View Full Version : In-coming calls while On-Line

29th Sep 2003, 16:58

I only have the one telephone line at home and so use it for surfing the net in the evenings.

Us there any tool out there that will 'flash' up on screen to advise that an incoming telephone call is trying to get through.??

I could then disconnect quickly and answer the call.



29th Sep 2003, 17:34
Hi there. There is one that shows a pop-up to alert you when someone is calling, it just comes up on your screen, but I can't for the life of me think what it is called. I remember you had to pay a small fee for it too but it wasn't that much.

Also consider if you have a mobile phone, you can 'Divert' your calls to your landline to another number(your mobile) and this would come in handy for that. Simply answer the moby, see who it is and call them back.

Background Noise
30th Sep 2003, 02:03
I used to use a thing called BTNetchat - it allowed incoming calls to be answered through the computer for a small fee. It never worked well with poor delays throught the PC and didn't like firewalls etc.

As BRL says, I now use call diversion (one of the BT select services). You can select to divert calls when unanswered, when busy or all calls. I set it to divert to my mobile when I am online - any incoming calls show the number on the mobile - you can answer or ignore it. The only snag comes when I leave it set up when I'm out, try to ring home when my son is online, and get diverted back to myself - of course my mobile is busy and I end up speaking to my own voice mail!

30th Sep 2003, 02:22
Internet Alert (http://www.otherlandtoys.co.uk/icman.htm?nb) £35.95 (http://www.telephones-online.co.uk/itm00345.htm)

The Nr Fairy
30th Sep 2003, 03:12
Or, if it's available in your area, try Broadband ?

30th Sep 2003, 05:08
Just to expand on the fairy's comment, you may not be aware that if you have ADSL on your phone line it not only has huge advantages over using a modem (ten times the speed, no charges for connection, immediate access, no waiting for the modem handshake) but you can use your telephone as normal, regardless of what you are doing on the computer.