View Full Version : Internet tracking software

9th Sep 2003, 19:04
I would like to add some tracking software to my web site in order to understand the hit levels etc. My site is mainly for introduced business, rather than a shop window, so I have no sinister motives - more a desire to assess the where the traffic is coming from.

Is there any downloadable html that I can skip in? or am I more likely to run into dodgy commercial operators stuffing my site full of spyware & pop ups? Any answers gratefully received.

The Punter.

9th Sep 2003, 20:18
If you are interested in "hit levels", then the first thing you should look at is your webserver logs. As to how to do that, and what to do with them, then that is highly implementation-specific. So we need more details. Do you run your own server, or are you hosted by an ISP ? Unix :ok: or Windoze :yuk: Etc.

Post some details and we'll try to help :)


Naples Air Center, Inc.
10th Sep 2003, 00:02

That information should be provided to you by your Webhosting provider. They have all the information from IP addresses of the people visiting your site, what webpage they came from before accessing your website, which pages were viewed and how long they stayed on each page, etc.

Take Care,


10th Sep 2003, 00:07
Definately, you need to speak to your web host (I work at one).

Find out if they give you Urchin, the best out there, way more data than you'll ever need :)

10th Sep 2003, 00:12
Or Analog (www.analog.cx (http://www.analog.cx/)) which has the advantage of beeing free :)

10th Sep 2003, 00:16
I use Analog combined with report magic (http://www.reportmagic.org/) - it's not plug and play so to speak but as mentioned it is free and informative.

10th Sep 2003, 15:47
...and it is provided by my webhost. Thanks for the help chaps, I found the right pages with the help of your replies. Thanks.:ok:

Naples Air Center, Inc.
10th Sep 2003, 23:20

I am glad to hear you are all set.

Take Care,
