View Full Version : Help from English Ppruners re digital camera sales in London?

11th Oct 2003, 12:19
Binoette #2 is in London, somewhat impoverished, but feeling that she really should have a digital camera to record her experience.

I had a look at the English ebay, but a lot of the equipment I was looking at was no-name stuff or else had to be sent from USA.

Can any English Ppruners help with links to websites where I can peruse prices, or have any recommendations for cheapish places to buy new cameras? I'm only after an entry level camera, no more than 2mp required.

All suggestions gratefully received, or of course if anybody has just upgraded and has something for sale at walkaway prices
(:8) , well that's not out of the question either.

Thanks, all.

11th Oct 2003, 15:47
Haven't got a digi camera, yet, but in terms of price/quality etc I'd highly recommend Morgan Computers (http://www.morgancomputers.co.uk/), esp. if you do not need the latest top of the range kit.

11th Oct 2003, 18:12

Across the road from Morgans on New Oxford Street is Jessops, a photogrpahic store which does a good range of Digital equipment.

You could also try wandering up Tottenham Court Road, just around the corner, where there are a large number of electronic product stores (worth trying to "haggle" a bit too) :ok:


11th Oct 2003, 19:19
Here we go again, 4th time to post this..!!!!!!!!

Hi Binos, you should try looking at these sites to see what is about.
Argos (http://www.argos.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ArgosBrowseIterator?previousperPage=10&catalogId=1001&categoryId=8455&giftFinder=&langId=-1&zone=&y=14&x=8&perPage=10&Trail=C%24cip%3D8454%3EC%24cip%3D8455&sortBy=order+by+offerprice+ASC%2C+promotion+desc+&C$cip=8455&storeId=10001&currPage=1)
Dixons (http://www.dixons.co.uk)
Currys (http://www.currys.co.uk)
PC World (http://www.pcworld.co.uk)
Jessops (http://www.jessops.com)

Also if she is still here next weekend we are having a bash in London for Penguinas birthday. Lots of drinks and a boat cruise then some food. Have a look here ------>Penguinas birthday bash details...... (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=104021)
Brl.... :)

11th Oct 2003, 22:14
Thanks people,

Some interesting leads there. Any more would be appreciated.

BRL, you really think I would direct my beloved 19 year old daughter to a pissup with Ppruners????? Sorry, mate, she's booked for a Hell's Angels reunion that night, I think she'll be safer there. :p

P.S. Can't get the Jessops site to work.

11th Oct 2003, 22:31
Jessops (http://www.jessops.com/shop.cfm)
Savastore (http://www.savastore.com/category.asp?catalog%5Fname=Savastore&category%5Fname=Digital+Cameras&Page=1&pid=1)
InternetCameraDirect (http://www.internetcamerasdirect.co.uk/)
CameraShop (http://www.camerashop.co.uk/index.php?hdrHeaderID=5&itmItemID=36)

12th Oct 2003, 10:01
Thanks again, everyone. Product found at Jessops at a great price; it remains only to convince them that people outside the UK have credit cards too. :rolleyes:

12th Oct 2003, 17:23
Bins, if it is a problem then I will go and buy it for you and you can transfer the funds or something to my account. (She would then have to come and meet us for drinks on Sat, but, her being a young aussie she would prob put us to shame.....!!!!!!!! )

Let us know if you get stuck though.

14th Oct 2003, 01:02
Don't forget that if Bino No2 doesn't live in the U.K, she can buy a digi camera, and when she leaves, she can claim back the VAT.
If the camera wasn't too expensive, it won't be a great deal of money, but I'm sure it would be better in her pocket, than in the governments. (they are robbing bast@rds, and can afford to lose a few pounds)
Jessop's will supply the required forms, even if she has already purchased it.


14th Oct 2003, 20:03
BRL, thanks for the offer, it would appear that we are getting down to the final stage of negotiations where your help won't be needed.

419, I did wonder about VAT. When I was in England in 1992 I bought a stereo receiver which I wouldn't have bothered buying except for the promise that I would get a refund of the VAT. 11 years later I'm still waiting; a nice little earner for the British government and one wiser aussie :)

With a total purchase price of about 150GBP (and I don't know what the VAT percentage is) it's hardly worth the bother, but as you say, better in Binoette's pocket than theirs.

Thanks again to everybody for your help. :ok:

14th Oct 2003, 21:13
With a total purchase price of about 150GBP (and I don't know what the VAT percentage is) it's hardly worth the bother, but as you say, better in Binoette's pocket than theirs.

VAT is 17.5%, so you'll save about £22, which will be a round of drinks even at London's inflated prices :cool:

14th Oct 2003, 21:23
Probably a bit late now, but some of the "price compare" sites are worth a look!


14th Oct 2003, 21:31
Buy one of the Camera/Camcorder magazines - compare prices of various bucket shops which still offer a warranty. Beware any internet sites selling clone imitations from China/Korea which are crap and NTSC products from USA which will not work in Europe.
So called Grey imports are OK and covered by manufacturers warranty.

One of the worst places to buy anything is Dixons Duty Free....stock is dated and at best you will only get 17.5% discount which is only the VAT