View Full Version : Runtime error message

19th Sep 2003, 04:22
Hi can anyone help? I get a message which say's "Runtime error do you wish to debug". It also gives codes as well.
I am running windows xp home version.
Thanks in advance

19th Sep 2003, 04:48
It's a message indicating that there's been a problem during the execution of a program and it is offering you to find the fault yourself, usually in C.

Sometimes it's just one of those things and you have to restart the program and carry on, sometimes it is just that it is not compatible with your Operating System (XP).

Would be useful to know what program is failing, and the version number if poss.


20th Sep 2003, 03:07
Thanks amofws,
It is happening when I try to access for example ebay. In fact it takes an age to download the page. I have just installed BT Broadband. Could this be the problem? If I click on stop on the address bar then the page appears:* I thought of reinstalling windows xp do you think that would fix it?:ok:

Naples Air Center, Inc.
21st Sep 2003, 23:31

If you are getting a Runtime Error while using IE in WinXP, it would be a very good idea to re-install WinXP.

Take Care,


22nd Sep 2003, 06:28

If the runtime error only appears using Internet explorer try reinstalling ie6 (and it's miriad patches) FIRST before going the whole hog and reinstalling XP.

It sounds like a library has not been registered correctly and the routines on the web page are crashing. How to check which one and repair it is awkward and best fixed by reinstalling IE.


23rd Sep 2003, 19:28
Thanks 86 I tried your suggestion and it worked at treat

28th Sep 2003, 15:16
Fueldump you dont need to reinstall IE to fix this. The reason you see this message is that IE is having trouble reading the web page. This is always due to an error on the part of the person who wrote the web page. Essentially its asking you to fix someone elses mistake.

Click tools - internet options - advanced

You will see that the Disable script debugging is unchecked. Check this and then uncheck the Display notification about every script error box just below it.

You will never see the Runtime error window again..

This is from the Windows XP Timesaving Techniques for Dummies book. Cant speak highly enough of this book.