View Full Version : Cargoux, no president but A380 ?

Carpe Diem
19th Apr 2001, 09:57
Just have read in www.wort.lu (http://www.wort.lu) today ( 19.04.01) That Cargolux is still showing interset for the A380. Just gossip for journalists for annual report ?
In addition the actual president is leaving, who could be next ?

19th Apr 2001, 12:42
A380?, God help us (Yes we've been comparing 74X v A380 as a study).
Our President quit due to a top management level pi$$ing contest. Many of us reckon it was a pre-planned stich-up by our Finance VP in cahoots with one of the share-holders. That when we posted $33M after tax profit for last year.
I think I speak for most of the rank & file when I say I'm sorry to see him go. Heiner Wilkens took Cargolux from a 3xB747-200F operator 8 years ago to today's 10xB747-400F, 2 more on order (next one Aug this year). As mentioned above, A380 :mad: or B74LR :) next.
The rumours had been around since January that he'd walk. Seems he quit on Friday.

rgds Rat

19th Apr 2001, 12:51
And this from our website

Luxembourg, 18 April 2001 - Heiner Wilkens, Cargolux President and CEO, steps down from his position and leaves Cargolux, as announced during the company's annual press conference today.

The amicable separation is the result of different opinions over Cargolux's future growth and strategic options between Mr. Wilkens and the Cargolux Board of Directors.

Heiner Wilkens joined Cargolux as President & CEO in May 1995. He has led the company through a phase of continued growth. During his tenure, Cargolux has built up its fleet to a single-type fleet of currently 10 B747-400 freighters. He leaves a sound and profitable company as evidenced by the results for year 2000 an the first quarter of 2001. Roger Sietzen, Chairman of the Board, will act as interim CEO, until a successor to Mr. Wilkens has been appointed. Mr. Sietzen is a veteran of Luxembourg aviation and has served for many years on the Cargolux board. Heiner Wilkens has not made his future plans known. The company and the Cargolux employees wish him well in his future endeavours.

Cargolux, based in Luxembourg, is Europe's largest all-cargo airline, operating a modern fleet of B747-400 freighters on a worldwide network, covering more than 30 destinations on scheduled all-cargo flights. The company has more than 60 offices in 46 countries and also offers an extensive trucking network in Europe and the US as well as charter and aircraft maintenance services. Cargolux employs more than 1300 staff worldwide.

For more information, pls contact:

Mr. Thomas HEMPEL
Assistant Manager Press Relations
Cargolux Airlines
Tel +352 4211 3404,
Fax + 352 4211 3509
Email: [email protected]

rgds Rat