View Full Version : Monitor problem?

12th Oct 2003, 16:51
My CRT monitor is a little 'discoloured' at the bottom right corner of the screen. The windows clock looks like it has a shadow, and the taskbar has a red edge at the top of the last 2 or 3 centimetres. In some instances there is a definite discolouration , particularly evident when the screen is displaying a full page of a single colour - ie white.

There is nothing magnetic in the vicinity apart from a small PC speaker, but I've tried moving this away and the problem remains.

The PC is still under warranty for a couple of weeks, so I've no problem in contacting the vendor, just wondered if it was something simple I had overlooked.



12th Oct 2003, 17:14
Have you tried degaussing ?

Sometimes there's a button to do this.

Some monitors do it automatically on power up.

Otherwise there should be a function in the monitor menu accessed by a combination of the monitor buttons.

Naples Air Center, Inc.
13th Oct 2003, 05:21

Do you have a paperclip holder next to your monitor on the right side of your monitor? (No one thinks about the tiny magnets they have inside.) Also is there anything under the desk as in a drawer just under the monitor? (Even the older style Telephones had magnets in them.) You could try moving the location of the monitor just to be sure it is not some sort of outside influence causing it.

If it is not magnetic, and it is not a Degauss issue (as Lost_luggage34 mentioned) then try the monitor on another computer and visa versa to see if you can repeat the problem.

Take Care,


13th Oct 2003, 05:39
Nope, no degaussing option in my monitor properties / advanced options.

Richard, I've looked all around the vicinity of the monitor, there is nothing else.. I've moved my clock, scanner, there is just nothing else there.

Short of any other helpful solutions in the next day or two, I'll put the ball in the court of the PC supplier.. that should be a bit of a laugh I suspect.. I'll keep you all informed.


13th Oct 2003, 08:54
Computer speakers can also be the culprit

13th Oct 2003, 09:36
......but not this........... http://www.btinternet.com/~paul.evans28/110_1096.JPG
:p :D

13th Oct 2003, 18:36
Assuming monitors are similar to TV's a magnetic field can magnatise the screen so that removing the field will not clear the problem. It is possible to get devices to de-magnatise the screen.