View Full Version : Hotmail - What's going on?

13th Oct 2003, 22:37
Opened Hotmail today and instead of my "Home" page coming up, the Compose page appeared. Also the 5 "Favorite Contacts" were missing. Eventually managed to get the favorites back but they were in a Scroll Box with the addresses rather than the quick names. I know hotmail is going to upgrade soon but if this is the first step it looks a backward one to me. No help or explanation in the "Help" section of Hotmail.

Anybody else got this and can shed any light on what's going on?

13th Oct 2003, 22:49
Hi there. I have just tried and it seems ok from here. No changes at all.

13th Oct 2003, 23:04
I'm having dreadful problems with Hotmail, and have had for a fortnight now. Late mail delivery, no 'Quick List,' server constantly busy....................


wink wink
13th Oct 2003, 23:32
I have had lots of missing emails the last couple of weeks along with not being able to sign on. I even tested my believe of missing emails by sending messages from my main email to my hotmail, to this day they have never showed up and all my setting are good.

14th Oct 2003, 02:05
Just a thought is there anyone who pays the £20 a year for extra storage etc. who is having any problems out there.

14th Oct 2003, 03:04
F-S-D Are you having problems too ?

15th Oct 2003, 02:29

I was having the same problems for a couple of days. I connect to Hotmail from HOTMAIL inscribed on my Links bar. A few days ago when I did this, a dialogue box started appearing asking for my user name and password in order to sign into NETWORK PASSPORT. Whenever I did this, Hotmail would open on the Compose page. Very annoying!

Solved it by typing "www.hotmail.com" in the address bar. After I did that, Hotmail has been opening normally. Deleted the original Hotmail in the links bar and added the new one. So far, after about 5 days now, everything seems to be back to normal.

However, I am getting frequent "server busy" messages after new pages within Hotmail take a long time to load.

Hope this helps.

15th Oct 2003, 06:10
I've been getting the same problem. But since Hotmail is largely useless thanks to all the spam rubbish - who cares?

15th Oct 2003, 06:45
HOTMAIL It was great back in the good old days when it was first about, but it's like a swear word now isn't it......... :yuk:

15th Oct 2003, 06:58
But since Hotmail is largely useless thanks to all the spam rubbish

A long time ago I set my Hotmail filter to 'Exclusive', and 'Delete junk mail immediately' - no spam ever since.

16th Oct 2003, 15:20
Thanks LastCall,

I get the home page on startup now, but still on the Compose page the favorites are in a scroll box and it showa the e-mail addresses rather than the names and the "Show All" button is missing.

E-mailed Hotmail 3 days ago about this but no reply yet!

19th Oct 2003, 06:55
Had my own grievances with Hotmail and stopped using it altogether some time ago.
I've been using an Aussie email provider 3 years now, brilliant.
Unknown tho cos it's "quasi open source" and loved by techies.
Friend of mine uses their feature that allows you to download mail from MSN servers if you have Hotmail email add.
Their servers are all around the worls in TX USA, Aus, Norway and reliability is great. Never had a single spam email (they use SpamAssassin which does a wonderful work, also runs on my kit at home for my ISP mail and works perfectly).
I kissed Hotmai goodbye a long time ago now :ok:
Just my 2p worth


edited cos I am not sure I can give a URL of email provider on PPRuNe

20th Oct 2003, 01:29
Got a reply from Hotmail, apparently its part of the upgrade coming soon. The favorite contacts scroll box is sorted by e-mail addresses and there are no plans to use contact's names which I would have thought would have been better.

Now the "Show All" contacts button has gone you can click on "TO" "Cc" or "Bcc" to show all your contacts.

20th Oct 2003, 08:07
Cesco You should e-mail the moderator for this forum and ask him if it is ok to post the link that you have. Have a look at the top left of the main forum page and click on his name.

22nd Oct 2003, 18:33
How I laughed at you lot when you're hotmail went down. Mine was working perfectly:E

Now I can't get in at all:{ :{ Anyone else suffering today?

Say again s l o w l y
22nd Oct 2003, 19:21
Yep, can't get onto the site at all today.

22nd Oct 2003, 22:08
Earlier today it was OK. Just tried again, logged on OK, but my inbox was very slow to open, though it did eventually.

Edit: This evening all worked fine.