View Full Version : USB hub problems

27th Sep 2003, 01:46
Help I have 2 USB ports on my desktop - both linked to Belkin 4 port hubs, which are self powered from an adapter.

I am now getting error messages saying there is insuficent power to start my infrared dongle and if I try to use the scanner the whole system reboots...

Never had a problem until now - no new software installed, etc.

Running Pentium 4 with 1056mg RAM and XP with the updates.

Any ideas?


27th Sep 2003, 04:10
Stating the obvious, but have you checked if the adapter is still working and providing power?

27th Sep 2003, 04:41
Yep! And windows shows power available to the hubs in Device manager....

27th Sep 2003, 04:58
Do the red and green lights illuminate? Have you tried unplugging and replugging the USB hubs with the computer running? What happens if you just use one? Have you tested the voltage on the adaptor with a voltmeter?

I have had a similar set of symptoms on my Dell laptop, where it suddenly doesn't seem to have the oomph to drive the (only) USB port. It went away as mysteriously as it arrived.


27th Sep 2003, 05:08
Second possibility is a cable fault with a USB cable. disconnect each of the devices in turn and see if the fault goes away. If it does, swap the cable to that device with one of the others and see what happens.

27th Sep 2003, 06:11
Yep tried swopping hubs and cables... all LEDs light up.. hadn't thought to try using volt meter though..

Naples Air Center, Inc.
27th Sep 2003, 06:47

Go with process of elimination. Start with one Hub and plug in one device at a time and see if you can get it to lock up or crash with just one item. If not try two at a time etc.

Take Care,


P.S. What are the specs on your power supply?

27th Sep 2003, 08:17
"Infrared dongle" ... is that a real thing?

27th Sep 2003, 08:52
Hi AB. Yep. I'll show you mine, if you like.

Actually ... a thought. I had problems with my USB devices doing odd things (IYSWIM). Killed the joystick between sessions with X-Plane.

It turned out that XP turns off the USB ports if they don't do anything for some number of minutes. When it turns the power back on, it expects all the devices to stand to attention and announce their number. Some are a bit slow getting in their bid, and they get frozen out.

Might be the cause of your problem. Might be a useful fix elsewhere, anyway.

Tp turn OFF the "power saving" feature:.

Start - Settings - Control Panel - System - Hardware - Device Manager.

Scroll down to "Universal Serial Bus Controllers" and click on the + to open that section.

Right-click on USB Root Hub.
Slect Properties - Power Management and UNTICK the bit about allowing the machine to turn off this device to save power.