View Full Version : Full video+audio chat on a Mac?

6th Sep 2003, 14:12
Hi, need some help guys

I am trying to get into the wonderful world of chat with audio and webcam. I'd like to actually see my 3yo daughter when I am overnighting -- why not!

She is 3, and surprisingly cannot yet touchtype. I am hoping to get a video+audio chat system going

My home system:

Apple eMac G4 1GHz, 640 meg ram, internal 56k modem, dial up internet service that usually connects at 48000kb/s or better
OS 10.2.6
Canon MV400i miniDV camcorder connected to eMac via Firewire

Have user id/screen names for
AOL instant messenger

Away system & other family members....
Various windows 98 machines
Swann usb webcams
Dialup ISPs

iChatAV recognised camcorder and sucessfully shows it on screen but not to dial up chatters.

Yahoo Messenger will allow text chatting and conferences, allows remote users to see my webcam on the mac, but no audio. Yahoo website says audio feature not available and not scheduled for development for Mac!

MSN Messenger allows text only on my mac

AOL Instant Messenger allows text only thus far....

Prithee, learned fellows! How do I get a basic Mac and a basic PC to do full audio AND video chat?


6th Sep 2003, 15:09
iVisit (http://www.ivisit.info/) :}

PPRuNe Towers
6th Sep 2003, 16:35
Broadband needed for the full AV part of iChat. The Faq's and small print look worth a visit on the iVisit site Orac has supplied.
