View Full Version : Anyone out there use Adabas and Natural?

Onan the Clumsy
8th Sep 2003, 10:45
Just wondered :8 I've been using it for about fifteen years myself.

8th Sep 2003, 14:24
Never used it, but been the victim of it. Over twenty years ago at British Rail, one department would fire it up and the rest of the mainframe would slow right down. By 11am we'd be twiddling our thumbs and looking for something else to do.

Fifteen years! Are people still using it? Mind you, a year ago I was using COBOL.

Onan the Clumsy
8th Sep 2003, 23:50
Nothing wrong with COBOL. Many of my best friends...

So British Rail's system ran slowly? Got to be a joke in there somewhere. Maybe there were leaves on the computer or something.