View Full Version : NTLworld & M$ FrontPage

25th Sep 2003, 21:52
Are there any NTL UK readers that have used front page to publish their web site via FrontPage?

If so, what information did they put into the little window in FrontPage when they did it?

I obviously have my own username/password, but despite an email to NTL a few weeks ago I still have no joy. Looking at their information page they seem keener to sell you Tortoise or Terrapin or some such, rather than just give examplles for popular web page software. I do not recall this sort of problem years ago when it was still Cable&Wireless, in fact I think I did it all in Publisher at the time.


26th Sep 2003, 06:06
I use ntl, and terripin as it made it so simple, however just cracked an upload using publisher.

Server name is upload.ntlworld.com
Log on is your ntlworld logon without the @ntlworld.com bit
password is your ntlworld e-mail password
method of connection is ftp

Hope this helps

26th Sep 2003, 22:57
Cheers Rick.
I will load Publisher and give it a whirl. (Hope the office 2000 version works in XP)
Thanks again