View Full Version : Outlook Spell Check issue

8th Sep 2003, 17:59
I'm very tempted to rite thees lik ths...

Outlook express is causing me consternation. When I press F7 for a spell check, it asks me to insert the MIcrosoft Picture it! 2002 disk to install the spellchecker. I've done this (in frustration cos nothing else works) & lo and behold, my spellchecker returns for a few days, before the situation regresses & the cycle starts over. Where has my spellchecker gone??

Yors iliterratly.

The Punter.

8th Sep 2003, 22:36
Don't know where it has gone. Do you have Word installed? I think you must have Word installed and your outlook uses that for the spellcheck. Thats what mine does anyway.

I always get a request to insert OfficeXP into the drive before it will let me use things like Powerpoint, Word etc.... I think it may be somekind of security thing as a copied disk won't work.

9th Sep 2003, 16:27
BRL Word is in & works perfectly - I checked that yesterday before posting. I am confused in respect of why spellcheck would dissapear. Any clues anyone?