View Full Version : Broadband problems.

Say again s l o w l y
10th Oct 2003, 04:49
Evening all,

I've just had freeserve broadband fitted and am having a couple of issues with it.

1: Lots of noise on the 'phone line, it isn't constant, but comes in bursts of about 3-5 seconds.

2: Broadband connection is not very stable, it seems to disconnect every so often citing a lack of dial tone. I can hear one on the 'phone and have checked all connections to the computer and modem. Ocasionally it simply won't connect to the remote computer, is this my problem or the ISP's?

3: How can I get Winfax to work properly with broadband? If it is on auto pick-up, every time the 'phone rings the fax starts up. Without it on auto pick-up the point of having it is diminished somewhat. I've only just started using this software as I've just got rid of the second line to the house which was for both the internet and fax.

Thanks for any help in advance.

10th Oct 2003, 05:13
Fax doesn't work on broadband. You can either use a standard modem as well as your ADSL mpdem, or sign up to a service like Puma. (http://www.pumaone.co.uk/services_Overview_Fax.asp?c1=adwords&source=freefaxtoemail&kw=fax_to_email_25)

If it's not asking the obvious, you are using filters on everything except your ADSL modem? If so, sounds line a line problem which you need to report.

Say again s l o w l y
10th Oct 2003, 05:43

Yep filters on everything, including the modem as specified in the manual.

Looks like my recent purchase of Winfax was a waste of time, oh well just have to use the old fax machine in another socket. What a pain, I thought I'd finally got rid of the damn thing.

Would it be BT I need to give grief to?

11th Oct 2003, 04:28
One small point about filters: Apparently there are filters and filters and the cheaper ones don't work so well which may be the cause of your line noise.