View Full Version : USB leads

22nd Nov 2003, 01:30
I have recently purchased an external CDRW unit (which is a USB 2.0 device) and it was not supplied with a USB connecting lead. As I have plenty of these, I told the salesman I did not need to buy one. He told me that as it was a USB 2.0 bit, the old USB leads I have would not be any good. (they were supplied with USB 1.0 devices).
Is there any difference between USB 1.0, and 2.0 leads? or was the salesman trying to pull a fast one, and sell me a lead I wouldn't need?


22nd Nov 2003, 03:07
No the salesman was right. You may have a USB cable that is stictly only USB 1 compliant, that doesn't necessarily mean it won't work, it may, but not at the required speed.

To ensure complete compatibility you should ensure that the cable you use is USB 2 compliant.

Don't ask me what the differences are as I've no idea.

22nd Nov 2003, 03:23
From Everythingusb.com (http://www.everythingusb.com/usb2/faq.htm)

Do USB 1.1 cables work with USB 2.0 devices?

Ideally, yes. USB 2.0 architecture uses the same cables and connectors as USB 1.1 compliant products. Unforunately, only 3 out of 11 cables on the market are certified as USB 1.1 compliant. You may run into the cables that cause problems connecting high-speed peripherals. To avoid negative user experience, most vendors include USB 2.0 compliant cables with their USB 2 PCI cards and peripherals.

Naples Air Center, Inc.
22nd Nov 2003, 10:40

To find out of any of your cables will work at USB 2.0 speeds, run the burn tests, where the Burning software tests the speed of the Drive/Connection to see how fast you can burn at. That will tell you if you have any USB cables up to the USB 2.0 Spec or not.

Take Care,


25th Nov 2003, 18:30
Thanks for the info. I'll buy a sutible lead today.


Naples Air Center, Inc.
26th Nov 2003, 01:18

Let us know how it works out. ;)

Take Care,
