View Full Version : Geeky, fun screensaver

The Nr Fairy
10th Sep 2003, 17:27
I found this (http://www.sysinternals.com/ntw2k/freeware/bluescreensaver.shtml) screensaver.

Fun ! And, I scared the poop out of myself when I came back and saw it in action for the first time !

10th Sep 2003, 18:56
With Microsoft, who needs the screensaver?! Just leave Windows on your system for a few months & you can have all the fun of the fair for real!

10th Sep 2003, 20:21
The BSOD is Microsoft innovation, innit - after all these years the Mac and Linux still haven't got it... :)

10th Sep 2003, 21:43
yeah, Evo...

...we Mac users are always the last to get everything - BSOD, virii, you name it :{

Naples Air Center, Inc.
10th Sep 2003, 23:32
The Nr Fairy,

A couple of years ago, I put that screensaver on a couple of friend's computers. The funny thing was, they did not notice. They were just used to the BSODs. :rolleyes:

But now it is a different story. With the NT Kernel now mainstream, the BSOD Screensaver does make people jump again. :eek:

Take Care,


11th Sep 2003, 17:30

Thanks for pointing that one out I haven't seen a BSOD since XP appeared, in fact I can count on one hand the amount of crashes I have had since then also and still have a couple of fingers left over for other uses (e.g. typing in web forums ;) )

Still I can install it on clients machines and convince them they need me to visit to sort out a problem :O