View Full Version : Spam Blocker Help, please

27th Sep 2003, 15:46
I've managed to lose the link to a third party spam blocker; as a result, all my emails go to the blocker server but I can't retrieve them to my inbox.

Can anyone out there suggest what I need to do, please?

Thanks in advance

Naples Air Center, Inc.
28th Sep 2003, 03:10

Could you also list the company that provides your email sevice and the program you use on your computer for email.

Take Care,


19th Oct 2003, 08:14
Not sure I understand the problem fully, however I have put an end to my issues with spam by adopting the SpamAssassin "proxy".


The program is downloaded (built or source) and then run locally and has a built-in set of rules that can be modified and updated and that put spam into a user-specified "spam" mailbox/folder.
It is open source (but commercial packages are also available for those who prefer buying a name) and extremely reliable, works wonders for Windows under just about any email client (Eudora, Outlook, what have you..) and a hell of a lot of other platforms too.
Plenty of docs and help on website, AFAIK it's the best spam killer around.

hope it helps,


Mac the Knife
19th Oct 2003, 14:21
I'm using the registered version of Mailwasher Free http://www.mailwasher.net/ (registration gets rid of the ads) and couldn't live without it. MailWasher deletes email directly off your internet providers server before it is downloaded. Simple, fast and just works.

The set of filters available from http://www.w5hq.com/MailWasher/MailWasherFilters.txt works well and you can write your own additional filters to suit your needs.

Mailwasher Pro may be even better.

20th Oct 2003, 07:37
Here is another very good spam filtering programCloudMark (http://www.cloudmark.com). :ok:

Naples Air Center, Inc.
20th Oct 2003, 10:13

I am using the Pro Version. I cannot speak highly enough about it.

Take Care,


20th Oct 2003, 21:42
You can download the new Firebird and Thunderbird programs from Mozilla for windows.
Thunderbird has a built in "learning" spam killler that works like a dream!! Since moving away from IE and Outlook my spam has dramaticaly decreased and the spam program does the rest...JUST GREAT!;)

22nd Oct 2003, 14:57
:( My inability to get email was quickly followed by my inability to do anything on the computer without it freezing ... I thought XP was not meant to do this :*

Anyway, all sorted now ... and I've found out what was happening to my emails - solved by changing my password and waiting for a message from the blocker!

Thanks all for your advice