View Full Version : Non-Aviation Related Question - Is PPRuNe having some glitches?

Circuit Basher
23rd Sep 2003, 19:30
Not been on this particular Forum before, so not sure whether this is the right place to ask a 'techie' tpye question which isn't aviation-related.

I've been having all sorts of issues getting my hourly fix of PPRuNe for the last couple of days - it seemed like PPRuNe was off the air most of the working day (GMT wise) yesterday and it's been quite 'iffy' about loading on several occasions today. Noone else seems to have mentioned it and there've been no 'sitckies' on the subject, so I was wondering whether it was me ;). I've got broadband here at work and all the other sites I've been using have not been any problem, so it seemed site specific.

Has Danny not been paying the phone bill at PPRuNe Towers again?? :D

23rd Sep 2003, 20:16
It's not just you Circuit Basher, and it is site specific. Perhaps Danny should consider selling a range of PPRuNe branded novelty items in order to pay for more bandwidth? I for one would buy (actually I wouldn't).

23rd Sep 2003, 20:45
Same with me... Couldn't get in at all yesterday
(between about 12:30 and 17:30 BST). At the time
I could ping the server but it wasn't responding to HTTP requests. It's been a lot better today
(though with the occasional timeout).

Will going to the Christmas GatBash help (I'm going)?

Circuit Basher
23rd Sep 2003, 21:16
Thanks for that, guys! Hadn't actually tried pinging the site, but seemed to respond like something wasn't quite coping. Didn't give the appearance of a bandwidth problem - seemed more of a hardware / comms problem.

Wonder if paying for a personal sig 'upgrades' you to a better class of server??!! :D

Dave Gittins
23rd Sep 2003, 21:18
Dropped in about a half hour ago for my sandwich time fix (expecting to find that yesterday lunchtime set another users record) and tried to post a reply to this then, but all froze. [have just spotted that THAT was a record time at 599 browsers on the boards - well done Danny !!!).:ok:

Couldn't get in yesterday lunchtime at all ... which sent me to the "Flyer" site where I haven't been for months. I see they have new software which looks the same as PPRuNe's. Imitation being the sincerest form ??????????

Once last week I posted a long reply on here then when I sent it got "the server is too busy" and it disappeared. That really irritated me. Now making a "copy" of posts before sending to ensure they don't get lost. Hope things improve soon.

24th Sep 2003, 08:33
PPRuNe server is a bit sickly at the moment. For the techies amongst you, PHP and MySQL are a bit under the weather and not talking properly to each other. There are other factors too but as soon as we narrow down the cause we should be back to a normal service.

It didn't help the other day when PHP died about 5 minutes after I went off on a night flight, Mik was away gallavanting in Alabama and Ridley's puter was down for the day. We had an outage of about 8 hours! :{

What we need is an EXPERT in PHP AND MySQL who is cheap and has a lot of free time. :ooh:

24th Sep 2003, 13:08
Sorry to learn that the PPRuNe system is a bit icky-poo right now - hope the patient recovers quickly! I wondered about those 'Error 502 - Bad gateway (powered by Zeus teechnology)' messages I kept getting.

Thanks again for setting up the whole system in the first place, Danny.

Circuit Basher
24th Sep 2003, 17:50
Danny - thanks for the response + thanks for the site!

If PPRuNe is still 'icky-poos', then I'm sure Hawk, Min and Bad Medicine will willingly help! Alternately, QDMcubed is very willing and able. If you're getting a 'nursey' in, then I'm prepared to voulunteer to test ride them ;) ;) (oh, sorry, forgot - this isn't JetBlast! :)).

I'd offer to help, but PHP and MySQL are a bit beyond my ken - sorry!

24th Sep 2003, 22:20
What sort of issues are you having with PHP and MySQL?

25th Sep 2003, 23:07
I am sure there is a bit more than just a PHP communication difficulty.
I only changed my email address and was kicked out of PPRuNe completely...a mail to the webmaster on duty remained without a reply at all...well...