View Full Version : BT Broadband installation problem

3rd Sep 2003, 22:48
Hi all,

When trying to install BT Broadband, I receive the following dialog box:
"Dial-Up Networking cannot start. Restart your computer, and then try again. If the problem persists, reinstall Dial-Up Networking". The dialog box has an OK button - pressing it just causes the same box to re-appear. The installation does not continue.

This happens after plugging in the modem, and just after the message "We're now completing the installation of the BT Voyager 100 ADSL modem".

Things I have tried/checked:
Equipment/microfilters plugged in correctly.
Ensured that there are no non-essential processes running.
Physically removed the old dial-up modem and drivers.
Removed/reinstalled Dial-Up Networking.
Removed the old Dial-up connections.

If I restart the computer at this point, the installation appears to complete normally and I can connect to Broadband, although the connection does drop out after a few minutes and I get a connection dialog which I am unable to reconnect with.

I am running Windows ME with 256M, AMD Athlon 1600, Internet explorer 6.

Has anyone had similar problems, or any idea on what else to try to solve it? (I have notified BT as well).


4th Sep 2003, 03:33
Hi, I'd suggest opening the Network icon in the Control Panel and removing everything inside it then reboot the machine, let Windows reinstall anything it needs re-installing and start the broadband install from scratch.

Did you have a dial-up set up previously? If so the software from BT may be having problems re-configuring it hence my suggestion above.

But this assumes that the BT software is able to restore the correct network settings automatically which I'd guess it should be able to do.


Out Of Trim
4th Sep 2003, 03:52
Vindaloo -

Without knowing the answer if, the above does not work; I would suggest trying this site for further help..


A good site with technical forums and comprehensive information!:ok:

Naples Air Center, Inc.
4th Sep 2003, 06:10

Win9x is famous for corrupting the networking protocols. I am pretty sure that amanoffewwords' solution will do the trick you. I would like to add, before you delete the protocols, go in and write down the current settings, especially with the TCP/IP settings.

You might need to manually re-enter the Default Gateway, DNS Servers, and IP address and Subnet Mask of the comp.

Take Care,


4th Sep 2003, 07:07
"Dial-Up Networking cannot start. Restart your computer, and then try again. If the problem persists, reinstall Dial-Up Networking".
That's the problem
Broadband is not dial up
Go into internet connections and disable dial up