View Full Version : Question regarding PPRune "signatures"

Check 6
10th Oct 2003, 17:51
My "signature" has not shown up on threads since PPRune went to a new server months ago.

The "show signature" box is checked (below), and my signature shows up on my "profile."

Does anyone have any ideas on how to activate this feature, i.e. something that I am omitting?

Thank you,

10th Oct 2003, 18:16
Hello. I think this feature has been turned off by the admins. I am not sure but pretty certain that it was to do with people posting links in their sigs or something like that.

Check 6
10th Oct 2003, 18:20
BRL, thank you. That makes sense. People must be typing their signature in manually.


Check 6

"Kick the tires, light the fires, brief on Guard, first off is Lead."

10th Oct 2003, 19:50
...and probably to save bandwidth too...

13th Oct 2003, 13:06
I've always typed mine in manually.

After all, its my signature not Microsoft's... :hmm:

Through difficulties to the cinema