View Full Version : Problem with GPS receiver

13th Oct 2003, 22:09
Problem, two GPS mapping programs, two GPS receivers.
One good mapping programm, one not so good.
One good GPS receiver, one not so good.

Thinks, solution is to put good mapping program and good receiver together.

Problem, good GPS receiver will only work using SiRF protocol at 19200 bytes but good mapping program only offers NMEA protocol and receiver is not recognised.

Is there any way of getting the good receiver to change it's mind.

Any thoughts please?

17th Oct 2003, 10:44
What make/model GPS receiver? The manual should tell you (specifications pages) if it is capable of NMEA protocol, so check that first.

What is "not good" about the other GPS receiver (make/model too)?

19th Oct 2003, 16:14
Hi, both systems were bought as combined software/receiver packs and neither receiver had a manual.

The one that I consider to be not so good is a Haicom Hi-202E, it takes a minimum of 30 minutes to aquire sats and since I am using it with a laptop in the car that is not good news.

The "good" receiver is not branded apart from the name of the software pack, Destinator, which I believe is of Canadian origin.

Thanks for replying.


19th Oct 2003, 17:55
Is it the Leadtek 9531 (http://www.pocketgps.co.uk/destinator2review.php) as shown here? If so, you can either upgrade to Destinator 2 for the quoted $50.

On the subject of SiRF & NMEA. All GPS receivers can output NMEA, whilst only receivers using the Sirf chipset can output to Sirf. Nearly all Sirf receivers can also be switched between the NMEA or Sirf output, all it takes is a software utility. Leadtek provide two for their receivers, one's called CE Monitor, see the instructions and download link here. (http://www.gpspassion.com/Software/PPC%20Navigation/Notes_s.htm#cemonitor). I can't get the link to work at the moment, but it might work later.

The other is Winfast Navigator, see instructions and a download link here (http://www.pocketgps.co.uk/winfastnavigatorppc.php). It comes in PC and WinCE versions.

20th Oct 2003, 17:57
Thanks ORAC it is the Leadtek 9531 so I'll have a go from there.