View Full Version : Swedish PA Part 2

8th Oct 2003, 15:00
I would appreciate if somebody could help me out again with translating PA's into Swedish, this time the mid-cruise and after landing PA:


Ladies and Gentlemen, good morning/afternoon/evening, this is captain ___ from the flight deck again. We are currently cruising at ___ feet at a speed of ___ which is ___ miles per hour and the outside temperature is -40°C.

At present we are overhead ___, our routing will then take us overhead ___ and ___ before we will begin our initial descent into ___ over ___.

The weather in ___ is ___ with a temperature of ___°C and ___. We should be landing ___ minutes ahead of schedule/on time/___ minutes late and be on stand in approximately ___
minutes from now.

Once again Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for flying Ryanair today and please enjoy the rest of your flight with us.

After Landing:

Ladies and Gentlemen, once again your captain. I am delighted to be able to welcome you to ___ on time/___ minutes ahead of schedule where the local time is ___. We will be on stand in a few minutes so please stay in your seats until the aircraft has come to a complete stop, the engines have been shut down and the seat belt sign has been switched off.
Once again, from all of us here on board, captain ___, first officer ___, cabin supervisor ___ and his/her team, ___, ___ and ___ thank you for flying with us and enjoy your stay in the ___ area. Good morning/afternoon/evening

I would also appreciate a few basic phrases for weather such as clear skies/scattered clouds/broken clouds/overcast; light/heavy rain, snow; winds+wind direction.

Tack sa mycket in advance, I really appreciate your help.

8th Oct 2003, 16:07
Hey there FlyingIrishman!

So you're at it again, are you?! ;)
Seriously,…....don't you have any swedish flap-operators to do the PA's for you? :D ;)
If I get the time during this day, I'll try to help you out. In that case I will PM it to you. OK?

Take care,

(Edited later in the evening..)
Sort of hard to PM you, since you haven't got that function enabled!! :rolleyes: ;)