View Full Version : Help - can't send e-mails

8th Oct 2003, 16:38
I am usually pretty dumb, but this is probably taking the pi## in the idiocy stakes!
Have just set up Pipex broadband. Have outlook express. Can get incoming mail but can't send e-mails.
I get this message when I try:

Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity. Account: 'pop3.lineone.net', Server: 'SMTP.lineone.net', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F

Does any one speak fluent enough Zannusi to translate this into idiot speak so that this idiot can get back on the e-mail-trail? My carrier-pigeon is getting knackerd.

Thanks in anticipation:\

8th Oct 2003, 17:10
What did they say when you phoned the support people up?????

8th Oct 2003, 17:13
Probably all our agents are busy, the current waiting time is 3 days, please try again later!:p

worth checking the route for outgoing mail, is it still looking for a dial-up?

The Nr Fairy
8th Oct 2003, 22:15

A possible clue is in the account name given in the error message above - it reads "pop3.lineone.net". To me this means it's the incoming mail storage server, not a true account name like "[email protected]"

If you can receive email sent to your Pipex email address then this is probably wrong, but if not, it's worth checking against the settings for another email account.

If you can send and receive email for any other accounts set up in OE, then this is the most likely cause.

Also, check this Microsoft support page (http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;813514) for more details.

9th Oct 2003, 20:46

Have just set up Pipex broadband. Have outlook express. Can get incoming mail but can't send e-mails.
I get this message when I try:

Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity. Account: 'pop3.lineone.net', Server: 'SMTP.lineone.net', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F

OK, I'm slightly confused (some say this is normal for me ;) however clearing this up may solve your problem)

You say "Have just set up Pipex broadband" -- OK, so far so good. So why are you (apparently) trying to talk to a server at Lineone ('SMTP.lineone.net') ? In general, you should be connecting to the mail server(s) specified by your ISP, in this case PIPEX (well, UUNET who now own them). Lineone are likely to reject connection attempts from clients not coming from their network, which may explain the error you are seeing.

For why Micro$haft is producing such an opaque error mesage, you'll have to ask them... :mad:

Hope this helps :ok:

10th Oct 2003, 01:13
Thanks all,
See I said I was dumb. I'll spend a happy hour or two reconfiguring my gizmo-box.
(carrier-pigeon now smiling in anticipation) :ok:

10th Oct 2003, 04:17
Splendid. Glad it's working. But please tell us what the problem actually was, for the benefit of others :cool:


10th Oct 2003, 04:30
The outgoing server name in the account settings needs to read smtp.dsl.pipex.com instead of smtp.lineone.net.

The M$oft hieroglyphics are basically saying that the lineone server didn't respond - it should really have come back with a "relay not permitted message", of course. :rolleyes:

11th Oct 2003, 01:35
Amanoffewwords, you may be, but they were pearls. All fixed, carrier pigeon now relaxing wiv feet up & big smile on beak.
Ta one and all