View Full Version : Wrong internet conection password

Super Stall
26th Sep 2003, 00:29
When my latest ISP conection- tiscali- was configured using the supplied CD ROM, I input a password as required. The trouble is when I click on IE or OE the connection box appears with the wrong password, judging by the number of characters it does'nt appear to be any of my usual suspects.

If I delete the password and enter the correct one, all is well. I've tried the only obvious solution (to me anyway) of changing the passord in internet options-connections-settings , but it just reverts to the wrong password again.

Any idea's ?

Naples Air Center, Inc.
26th Sep 2003, 01:07
Super Stall,

Try uninstalling the ISP Software and install it again. Not seeing the software, I cannot point you to where it saves the information.

Take Care,


wink wink
26th Sep 2003, 02:09
Funny I have the problem with my tiscali and xp. On mine, it has double the characters of my password. The strange thing is that when I use the "wrong" password I still get verified and am logged on.

Strange glitch.

26th Sep 2003, 04:16
XP encrypts/conceals the password so that it is not readable by certain password recovery programs available on the Net, whose URL I shall refrain from mentioning....

So it is normal that it should display more dots that the actual length of the password.

Super Stall
26th Sep 2003, 15:55
Because the password has too many characters I presumed it was incorrect, however it does appear to be the same format as 'wink wink' i.e. double the number of characters but it still works.

Thanks chaps.:O

the wizard of auz
29th Sep 2003, 06:39
I had the same thing happen to my puter, I could still log on though................ so I just left it. now it makes sense.