View Full Version : Swedish PA

3rd Sep 2003, 22:10
Can I ask a big favour of someone who speaks Swedish: I have been called to Sweden for a few days flying next week and would like to have a basic PA ready for when I go over there. If there is anyone kind enough to translate the following into Swedish I would be very grateful:

Ladies and Gentlemen, good morning/afternoon/evening and welcome aboard, this is your captain speaking. My name is xxx and assisting me on the flight deck is first officer xxx. You have a great crew looking after you in the cabin led by cabin supevisor xxx and her team of xxx, xxx and xxx who will take good care of you this morning/afternoon/evening.

We are almost ready to go, just waiting for the last bits of paperwork to be completed, expecting to close the doors and start the engines in the next 5 minutes. The expected flight time today is approximately x hours and x minutes, our routing today will take us away from xxx towards xxx, then passing xxx, xxx and xxx, before beginning our descent over xxx. We will be cruising at xxx thousand feet and weather en route should be good.

The cabin crew will be performing a safety demonstration while we taxi the aircraft to the runway so I would ask you to please pay them your full attention as it is not only for your own safety but also for those passengers seated around you.

I will be speaking to you later on with more information about the flight, the latest weather for xxx and the approximate arrival time. In the meantime please relax and enjoy the service, thank you for your attention.



I. M. Esperto
4th Sep 2003, 00:24
Ledeees und Gentlemee, guud murneeng und velcume-a ebuerd, thees is yuoor cepteeen speekeeng. My neme-a is Hagar und esseesting me-a oon zee fleeght deck is furst ooffffeecer Deekhaid.

Yuoo hefe-a a greet croo luukeeng effter yuoo in zee cebeen led by cebeen soopefeesur Lena und her teem ooff Duzit, Ragup und Monica vhu veell teke-a guud cere-a ooff yuoo thees murneeng.

Ve-a ere-a elmust reedy tu gu, joost veeeting fur zee lest beets ooff pepervurk tu be-a cumpleted, ixpecteeng tu cluse-a zee duurs und stert zee ingeenes in zee next 5 meenootes. Um gesh dee bork, bork!

Zee ixpected fleeght teeme-a tudey is eppruxeemetely 3 huoors und sven meenootes, oooor ruooteeng tudey veell teke-a us evey frum Dublin tooerds North, zeen pisseeng a few vith funny zounding names, beffure-a begeenning oooor descent oofer Malmo.

Ve-a veell be-a crooeesing et 13,000 thuoosund feet und veezeer ee ruoote-a shuoold be-a guud. Bork bork bork!

Zee cebeen croo veell be-a perffurmeeng a seffety demunstreshun vheele-a ve-a texee zee eurcrefft tu zee roonvey su I vuoold esk yuoo tu pleese-a pey zeem yuoor fooll ettenshun es it is nut oonly fur yuoor oovn seffety boot elsu fur thuse-a pessengers seeted eruoond yuu. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp!

I veell be-a speekeeng tu yuoo leter oon veet mure-a inffurmeshun ebuoot zee fleeght, zee letest veezeer fur xxx und zee eppruxeemete-a erreefel teeme-a. In zee meunteeme-a pleese-a relex und injuy zee serfeece-a, thunk yuoo fur yuoor ettenshun.


Hagar der Horrible, because my lundinks are so.

4th Sep 2003, 01:23
You must be the bigest idiot on earth. The guy ask a very simple question, and you just like to make a fool out of him - what a "non Scandinavian" way to help....

However, I can only help in Danish and Norweigian - but there must be some helpfull swedish pilots out there...

Best of luck

4th Sep 2003, 05:45
Thanks for the support, Scandinavian, and yes, there are an awful lot of eejits around the place.

If you can be bothered, I would also welcome Norwegian, as I'm also rostered for a flight to Norway from there.


4th Sep 2003, 05:54
give your e-mail and I'll send one in Danish or Norwegian

4th Sep 2003, 06:05
My suggestion is as follows:
“Mina damer och herrar, detta är er kapten som talar. Jag skulle vilja önska er en god morgon/god dag/god kväll och välkommen ombord på denna flygning. Jag heter xxx och till min högra sida har jag styrman xxx till min hjälp. Den trevliga kabinpersonalen, bestående av kabinchef xxx och medarbetare xxx, xxx och xxx, vilka kommer ta god hand om er denna morgon/dag/kväll.

Vi är alldeles snart redo att ge oss iväg, så snart de sista pappren är ifyllda. Vi beräknar att kunna stänga dörrar och starta motorerna om cirka 5 minuter. Flygtiden för denna flygning beräknas bli x timmar och x minuter. Flygningen kommer att ta oss från xxx mot xxx, passerar xxx, xxx och xxx, innan vi sedan börjar sjunka över xxx. Vi kommer att flyga på xxx tusen fot och vädret ser bra ut för hela flygningen.

Medans vi taxar flygplanet till startbanan kommer kabinpersonalen gå igenom säkerhetsdemonstrationen. Jag ber er att rikta er koncentration mot denna demonstration, inte bara för er egen säkerhet utan även för era medpassagerares.

Ni kommer att höra mer från mig senare, med mer information om flygningen, senaste vädret för xxx och den beräknade ankomsttiden. Ni kan undertiden slappna av och njuta av den goda servicen. Tack för er uppmärksamhet.”

4th Sep 2003, 07:53
I prefer Esperto's PA.
Also , if you don't speak the language, I think most pax would prefer an English PA rather than suffer through a non-speaker's
fumbling attemt reading off a script.
Nice thought, though.
This is what I have been told from F/A's , who of course also have to listen to the drivel from up front.

4th Sep 2003, 15:24

Thanks very much this is much appreciated. I do have a vague knowledge of Swedish so hopefully won't sound like a total moron.

speed of ssssss
4th Sep 2003, 17:15
Why hit "I. M. Esperto" in the head with a hammer - it´s a joke...!
Look at it the scandinavian way: with homour.... :D

I. M. Esperto
4th Sep 2003, 21:42
Thanks speed. It was for a laugh. I thought an Irishman was supposed to have a sense of humor.

5th Sep 2003, 04:02
Typical of an American to think Sweden is a town in Germany!

5th Sep 2003, 09:34

I did have a quiet chuckle to myself when I read your post but I was asking for a real Swedish PA, not an eejit translation.

I. M. Esperto
5th Sep 2003, 10:49
Sure, an ya wanted an eejut translation, Irishman. How's this?

Ladies 'n Gentlemen, good mornigg 'n webuhlcome aboard, uh uh uh uh, dis is your cappain speakig. My name is Tyrone 'n assistigg me on the, uh uh uh, flite deck is firss officeh Malcom, I think,. Duh, you habe a great crew lookigg affeh you in the, errr, cabin lid by cabin supebisor Lena Gensta 'n heh team of Ragup , Duzit, 'n Monica who will take good care of you dis mornigg.

Web, uh are almost ready t' go, dgust waitigg f' de last bits of papehwork t' be c'pleted, uh uh uh uh, expeckigg t' close the, uhhh, doors 'n start the, uh, engines in de next 5 minoots. De expeckid flite time today is approximate 6 hours 'n 4 minoots, duuhhhh, our roootigg today will take us away from 4 toerds North den passigg funny sounding places 'n Malmo, bef'e beginnigg our descent obeh Stockholm.

Webuh will be cruisigg at 29 dousand feet 'n webuhadeh en rooot shudd be good. Um uh. De cabin crew will be pehf'migg a safety demonstrashun while webuh taxi de aircraff t' de runway so I wudd ask you t' blease pay dem your full attenshun as it is not on f' your own safety but also f' dose passengehs seatid around you.

I will be speakigg t' you lateh on wid more inf'mashun bou' the, uh uh uh, flite, de latest webuhadeh f' Stockholm 'n de approximate arribal time. In de meantime blease relax 'n endgoy the, ERRRR, sehbice, uh uh uh, dank you f' your attenshun.

8th Sep 2003, 04:46
im having a blast reading all this. i think yall have a great sense of humor, u scandihooligans. (i am one myself). keep it up.

8th Sep 2003, 05:18
I feel sorry for your co-pilot who will ONLY assist you,,,,,, Will he/she only raise/lower the gear for you?? Good luck!!

I. M. Esperto
8th Sep 2003, 05:28
Glad you like it Guv, 'ere's another:

Ladies and Gentlemen, good mornin' and welcome aboard, right, this is yor captain speakin'. Me name is Rodney and assistin' me on the bloody flight deck is first officer Ian.

Yer 'ave a great crew 'ave a lookin' after yer in the bleedin' cabin led by cabin supevisor Lena Genster and 'er team of Ragup, Duzzit. and Monica will take right good care of yer this mornin'.

We are almost ready ter go, right, just waitin' for the last bits of paperwork ter be completed, expectin' ter close the bloody doors and start the bleedin' engines in the bloody next 5 minutes. The expected flight time today is approximately 4 ours and 19 minutes.Yer routin' today will take us oray from Dublin', North towards Scot'lin , ffen passin' Faero, right, Norway and Malmo, right, before beginnin' us descent over Stoc'olm. We will be cruisin' at 31 fousand feet and wevver en route should be good. The chuffin' cabin crew will be performin' a safety demonstration wile we taxi the aircraft ter the runway so I would ask yer ter please pay them yor full attention as it ain't only for yor own safety but also for them passengers seated 'round yer. I will be speakin' ter yer later on wiv more information about the flight, right, the latest wevver for Sto'holm and the approximate arrival time. In the meantime please relax and enjoy the bloomin' service, thank yer for yor attention.