interview.

So does this mean (for those who are successful) you go through two group assessments to get to the panel interview?

RaverFlaver - is the day just a group assessment or does it break in the afternoon for panel interviews?

Hope I haven't created mass confusion here!:} :D

12th Dec 2003, 20:21
Thanks so much for your well wishes guys - very kind :D

In the email I recieved it stated the day will be 5.5 hours long, and my group assesment starts at 10 am. I'm assuming they have put us in groups maybe for testing and height measurements ect and then we will split for our panel interviews ect. This is the final interview I believe, so I don't think it will be group orientated all day, I'm sure that's just one small aspect of it.

Good luck to you all - I hope you hear soon, and I look forward to meeting you at the interview!

All the best guys,


QF skywalker
13th Dec 2003, 02:57
the competition amongst candidates appears to be TOUGH - this whole process is cleary harder than the QF L/H process - must be really hard for them to choose if they are having another group assesment then panel - far out !

13th Dec 2003, 17:10
Wasn't it fun!!! something really different and stuff to get the adrenalin going! I loved it!!! Did anyone think it was really fun?

14th Dec 2003, 10:09

I wish you all the best. You have been posting for a while and I know how much you want to get into the other part of airline work. I'm sure they will see how much you want this.


I am just a bit confused how you can already be confirmed for stage 4. I didn't even know they had a stage 4. You also mentioned it may contain the height mesurements. I'm not doubting you but from previous interviews with AO and QF that is all done on the first day, the first thing you do so they can eleminate those under or over.

Maybe they are doing things differently now but it seems terrible they are putting people through to the next stage who ultimately will have no chance anyway due to the height restrictions.

Good luck and let us know how you go.

14th Dec 2003, 14:40
Goodluck guys and gals.

Should be an interesting few years at Australian. Was reading one of Dixon's announcements the other day where he mentions a second aircraft type for AO for possible new destinations :ooh: 332s anyone (can they do SIN ATH? SYD-BOM?)

Im sooo annoyed i didnt get my crap together and apply now ! Oh well there is always Jetstar :p


14th Dec 2003, 16:44
Hey everyone,

Just to clear the situation, I am living in Tokyo and have been in contact with AO in quite detail due to living in Tokyo. Based on this they gave me a telephone interview to decide whether they would want me to come to the next stage, they said based on my telephone interview that will not require me to come to the prelim interview (just passed in Nov) and that I will be put straight through to the final stage in February. Given my situation I think they have given me slightly earlier notice than others due to making international flight arrangements.

I was only specualting about the height measurements ect, sorry to confuse the situation or mislead anyone.

I don't know when you will hear but I think it will be this coming week sometime as I'm sure by now they have worked out who they want from the Nov interviews.

I wish everyone the best and do hope you all make it to the next stage.

Will be great to chat and get to know each other at the next stage!

Good luck all

Raver :D

15th Dec 2003, 17:56
Missleadfoot thanks for the great support and encouragement you have been giving me. I'm "dying" to get my wings! right now i'm on the right 'tracks' lol ... I just got to get off them now haha

19th Dec 2003, 08:23
A friend from Brisbane was advised yesterday that he is through to Stage 4 and he is required to be Cairns on 31 January 2004 at 10.00am.

Hopefully, the rest of you guys will also find out soon. I think he said he was advised by letter.

wine o babe
19th Dec 2003, 16:54
Just to let all of yu out there that the Adelaide people also heard this week and not alot got through! They have been told their interviews are in Cairns on 7th Feb 2004.
The word going around with AO is that most ex-AN F/A's didn't do much for them and that only a selected few go through.Apparently the ex-AN F/A's in MEL stuffed it up for the rest of the candidates because they were" a bit cocky and full of themselves". This is only going on what I have been told by a pretty good source.
Any way good luck to everyone who is through to the next stage.

19th Dec 2003, 18:31
I got the letter yesterday and:{ :sad: and I didn;t make it.. :ouch: oh well, next time.. :\ feel sad, I wanted the job so bad, I had the right timing..
Now I just try to finish my degree, than try again next time..

I hope all others got good news apart from me. :ugh:


20th Dec 2003, 11:00
wine o babe, sorry but I must disagree with your comments re AO not liking AN crew.

AO will judge each applicant on their individual merits, not whether they have or have not worked for a particular airline. If the ex-AN people in MEL behaved a certain way then that is not necessarily a reflection on every person who worked for AN. That is a HUGE generalisation!! Perhaps those people will need to reasses their strategies for dealing with an interview if they hope to get another airline job any time soon.

There are plenty of ex-AN people who are smart, talented, likeable and very good FAs. Many of these are already working for airlines both here and overseas. You may be interested to know that a high percentage of AO FAs are in fact ex-AN.

I know of several people who have heard they are successful through to Stage 4 of the AO interview process and know of at least 2 different dates, so to answer Dr Phil's question I think at least 50 were successful through the first round of interviews if not more.

Hope that helps and Merry Christmas!

20th Dec 2003, 11:12
Thanks for your comments SYDGIRL. I'm glad you said it before I did but thought it better to respond at 0500 when I was really tired. I couldn't agree with you more. Some ex-AN candidates may have blown it for themselves but I think its important to have faith in the AO recruitment process and the recruiters.

Good luck to all

22nd Dec 2003, 18:54
Ex AN...

Does it really matter!

You could be a Ex dental Nurse

You are judged on who you are and how you present yourself on the day!

Lets keep it simple and keep the BS out of this forum


25th Dec 2003, 17:22
Hi guys and girls,

Just wondering how the tech crew relate with the cabin crew at AO? Is it friendlier than QF or has the "us and them" crew issues infiltrated AO as well? Is the socialising in CNS also as good as they say, like one big happy family? How many crew are there in CNS now?


QF skywalker
26th Dec 2003, 08:59

One of my best friends and others i know fly for AO and there is definetley no "us v's them" regarding cabin and tech crew - they all stay in the same hotel and hang out together etc

I have heard many stories and they are all good about the tech crew, they are happy to be associated with AO as many of them were seconded from QF.

Actually happened to have a have a few beers with some of their tech crew not long ago and I am most impressed with their attitude towads cabin crew.

26th Dec 2003, 14:26

Being one of the AO cabin crew, I can confirm that AO tech crew are generally very friendly towards FAs. As far as I know, AO's tech crew have to go through a long selection process, especially personality wise, so they are the friendly bunch from QF.

Yes, we do stay in the same hotel, but due to their EBA is different from FA's, they may not finish the whole trip with the same FAs. There may be a change of tech crew due to operating hour restrictions.

It's really up to you if you want to mingle with tech crew or not. But we all work together, no so called "QF attitudes" amongst tech & cabin crew. I quite enjoy going out with them, or sometimes just chill out by myself. Can't get enough of flying.

29th Dec 2003, 19:33
FYI: the next AO training school has been postponed to Jan 26th due to additional police checks now required under Australian Law.

No further schools have been scheduled after this one.

The relationship btn tech crew and cabin crew is excellent...in fact sometimes too good!! If you know what I mean!

Good luck to all those waiting for the next round of interviews.

29th Dec 2003, 21:58
Do you know if this will also postpone any QF training schools going through now or in the near future? By the sound of it, i guess it would?

3rd Jan 2004, 11:01
Hello all,

I was wanting to know if anyone could help me or point me in the right direction.

I'm looking for further information on AO, for example, number of employees, future destinations, expansion plans, and general company information. I did have a look on their website though it doesn't seem to list a great deal of info.

Are there any AO crews who could help me out or anyone else in the know.

Your help and advice would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,

Raver :D

3rd Jan 2004, 19:33
Hey, Im not AO Crew but have been listening quite closely.

Future destinations: DRW-SIN (YAY:ok: ) India has been talked about via SIN, ATH always talked about, Shanghai, Canada via HNL mentioned (only one i know is for sure is DRW)

Expansion: Dixon recently said AO were looking into a second aircraft type for future destinations

3rd Jan 2004, 19:57
Thanks so much for that V8 you have helped heaps.

Pardon my ignorance, however is ATH Athens or another port? Sorry :confused:

Thanks again,


4th Jan 2004, 11:02
Yep ATH is Athens...


if your ever unsure.....

4th Jan 2004, 12:00
wonderful, thanks ozskipper :D

4th Jan 2004, 16:20
i only received "the thank you but no thanks letter from AO. "
oh well, better luck next time.
good luck to all who pass to go to the next stage.
all the best!!!!!:ok:

airhead boy
20th Jan 2004, 18:12
I was wondering if anyone else had a interview on the 6th feb ....

Has anyone else done their interview for the 4th round , and can offer any information .


QF skywalker
23rd Jan 2004, 18:02
Question - Anybody know any ports other than "Shanghai" that AO have OFFICIALLY mentioned as ports under consideration for further expansion ?

Good luck to everyone out there going for their 4th stage AO interviews in the coming weeks - I believe Jan 31, Feb 7 and Feb 14 are all final interview dates for this current recruitment drive which started in Nov 2003.:ok:

mid assist
24th Jan 2004, 15:41
DRW/SIN only route confirmed..... PVG (shanghai) possible late october... from Cairns only...

no other rumours

My tip to anybody having an interview later this month... Think like a flight attendant for Australian Airlines, and be ready for a challenging interview.

Goodluck to all..... hope to see you in the air soon!

26th Jan 2004, 16:22
Hey All,

I'm new to all of this and am looking at applying for a cabin crew position, ideally with Australian Airlines. Having lived in Japan for the last year I have acquired some experience with the language and culture.

Any advice on getting started would be very much appreciated.

According to the Australian Airlines website they are not recruiting at the moment, does anyone have any idea when they may be? Also on average how many people do they recruit at a time (or does it vary).

Recommendations for other airlines who are recruiting cabin crew at the moment?

Thanks in advance

23rd Mar 2004, 05:02
Hello all,

I have read about the rostered time on ect for AO, however was wanting to know more about how your rostered time off works. For example do you get days blocked off. Say work a pattern of 6 days on then 4 days off?

I understand it may vary a lot, but any idea of the type of days off or pattern you have for them would be very much appreciated, as I have no idea about this apsect.

Thanks so much

Raver :)

24th Mar 2004, 06:46
As you mentioned there is no set periods of days off after trips, except for the periods which come under our award.

eg time away from base less than 24 hours- 12 hours rest, incl 1 local night.

t.a.b greater than 24 hours but less than 72 hours-18 hours rest, incl 1 local night.

t.a.b greater than 72 hours-36 hours rest, incl 2 local nights.

We have 9 rdos per 28 day period. A typical roster might include 2 3day trips, one 4 day trip and one 7 day trip.

Although we spend a fair amount of time away from Cairns, the duty hours are generally in the 90-110 hours per 28 days.



QF skywalker
24th Mar 2004, 07:12

I assume you also received the email the rest of us on the "active hold" list did last week from AO ?

I'm impressed with AO, good to see they keep their candidates in the loop.


24th Mar 2004, 11:39
L1P - thanks so much for your information on that one. It is much appreciated :)

QFSkywalker - yep got the email too, now we play the waiting game he he he. Hoping it's not too long before there is some movement.

Have a great day guys and thanks again!

Raver :)

24th Mar 2004, 11:50
Hi Guys...

Have heard Aug 1st 2004 for next ground school...will keep you posted if this changes.

Good Luck!


24th Mar 2004, 11:57
L1P - wonderful, thank you so much for the info. You're a gem!

Raver :)

25th Mar 2004, 10:44
Hey, I heard that training school would be next year Jan, thats what i heard, maybe recieved wrong info anyway. Thats good news to hear its going to be August :)

good luck to all;)

Has anyone heard about that new low cost singapore airline, starting flying to CNS.

26th Mar 2004, 04:15
Perhaps that groundschool in August is to fill in spaces for the current crew and fleet that is flying. It may be awhile yet before anyone further down the list starts. Ranjha I also heard it was January.

There are some rumours that AO might get some A330s??? is this seriously a wacky rumour or is there some truth?

1st Apr 2004, 05:43
Hello all,

Is there anyone who can tell me about training.

I was curious about the days of training, is it simply Monday to Friday with weekends off, or is it Monday to Saturday with Sunday off? Just wanted to find out as a friend who crews for CX said his training consisted of Saturdays as well.

Ta heaps for your help.

Raver :)

QF skywalker
9th Apr 2004, 10:12

As far as I understand the first week is done in CNS then off to SYD for 2 weeks? for EP's. Then back to CNS to finish ground school then....up,up and away. I don't think weekends were included but definetely late nights at the QF EP centre practising drills etc - save your voice....you will need it ! :D

9th Apr 2004, 14:15
Out of curiosity can any of the CNS based ppruners out there give some figures on how much rent is in CNS? In particular....the spots closest to the runway pref with a convenient balcony to sit back with my Tiro and magazines lol

10th Apr 2004, 17:58
Thanks QF Skywalker,

Thought it was something like that.

Hope you're well and having fun.

Raver :)

QF skywalker
20th Apr 2004, 06:01
Heard today that some people have been called for a ground school start date sometime in June. It appears that these people were part of the "friends of AO crew" recruitment held in September 2003 and not part of the national external recruitment in November 2003. Can anyone else ( L1P ) confirm this ?

I would assume this recruitment is just to fill in gaps in crewing levels and not part of the preparation for the next 767-300ER arrival ?

Also heard that CNS-Sapporo ( spelling ? ) is on the cards.


20th Apr 2004, 06:41
Hmmm interesting, no idea though.

Do you think they might recruit again this year??? Also how often do they do the "Friends of" drive?

Does anyone know?

I would LOVE to work for Australian, more than any other but it just seems they arent recruiting anytime soon :confused:

En Avion
20th Apr 2004, 08:35
Hey QF Mike

Cairns rent is not all that expensive, and I think just about anywhere gets you a good view of the flightpath... or at least a good earful of it!

For a decent place you're looking at about $240 a week, but there's some really cheap and nasty ones as well!

For views... you can't go past Yorkey's Knob... shame I can't afford to live there... but otherwise Machan's Beach is pretty good- or anywhere on Lake St in North Cairns (but very noisy).

Hope that's a help...

20th Apr 2004, 10:52
En Avion, you got it right, Lake Street is noisy but its all good. wakes me up every morning 5am., when AO aircrafts just go over the top about 4 after every 15 minutes :p ..

I would say $140, you could get a good 2 bedroom unit with AC, pool, garuagg in lake st, which is one street behind the esplanade.

Edge Hill is closest suburb, near the airport. or if ya looking for a view, than you are looking at around about $190 mark. :suspect: :=


21st Apr 2004, 12:32
Thanks for all the great info on life in Cairns :)
Just wondering, for the flight attendants who transferred from interstate, did you drive your car up? or are you finding it easy to get around without it?
Is there any news on when the next round of recruitment may be?

thanks in advance,

""Scuse me.. while I kiss the sky......""

21st Apr 2004, 13:02
Can't confirm the June dates...haven't heard anything guys!

We have lost a handful of crew in the last few weeks to Jetstar/Virgin/promotion however don't believe this has had too much of an impact.

Rents are not that cheap Ranja...well not in Edge Hill anyway! Looking at minimum $240 for anywhere half decent.

Good luck all!


22nd Apr 2004, 02:50
in part

"Our extenal recruitment has given us 50 applicants for cabin crew positions, which is insufficient to crew the next acquired aircraft. These applicants are currently in an "on hold" position. I expect to undertake further external recruitment in September-October through the website-take no resumes!!"

Hope this helps

22nd Apr 2004, 09:02
QF Skywalker I also heard of a groundschool starting soon. My friend said she is doing a groundschool sooner. She said it was September though if I can remember rightly. Ill ask again later but June seems more realistic. She also is quite far from Cairns!

I am also guessing this is a groundschool to crew the current fleet.

The price of rent seemed a bit higher then what i first anticipated. It might be worthwhile sharing accommodation, it's not like your going to be home much anyway.

QF skywalker
22nd Apr 2004, 23:00
so there is 50 of us in waiting hey....hmmmmmmmmm

the plot thickens....................

QF skywalker
14th May 2004, 06:47
stop press !!

just got an email this afternoon - reference checks to begin happening next week for ground school in July or August.

Email said reference checks is not guarantee of employment or job offer as not all applicants will be offerred a spot in the July/August ground school.

Here weeeeee go !

14th May 2004, 11:50
Congrats QF Skywalker !!
It must feel good that somthing has started to happen !! I am sure you will be ok !! I am a little amazed as to why they AO didnt do all these check prior to you being placed on the short list like QF does ?? Keep us posted and you will be serving me before you know it... When i go to SABA for mu next holiday !!
Cheers !!

16th May 2004, 05:18
Stop Press!

I also got the same email as QFSkywalker!

Here WE go!

16th May 2004, 05:58
:ok: :ok: :ok: Congrats little one's.
Do hope good news is in the air for you Skywalker and Mickey.

My how this industry can change overnight, hmmm and how an overnight can change everything.

big kisses xxxx
:p :p :p

18th May 2004, 07:51
Yes guys, it looks like we will be putting through a couple of schools.

This is due to inefficient crew patterns, because we have pulled SIN-BKI-SIN crew aill now have 7 and 8 day trips to Sabah...which means less crew available to work...which is great news for everyone on the waitlist!

Fingers crossed for you all.


QF skywalker
18th May 2004, 08:15

Do you know approx how many people are going through ? I heard through a friend that there was only 14 of us ( out of the 50 on active hold ) that received the email to say reference checks will now be going ahead.

Other people I know received an email telling them they would be still be on "active hold" until the next ground school after the next planned july/aug ground school.

:D :D

18th May 2004, 15:35
Hello all,

I too got an email, however mine was not to proceed just yet.

My email stated that there will be a very limited number of people activated on the current wait list to proceed to the next stage and that I am not one of them, however my details are still on acitve hold.

I'm assuming I am holding for the next aircrraft delivery then.

Does anyone have anymore updates on the delivery date. Any rumors or assumptions out there from anyone?

I do know that an email was sent saying the next B763 would not be delivered until the A330's from QF domestic were configured to International cabins and put into Intl operation.

Hope to hear more soon.

Best of luck to all of you who were selected to proceed, I hope it takes off soon for you and that I eventually get to see you in the sky sometime :)

Have a great day.

Raver :)

QF skywalker
19th May 2004, 11:19

Thanks for your well wishes - I will be celebrating once I get a start date, but until then I am still just waiting around !

Mid assist just posted this in dunnunda forum...good news !

Australian Airlines announces new destination
A media release will be issued today (may19th) that Australian Airlines will commence flying Cairns-Sapporo-Cairns service from November 3rd 2004. Two services a week, wednesday and Saturday, through until March 25 2005. This route will be seasonal only.

19th May 2004, 12:00
I heard the place where we stay for training in Sydney is the Medina on crown street? What are the hours like for training? is it 12 hours a day?

19th May 2004, 12:21
Sugoi!!!! (cool)

That's great news re the Sapporo sectors. So here's hoping we are starting a bit before those dates!!! Fingers crossed.

Hopefuly not too long for us to go through our final process and get flying guys!


Raver :)

20th May 2004, 00:20
Hi there everyone,

Does anyone know if AO has a postal adress in Cairns?
I know there is one located in Sydney but was wondering if they had one for their Cairns Base?

Thanks in advance,

QF skywalker
20th May 2004, 08:10
some more info for those who want to know

AO7959 SYDCNS 0845 1045
AO7991 CNSCTS 1200 1920

AO7992 CTSCNS 2035 0555+1
AO7950 CNSSYD 0610 1000

AO crew will get 5 days slip in Saporro ( CTS ) - NICE YEN ALLOWANCES !!!

Time to hit the snow fields !

airport website for CTS - http://www.new-chitose-airport.co.jp/english/

6th Jun 2004, 09:33
Heya all,

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Just wanted to check in and see if anyone has any more updates with AO.

I have heard there are 2 schools going through in July, (14(?) from the 50 of us recruited from Feb this year)

With the new services to Sapporo starting in November, I would assume the rest of us will be pushed through for our medicals and training maybe in October?

What do you think?

Can any AO crew update us on any movement or dates with the next 767 delivery?

Your help is much appreciated.

Good luck with all of you going through next month - I hope you enjoy training and I look forward to hearing from you.

Take care all,

Good night,

Raver :)

QF skywalker
7th Jun 2004, 00:10
Raver ! Howdy ! Hope you are well !

I have heard through many people that there are two ground schools.

4 July ( training group 22 )

18 July ( training group 23 )

The rest of the on hold applicants will be put through when the next a/c arrives apparently. Group 22 and 23 shortlisters are all going through medicals as we speak.

Sounds like that 767 cabin simulator will be busy in SYD - two AO ground schools and one QF short haul ground school going through ( career progression school from eastern / sunstate )

7th Jun 2004, 01:29
Ta heaps for that QF Skywalker,

Any rumours on the delivery date of the 767?

Have a ball training in SYD and hope to see you in the sky real soon!

Raver :)

8th Jun 2004, 07:01
Hey Guys,

Just heard a rumour from a friend who works for AO.
AO is adding Perth to its network flying from India direct to Perth on 767-300.

:E more recruiting later on this year that means.

Goodluck for those who are starting training next month, have fun..:)


QF skywalker
8th Jun 2004, 10:58
I also heard the same news as Ranhja re: PER-BOM flights later in the year which is AGAIN great news for AO ! The AO desinations are just getting even better !

Another source told me that new uniform jackets are also on the way :ok:

Sorry Raver, no news re: next a/c arrival as yet.

8th Jun 2004, 12:08
Heya guys,

Cool re PER / BOM!!!

And good news re possible new jackets......I would hate to think what I would look like in the current jacket.....let's just say it's not my colour! Don't think orch is either, but I think I could pull it off! :)

Thanks for ur feedback QFskywalker re the next a/c delivery.....I'm eager to find out.....maybe I should ask current QF crew how the conversion on the A330 fleet from domestic to international is going?

Here is something I found on AO.....it's a good read. Enjoy.

Raver :)

Australian will grow, route and branch
By Steve Creedy
June 04, 2004
AUSTRALIAN Airlines expects to add at least an aircraft a year over the next three years as it expands its network and boosts frequencies on existing routes.

Largely forgotten in the fuss over Jetstar's launch, the Qantas all-economy international leisure airline is quietly bouncing back from last year's SARS epidemic, which at one stage forced it to ground the equivalent of 2.5 of its four aircraft.

The SARS crisis prompted Australian to bring forward flights aimed at outbound tourism - such as Melbourne-Bali, Sydney-Bali and Sydney-Sabah - and it has almost doubled its route network in the past year.

A fifth aircraft joined its fleet of distinctive ochre Boeing 767-300s last October and it plans to add a sixth aircraft next year, boosting capacity by 20 per cent.

Last month, it began flying between Darwin and Singapore, complementing Qantas flights and allowing it to connect with travellers from Asia and Europe.

It also announced it was adding a 13th port and its first seasonal destination, the Japanese city of Sapporo.

The addition means the airline flies 19 weekly services from four cities in Japan to Australian holiday destinations Cairns, Darwin, Sydney and the Gold Coast.

Australian began life 18 months ago as a means of allowing Qantas to service leisure routes that were proving marginal for the mainline international carrier.

It was part of Qantas's move to segment its flying, and this also led to last month's launch of low-cost domestic offshoot Jetstar.

Australian Airlines employs 425 people in Cairns and estimates that it directly and indirectly contributes $800 million to the Queensland economy.

It expects this to blow out to more than $1 billion as it expands next year.

Chief executive Andrea Staines expects that kind of growth to continue. She said the Cairns-based full-service carrier was well placed in a "sensible niche", with untapped leisure routes still awaiting discovery.

"Say, going out three years, which is about as far as we think on an annual basis ... at the moment we're looking at adding an aircraft at least each of those years," Ms Staines said.

"And when you add an aircraft, for us that's adding a new route or two and/or increasing frequencies.

"So it's what I'd call steady growth."

Ms Staines agreed that last year had been tough but said that being part of the Qantas group gave Australian a buffer against the downturn.

"On the other hand, we never had to go back to Qantas for more money," she said.

"So we didn't ever go through our initial loan on the balance sheet - we ran the business as absolutely tightly as we could.

"We were making money on budget through March of last year, and April, May, June we just bunkered down, basically."

Fares remained below pre-SARS levels, but Ms Staines said the airline was filling enough seats to remain profitable, with load factors "in the high 60s to low 70s".

In general, she said, loads had recovered to almost pre-SARS levels but yields remained a challenge, with fares up to 25 per cent below normal, depending on the route. "There's what I would call a SARS hangover worldwide on international leisure yields," she said.

"The industry needed to implement lower fares to get the world travelling again and we're still working our way through getting them back up to where we need them to be."

Although Ms Staines is watching closely the explosion of no-frills airlines in Southeast Asia, she does not see them as a direct threat.

She said the no-frills airlines were following the traditional low-cost carrier model focused on smaller aircraft operating short-haul, high-frequency, fast turnaround flights between major Asian cities.

"At the moment, none of them are looking to fly to Australia, because it's too small a market - the short-haul cities that are in range," she said.

"And so we really aren't overlapping. We continue to fly five to 8.5 hours, packaging holiday traffic where our market research tells us people are prepared to pay for the full-service provision."

QF skywalker
10th Jun 2004, 07:59
:O Well happy to announce officially got offered the job today with AO ( perm F/T )

Start 4 July.

woohoo !

10th Jun 2004, 08:02
Thats fantastic QFSkywalker!!! Brilliant!!

Glad to hear all the hard work has paid off....

Are you going to start a web diary of the training so we can all be there in spirit? Lol

Well done again hey.


cloud nine
10th Jun 2004, 08:41
Well done Skywalker,

Soooo happy for you!:) :) :)

See you in SYD and on my DPS flights ;) ;) ;)

A very big CONGRATS to you :ok: :ok: :ok:

10th Jun 2004, 08:48
Yay!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so happy for you!!!!! You must be ove the moon :)

It was great meeting you at our final, and I look forward to my call later in the year, and wokring those aisles with ya!


Raver :)

10th Jun 2004, 13:22
Just wondering guys in the AO groundschool whatss the go with attire? is it tie and suit during most of training? or tie/longsleaves? or will a neat polo suffice?


QF skywalker
12th Jun 2004, 01:24
Hey mike,

Have been told that they tell you the day before what attire is required for the next day. Apparently most days are long sleeve and tie. Some days are casual though and no tie required.

Also, male cabin crew must wear lace up shoes with uniform ( just in case you're shopping ! )

12th Jun 2004, 08:56
Thanks QFskywalker! Hmmm perfect excuse to go shoppy for new shoes! I'm glad I know what I should be packing now instead of 1 day before I go!

QF skywalker
20th Jun 2004, 02:46
Any AO crew willing to share with us a typical 2 or 4 weeks of your roster ? please ! :D :D

Really would love to see what a typical roster looks like.

20th Jun 2004, 14:06
I would also like to see any samples of typical AO crew rosters. I should hope that the different destinations are spread out so you can try different destinations for a change.

22nd Jun 2004, 06:22
Ok guys and girls finally the moment qfmike737 has been waiting for...

As of 5 minutes ago it's definately official I am with Australian Airlines July 4th! I'm packed and ready to go! I dont know where i'm staying yet in Cairns but I'm sure I'll find somewhere.

(Does anyone know of any cheap and cheerful places/hostels or anything to stay in for the first week of training?)

Thanks for EVERYONES support from Pprune you guys have been really helpful over the last 19 months. You have kept me motivated and I have enjoyed helping and meeting others!

22nd Jun 2004, 06:24
qfmike737 I am so happy for you!!!!

I would love to work for Australian.

I wish you the best of luck....

22nd Jun 2004, 08:52
qfmike737 - well done buddy!!!!! YAY! For you! :)

Make sure you and QF Skywalker have a ball in training, and hope to see ya's soon, have those roller skates waiting!

Raver :)

22nd Jun 2004, 16:13
Hi Raverflaver

I will keep in touch! I can't quite say I'll have wheels ready but I have just fitted a brand new set of John Wilson Gold Seals! They're great i tried them today!

I know guys i've hogged this thread but can any AO crew tell me what's the go with the luggage? I want to know what luggage to pack with me?

I heard that AO crew get supplied with one international size cabin bag and we have to buy the rest? Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Do I have supply my own bags for the longer trips? How many are recommended? size? colour? the rules etc? in a flurry doing last minute packing!!!

hey ozskipper I got a pressy for you!

Miss Pam Ann
23rd Jun 2004, 10:21
Hugs and kisses QF MIKE....Congrats on Australian Airlines in CNS.....well done luvvie...;) ;) ;)

MISS PAMela ANNderson xxx :ok: :ok: :ok:

23rd Jun 2004, 12:40
Well done Mike....

As for luggage...you are supplied with one `day bag' and one suit pack...as for the rest ( wheelie and suitcase) you will have to buy your own.

You may only have black luggage...non negotiable I'm afraid....if you can hold out until after training it's best to buy them in SIN where we get good deals at Samsonite.

Good Luck with the training and see you on line soon!


QF skywalker
2nd Jul 2004, 06:26
Hey guys,

It gets even better ! AO just announced HKT ( phuket ) !!!

QANTAS Holidays is going to operate a series of charters to the Thai resort island of Phuket in conjunction with Australian Airlines. They will run exclusively from Sydney in Sep and Oct, offering the only non-stop link for the Sydney market. Thai International flights to Phuket are via Melbourne outbound only.
Flights will leave Sydney at 10am Mon, arriving Phuket at 4.20pm. Aircraft will overnight there, leaving Phuket at 6.20pm Tue and arriving Sydney at 6.25am Wed.

These are just charters for now...but who knows..at least it is another fantastic destination in the network !

2nd Jul 2004, 07:24
I think I've just about finished packinge everything it's a bit stressful but by tommorrow lunchtime ill be camping in Cairns! ...I just can't believe it's happening it's quite surreal.

10th Jul 2004, 07:39
groundschool has been great! everyone is really nice and yesterday we all went out on the QUicksilver to the outer reef to chill out a bit and prepare for EPs in sydney! I feel ready!....here goes!

10th Jul 2004, 09:05
Hi All and Congrats to those who have commenced training.

I have just completed EP's for QF down south and our instructor will be conducting yours - she's a fantastic instructor and an even more amazing person! You'll have a stressful but enjoyable time.

Listen to her when she says not to worry about it!!!

Good Luck


11th Jul 2004, 21:02
"dont worry abouy it"

Sounds like the EP instructor I had when I did my initial training with AO last year 604chic is right , she is a fantastic instructor and an amazing person.... just remember to keep saying " GO SWANNIES" and you will get on with her famously.


12th Jul 2004, 11:52
Yes she is fantastic. I really am enjoying doing EPs with her. I know that the Swannies will go down well!

Sydney is such a contrast to Cairns. I'm sitting here in an Oxford Street Cafe and I just can't get over how cold it is. Not long ago I was out on the Outer reef not even thinking it was even winter!

Anyway thanks again for all your support!

(I lost all my mobile phone numbers so if any of you guys gave your phone numbers out can you PM your numbers back to me - very much appreciated)


QF skywalker
16th Jul 2004, 08:20
Hi all,

I am loving the training - I love the trainer with her big stick and the words " don't worry about it " - she is fantastic and inspirational.

What I love even more is playing on those 747 doors !! ( eh Mr Seatback :D EEE ! )

Power assist doors here we come !

20th Jul 2004, 11:23
Heya guys n girls,

Glad to hear that you're having a rad time in training. Sounds like you are surviving EP's.

Just wanted to see if any current or new crew with AO have any updates on the next 767 delivery date?

Will they be introducing the 767 for the start of the Sapporo services, or will they adjust current schedules to accommodate the new route?

Just trying to gauge when it is likely the rest of us will be going through for training. If they plan on November and need more crew for this route - I would assume we will be going through in October given training is 5 or 6 weeks.

Can anyone help me with predicting a start date or the next 767 delivery date??? Any rumours or galley gossip???

Hoping you can!

Have a great night,

Raver :)

20th Jul 2004, 11:47
The EP trainer is fantastic! She's one of those people you can just keep listening to. She'll keep you on your feet the whole time. The day goes so fast it's amazing how much you learn so quickly.
Everyone in the class seems to be saying 'dont worry about it!" it's infectious!

I've been enjoying EP's I've been smashing and crashing doors LOL but i'm starting to get it right YAY! the nasty habbits that i had are starting to dissappear!

Raver pm me!

20th Jul 2004, 12:01
just sent you a pm QFMike

22nd Jul 2004, 06:45
Hi all... I have heard a bit of talk lately about an announcement expected sometime in the near future. Does anyone have a clue about this or is it just that, a rumour? Southern Base? More aircraft? Different aircraft type?

Look forward to hearing something!

22nd Jul 2004, 10:21
I received a detailed email today from HR about the rest of us on the shortlist.

At this stage no training dates, as still no confirmation of when the next 767 will be arriving.

However expect further recruitment around Sept/Oct to add to the shortlist.

That's about all the info I have.

Take care all,


3rd Aug 2004, 08:27
QFskywalker and qfmike737,

Am keen to hear how you guys go when you finish training and go out on line....Shouldn't be long now?

Curious as to what you have done for accomodation too. Was it easy and cheap to find a place and get sorted?

Hope all is going well.

Talk more soon,

Raver :)

QF skywalker
3rd Aug 2004, 08:47
Hi Raver,

QFMIKEY and I both take off for Japan this weekend (different flights) for our inaugral flights - very exciting ! We then come back for a bit more training/graduation then we are out online as international flight attendants.

As for accommodation I think I can speak for qfmike also when I say the accommodation side of things is a problem. High Rent prices for crappy accomodation makes qfsky an unhappy new resident. Most of us have been looking long and hard but have not found anything ( peak season here in CNS ). Have found most real estate agents to be quite unhelpful but I am sure something will arise soon.


3rd Aug 2004, 09:21
Great to hear you guys are heading off this weekend.

Japan is great - not sure if you have been there before. I'm sure you will have a ball. Let me know how it all goes!!!

Interesting about the rent. Sounds like a pain in the a$$.

I thought it would be cheap, given the "different" living conditions/lifestyle that CNS offers.

Hear from you guys soon,

Raver :)

4th Aug 2004, 04:50
Hi guys,

have you tried

www.realestate.com.au (http://www.realestate.com.au)


www.domain.com.au (http://www.domain.com.au)

Why would anyone goto a 'real' real estate agent :cool:

4th Aug 2004, 04:58

I used to live in CNS. And agree that it is hard to find decent accomadation at the price that your looking for.

You will also find real estate's tend not be helpful as a problem does exist in CNS with tourist or long term visitors not completing leases on properties.

The suggestion to use online website such as Domain are your best bet. I used to live at Palm Cove which was on the beach ( living quarters for Crocs ). Was a great location and fairly well looked after. You could also try the hills as well for a house to live in and share.

All the best with your searches.



8th Aug 2004, 06:35
Australian Airlines has no requirements for additional aircraft.
They currently have one aircraft that is not fully utilised.
They will reduce BKI or DRW/SIN to take on the new flights.

On the front of accom i can only agree with what i have read, having been faced with the same prospects 2years ago.

If anyone is looking for accom i am looking for a house sitter or possible short term flatmate. If this is able to assist anyone then email me.

To all the newbies .. Welcome aboard.

11th Aug 2004, 02:47
I'm going to Nagoya tommorrow for my first trip! I'm just so excited and just can't hide it lol!

Sorry guys I havent been online for AGES I've been struggling to find a 'suitable' place to live. 'Suitable' (clean,quiet,safe,secure,aircon,new) places are very limited espeacially when you want to live close to the airport so you can Cab it. Rent is unbelievably expensive! QFSky and I have been running around in between training trying to find places and it gets a bit depressing!

Finally moved out of a motel! and I only just moved into a 1 bedroom apartment it's ok other then the fact it's costing me an arm and a leg but at this time of the year you just have to take it before it goes! Things literally go within a couple of hours of becoming available. I'm thinking buying a place in Cairns, at least repayments would be cheaper then rent!

Dr Phil. I used to have your number until my phone died on our Quicksilver experience. Please sms me or call me asap!

QFsky and I will keep you posted on how our trips went!

16th Aug 2004, 10:14
How was your flight guys???

Keen to hear all the details!!!


18th Aug 2004, 08:41
Hey Everyone,

I was curious to know what the load factors were like on AO routes at the moment?

When I was living in Japan I was going to fly them to Oz from Nagoya or Osaka, and the travel agent said that they had heaps of seats free, this was only a week or so before departure? I'm guessing things have picked up since as this was last year?

Another reason I ask - is that I noticed QF have released specials with frequent flyer award bookings on AO from Sydney to Sabah. I'm guessing this may be because the loads are low?

Which sectors have the higher loads and which ones have the lower?

Can anyone shed some light?

Many thanks

Raver :)

fardy zarsoff
18th Aug 2004, 11:42
food for thought .................... if you are currently cabin crew for another airline , and wanting to go for AO i suggest you think long and hard about it ............ dont make the same mistake I did and leave a great bunch of team mates to come up here ......

18th Aug 2004, 21:51
Is it CNS that is the problem for you, or is it issues with the airline?

As I have not heard one bad thing about AO.


Raver :)

19th Aug 2004, 12:05
Sour grapes methinks !!! nasty !!!



1st Sep 2004, 22:55
The recruitment that was planned for late this year (Oct) has been put back to late in 2005!
Due to the fact that no new a/c from QF are available for Australian.
i.e 767-300's
This is on good authority people. :ugh: :ugh: :ugh:

1st Sep 2004, 23:20

With QF having just cut back the 767 HKG flying by about 70% due to the introduction of the A330...........I doubt it has anything to do with availability of aircraft.

3rd Sep 2004, 02:18

I am simply quoting verbatim from an e-mail I saw from management a few days ago.
It is not my opinion in any way.

mid assist
4th Sep 2004, 14:42
fardy zarsoff, you are so sad. Your first post, and that's all you can say. I'm guessing you are in group 22/23. I left Qantas to come to Australian, and i havn't looked back. The flying, the destinations, no more Sydney traffic!!!

Me think you should give it more time.

cabin secure
4th Sep 2004, 21:33
Hello my dear friend MID ASSIST!

I'm so sorry you feel that way fardy zarsoff.
The worse thing I ever did was leave AO.
Admittedly my reasons are too complicated to go into and were never that of ever being unhappy with AO.
I have never worked with such a great bunch of exceptionally wonderful people. Nor have I ever come across a more motivated, approachable management team.
I say anyone who wants to work for them.... go for it... you will never look back on your time there with regrets.

QF skywalker
5th Sep 2004, 00:06
Mid assist - I don't think that fardzy is from group 22/23 - all the ex airline crew/staff in these groups are smitten with AO ! Just sounds like fardzy has some sour grapes to get over.

Cabin secure - with such a pleasant attitude like yours I am sure you are well liked at your new airline(however truly missed at AO). It was nice to meet you by chance at the cafe at BNE airport a couple of months ago.

Catch the holiday spirit fardzy :D :D

5th Sep 2004, 06:02
Hi boys and gals!

Just did 2 trips. One to fukuoka and the other to sabah! had a great time!!!

I'm happy to have relocated and join the AO team I have had to go through some hurdles and have no doubts i will have many more to overcome but it really is a nicely set up team and I really mean it. I know that if I ever left i'd miss so much of AO.

Mid Assist I sooo can't wait to do a trip with you!

mid assist
12th Sep 2004, 02:55
Hi cabin secure, i'm sorry i missed you when you were up in Cairns. I hope you enjoyed your weekend.

21st Sep 2004, 22:31
Hello to all the new AO crew, nice to have you aboard. I have flown with many of you, some on your first flights and the freshness and enthusiasm is just wonderful. They seem to have selected great people.
QFMike, so happy you are here. Still don't know who you are though.

Now to set some rumours straight. The next aircraft for AO isn't due now till October 2005. Yes, another year away. We were a bit shocked by this also but it is due to Qantas being unable to supply. I know it sounds strange with the A330 commencing international ops but when you think about it if the 767's were available wouldn't Qantas want to get rid of them?

I guess this means no more destinations till then, with the exception of HKT (Phuket) which is only a once a week charter. I'm not sure how Sapporo is being slotted in but again thats only twice a week and only seasonal.

It seems we are well catered for crew now and unless there are a lot that leave during the next 10 or so months we wont need to put through any more training schools, but who knows, airlines have a plan but if something comes up in the meantime that is worthwhile persuing those plans can change. To all those on hold, carry on with what you are doing but hang in there. I know it's hard.

Cairns is not as cheap as you would think. Prices have sky rocketed and there is so much demand for accommodation. The vacancy rate on rentals is down to less than 2%. Thats amazing, and rents have gone up accordingly. It's a great place to buy as some suburbs are gaining up to 40% increases in 1-2 years. Just thought I'd give some facts for you. It's booming.

Good luck everyone and happy flying.

22nd Sep 2004, 05:03
Thanks so much for the update missleadfoot.

I have had a feeling that it would be next year before it happens.......*runs away and cries*:{

Well I better get of the dole and take a "make-do" job as I don't fancy living on unemployment til October next year.

For those of you in CNS what do you think my chances are of getting work up there on the dive boats or some similar type of work? I speak basic Japanese - so hoping that may help.

Think I might just move up north anyway and set up given it is coming into off peak season now, it may be easier for me to get a good deal on a rental and get sorted.

Any ideas or feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks
Raver :)

24th Sep 2004, 09:22
Well there you go... Miss leadfoot has just confimed my 2nd Sept post.
Y'all thought I was mental... :} :} :}

26th Sep 2004, 01:06
Hi all,

Sad to see some of us is not happy in CNS, but I kind of feeling for the person. It's true that we have a great bunch of crew to work with(oh yes, there are a few difficult crew, but not many), but when people talk about our "great" management, that's what really gets to me.

If our management is that great to us, pls tell me why they:
1. Forced crew to do passport reconciliation without our consent?
2. Changed hotels without FAAA's involvement?
3. Cut allowances every year over the last 2 years?
4. Allocated HKT trips without following protocols agreed between AO & FAAA?
5. Cut 2nd meals on KIX flights(it's back on now, after crew requested $$ for discrepancy)

Having worked years in global corporate environment, I know how management plays, if you think they are your friends, think again. Ever been to the FAAA's meetings in CNS? You should, then you'll realise how our management is really treating us.

26th Sep 2004, 03:11
I read in the Friday Flyer at QF that AO will commence Perth/Bali from December and QF will be reducing their own flights back to 1 per week.

26th Sep 2004, 04:29
Australian Airlines announced today (24 Sep) that it would begin flying twice a week between Perth and Bali from 2 December, almost doubling the number of seats offered by the Qantas Group on this route. This will be Australian Airlines’ first service from Perth and it will see the airline expand its Bali operations to seven flights each week. Australian Airlines currently operates three flights a week from Sydney to Bali and two flights a week from Melbourne to Bali. The two weekly flights from Perth to Bali will operate on Thursdays and Saturdays and are conveniently timed to allow afternoon departures from, and arrivals into, Perth. Qantas will continue to operate on Tuesdays only until the end of January when it will withdraw its services. From 1 February, Australian Airlines will be the Qantas Group’s sole operator of flights between Perth and Bali


30th Sep 2004, 05:03
Hi all,

Just received official confirmation that November 2005 will the be arrival of the next jet.


Raver :)

12th Oct 2004, 01:42
Hi everyone this is my first post on this site. I have felt the need to reply after reading what i have just seen.............To the crew member who is said to have sour grapes. I can understand how things can seem hard at the moment...........New company, New Lifestyle, New people, New location. As with most new jobs things can seem tough however AO is my fourth airline and it has something really special. I was lucky enough to start with AO during Startup and have formed some of the best friendships in my life. The job is great and we are very lucky to have a "PERMANENT FULL TIME" job with an airlne that is undergoing continued and sustainable growth. Just think about how we felt when sars hit and effectivley wiped out our schedule and as F/A's had 2 trips per month!!!! That was bad..........Sometimes the people we work with are less than helpful and make it thier problem. Change the subject when people are rumour moungering in the aft galley at 2.00am at 40000ft. The only way that you will enjoy this job is by giving it your best shot........how many people have missed out on postions with AO? You succeded!!!!! and you should be proud. Best advice is to go to work do your job to the best of your ability and have fun while your doing it...........

Happy Flying to you all

11th Nov 2004, 05:41
Have noticed AO have been doing a fair bit of advertising in Sydney as of late. If there are no new aircraft coming, hence no new destinations, does anyone know why the need for this advertising campaign now? Is it just to get more awareness of the existence of Australian Airlines or is there something in the pipeline.

12th Nov 2004, 13:02
HEy guys,

I am looking forward to apply to Australian Airlines. DOes anyone know when they are goign to recruit cabin crews again? Thank you ....Please update me if they are...


12th Nov 2004, 23:24

I have the answer to your question re heavy advertising now.

Australian Airlines was initially set up as an "inbound" holiday airline flying international tourists ie: tourists from Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan into Australia, into and out of Cairns (with connections to the Gold Coast). This you probably know.
As the airline has expanded to other ports within Australia the focus has now broadened from "inbound" tourism to now include "outbound" tourism, that is catering for Australians who wish to travel overseas. This has been achieved by including holiday destinations for Australians such as Bali and Sabah, which is why we now also fly from/into Sydney, Melbourne, Darwin and Perth direct (Sabah direct from SYD, Bali from SYD, MEL, PER, & Singapore from Cairns and Darwin). As Australian Airlines is relatively new and for the first 12 months most of our flights originated from Cairns we are pretty well unknown "down south".
I think you are correct, the advertising campaign is to make the southerners aware of who we are and what we do. Most Australians have probably never heard of us due to our operations being based in Cairns. I guess the aim of the advertising campaign is to make the public aware that we do exist and we do fly from southern ports now. Everyone in Cairns knows that Australian Airlines exists but it's also important to let the rest of the country know that we are around aswell. Australian has involved themselves in radio, tv and news media ads aswell as being on a few game shows as prizes (the price is right).

The aim is now to not only focus on inbound but outbound tourism aswell. To do that we need to promote the airline in the other important southern ports we fly to.

I guess it's different to having an airline based in Sydney or Melbourne, everyone knows you. We are tucked away in Cairns but quietly achieving the goals originaly set which was to fly from every capital city in Australia. Nearly there.

13th Nov 2004, 08:20
I thought that AO were going to recruit late this year but I emailed the acting cabin crew manager (x AN International) and she said that they are not going to this year...keep checking thier web site is all she said.

13th Nov 2004, 10:01
Yes, many are hanging out to hear when the next recruitment will be.
I had information which I posted a few pages back that it would not be until Nov 05.

That is now no longer feasible.
My spider sences tell me it could well be late Jan 05

;) ;) ;)

14th Nov 2004, 23:21
Hi guys,

there is no planned recruitment at this stage however we are about to run a training course, for 16 new cabin crew who are already on the list. This is to cover promotions and recent resignations.


QF skywalker
17th Nov 2004, 00:41
Group 24 starts 18 December ( raverflaver i assume this is you ! )

For those who are interested in empoyment with AO keep checking website every day for the next week or so - recruitment to be announced momentarily for next waitlist via the website.

Good Luck

17th Nov 2004, 06:01

Yup that is the school. They did say it was for December. I thought it was going to be later though. The earlier the better! :)

Just waiting now to hear from them, had my medical last week and sent off my security check last week too.

Hope they let me know soon, as doesn't leave much time to organise my life with relocating from MEL.

Shall keep you posted!

Thanks for all your info and help so far!

Have a great night,

Raver :)

17th Nov 2004, 15:14
Hi Guys.

Was just havin a nosey around this post. Couldnt help but notice the bit about working hours. 125 hours in a roster period sounds delightful!!!! I work on shorthaul for British Airways at London Gatwick and it has to be the worst flying job I have ever had. We work 6 days on most of the time with anything upto 4 sectors per day. Its knackering and we're lucky if we bring home £1000 per calendar month (whatever that is in AUD). Anyway, just to let you know that we're really hard done to on this side of the equator too!!! Have just applied to QF for their LHR base actually....im keepin my fingers crossed, i'm sooooooooooooooo bored with the 737 :(

24th Nov 2004, 22:43
P.A. ANNOUNCEMENT............................................

"RaverFlaver will be serving you up a taste of Asia!!!"

I got the go ahead this morning with AO!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I will be officially joining the team on the 18th of December as part of Group 24!!!!!!!!!!!

After months and months of waiting, I will finally get to meet you all and catch up with some of you from where we left off in our final interviews in Feb! lol :)

Anyways, am totally over the moon, with a smile on my dial from ear to ear!!!!!!!!!! :)

Now just have to go and type up my resignation letter for my current employer! *gulp*

Have a great day all!!!!!

Raver :)

24th Nov 2004, 23:52
Congratulation and good luck with your new career, Im sure you will be very happy with AO.

25th Nov 2004, 05:04
Congratulations Raver! I am absolutely certain that you will love flying with AO. They are a wonderful group of crew and you will fit in well!

Best wishes

25th Nov 2004, 05:15
Ta for your well wishes guys!!!! :)

Am still on cloud 9 lol :)

Raver :)

QF skywalker
26th Nov 2004, 00:30
Raver !

Fantastic ! You waited paitently and now you are getting your reward !

AO will send you a big pack in the mail with your contracts and also a welcome to CNS guide with telephone numbers of real estate agents and other helpful contacts to get your new life started !

Welcome Aboard !

You're becoming an international flight attendant !

QF SKY :O :O :O :D :D

26th Nov 2004, 01:54

Always good to hear of someone else getting the "cleared for take-off!" ;)

I know a guy who moved from MEL to CNS and he loves it!!!

(Apart from the obvious fact the weather is sooooooo much better! :E the lifestyle is apparently much less a "stressout"! )

Good luck, let us know how your training goes!!


26th Nov 2004, 10:54
Congratulations Raver!

I guess Santa's bringing you those shiny new wings you asked for this Xmas.

Fantastic news and well deserved on your part. Patience truly is a virtue.

Enjoy the ride my friend. :ok:

26th Nov 2004, 21:16
Ta so much for your posts guys!

Hopefully the New Year will bring more opportunities for those of you wanting to start.

QFskywalker - will be good to catch up again! See you in Cairns soon!

Have a great weekend :)

Raver :)

27th Nov 2004, 04:58
Hey!!! It seems extremely hard to get in with AO, is this the case? and i'm guessing that they have that many people on their shortlist that if you've only just applied you have a long wait ahead of you?


27th Nov 2004, 07:05
In terms of being hard to get into, I think they are just the same as applying to any other airline really.

I found the interivew process was great, you had lot and lots of opportunities to sell yourself and were assessed by different assesors, and mixed up with other candidates for each activity.

There is hardly no one on the shortlist now, they have nearly used up all of us that were recruited for the next 767, if my figures are right, there are only about 10 left on the shortlist, so another lot of recruitment will be neeeded to make up the numbers to crew the next jet when it arrives.

Hope this info helps.

Enjoy your weekend!

Raver :)

27th Nov 2004, 07:07
As it is such a competitive industry and not too many airlines are actively recruiting permamnent staff at the moment I would say that a job at AO has become quite sought after, hence yes it probably is harder to get a job. I have noticed that the quality of staff being employed is a lot higher than in initial days, possibly because there was no staff travel and many southerners were afraid of making the move up here? The interview process is quite drawn out and a lot harder than when I was employed also.

Hang in there though. A new group has just been put on and I don't think that this was planned, however arose because of resignations etc. It may take a while to get in but it is such a changing industry you never know what will happen. Being realistic though another chance won't pop up for probably another year...

It is a great company to work for and the wait will be worth it. Get as many pointers as you can on the interview process etc. and you'll be wearing the ochre in no time!

28th Nov 2004, 06:14
Kind of OT, but....

Big article on AO's flights from Perth-Bali in the West yesterday...

plus a contest to win a trip a week for 6 weeks (hopefully I'll win, will say hi to you all if I get to fly AO)

Must say the bright colours in the ad looked really good, that colour scheme and logo/uniform are growing on me - have to admit, didn't think much of them at first.... BUT.... they are very Aussie... just like the orange dust that seems to get everywhere when up north!! :}

Anyway, I think the Perth-Bali flights will be a great success, the WA people love their Bali trips and a full-service, lower-cost airline will be a good thing for the travel here....

Good luck everyone else that's applying/waiting to hear back!


Don Esson
28th Nov 2004, 23:56
There are obviously some people still falling for the spin that is put around by airline spokesman. Don't think for one minute that AO will be cheaper than anyone else. When the spin doctors say 'low cost', they mean 'low cost' to run and operate - not 'low cost' to the passengers. :* :*

29th Nov 2004, 00:19
Thank goodness someone else can see through the bull****e the QF spin doctors peddle.


2nd Dec 2004, 06:32
Hello all......

I'm kind of having a hard time settling my mind that I will have somewhere to live when I get to CNS.

I don't want to have to stay in a motel/hotel when I arrive and for the duration of training, as I can't afford it.

I simply want to get there and start renting somewhere staight away.

Only problem is this discouraging response I got from a real estate agent there.........read below.............

"Currently our rental market is quite strong (less than 1% vacancy rate) and our current supply cannot service the demand.
I can only sugget, that when you arrive to start looking then. You will have to holiday let in the intrium whilst you are trying to find something to rent.

All our properties are being rented within days."

Are there any AO crew or people in general, who would love a new flatmate/boarder in the next few weeks. Or does anyone know of anyone looking for someone to live with.

Hoping someone can help me out or point me in the right direction!

Not long to go!

Cheers guys.

Raver :)

2nd Dec 2004, 10:37
Hi Raver

You have mail. :ok:

Is this you in sunny Queensland? :cool:

Look out Cairns.

15th Dec 2004, 12:17
Hey all,

Look out!!!!! I will be arriving in CNS tomorrow morning.......

What a weirdo week this has been!

All I can say is, I'm glad it's coming to an end and a new journey is starting!

I really don't know anyone in CNS, so don't be a stranger, say hello.......won't be too hard to spot me, I am the only guy in group 24!!!

So shall see you all soon, am very much looking forward to it and meeting you all!


Raver :)

15th Dec 2004, 15:06

What do any current AO crew think of the PER-DPS-PER flights????


QF skywalker
16th Dec 2004, 04:02
Raver - Welcome to CNS and our AO family ! The only boy ? wow !

I won't be able to make it to your welcome drinks as I wil be on a trip but have one for me !

Ozcabincrew - The DPS-PER flights are fun - so far the PER pax have given us great feedback even though the flight does not take that long. They love our contemporary style and fresh cabin crew. Lookout for the ochre jets at PER airport in the afternoons !

16th Dec 2004, 05:19
Thanks QFSkywalker,

Come say hello when you're back from your trip!

See you soon :)