View Full Version : Mailer notification of Virus's

I. M. Esperto
10th Sep 2003, 06:15
For the past 10 days I have been getting a rash of messages from my various mailers advising me that messages I sent carried this or that Virus. Reading further, I noticed that the addresses were completely unknown to me and I had never in fact e-mailed anything to them.

My computer is in fine working order, and i wonder what's going on, over?

Naples Air Center, Inc.
10th Sep 2003, 06:42
I. M. Esperto,

This thread should answer your question:

My Hotmail is sending out a Virus (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=101677)

Also do run an online virus scan from Trend Micro:

Trend Micro's HouseCall (http://housecall.trendmicro.com/)

Just to make sure you do not have any viruses on your computer.

Take Care,


I. M. Esperto
10th Sep 2003, 23:20
Many thanks, Richard.