View Full Version : Is Google the Best Search Engine?

25th Sep 2003, 18:59
I have been using Google now for ages and always assumed that it was unbeatable but I have just come across www.teoma.com which returns many more results on very obscure subjects.

What other search engines do folks use?



25th Sep 2003, 19:47
Mamma (mother of all search engines) (http://www.mamma.com/)

actually a meta-search engine as it dispatches the search to many search engines (including Google)

25th Sep 2003, 19:58
Try copernic (http://www.copernic.com/en/index.html) also combines many other search engines for consolidated result. "Basic" version free.

25th Sep 2003, 23:10
Quite right to try these other things. Google often takes up to one second for a couple of million matches. Those search engines which search everything including Google couldn't help but be faster. :rolleyes:

Google first, daylight second and third.....

26th Sep 2003, 00:59
mamma is incredible. Returned seriously more hits on the subject of interest.

Cheers for that one.


26th Sep 2003, 04:44
Google is great 'cos when I type in a search general title my company comes in at No 1 and 2.:ok:

eastern wiseguy
26th Sep 2003, 05:13
Just for fun I typed "best search engine" into Mamma...it returned Google first. Funny old world ;)