View Full Version : Microsoft Word 2000 - Another Thesis Panic

3rd Sep 2003, 17:51
Have I imagined this, or is it possible to insert some kind of fixed space thingy between two 'words'?
For example, if I have a sentence which includes "1000 cells ml-1", I obviously don't want the line ending half way through. Nor do I want to go through 200 odd pages of text making sure it's all formatted correctly every time I change something.
I've tried the 'Text Wrapping Break', but that doesn't seem the right thing.
Any suggestions?

Oh, and any ideas why I might have 14 (yes, 14) Mail Merge options under Tools? :confused:

3rd Sep 2003, 18:21
If you are worried about the "ml-1" being split, try the "nonbreaking hyphen" routine.

CTRL+SHIFT+HYPHEN between "ml" and "1". :ok:

Sorry, but this won't work for the whole document.

Can't answer the other one, way to peculiar!

3rd Sep 2003, 18:41
Same thing for a non-breaking space between words, use [Ctrl] + [Shift] + Space. Once you've done it once, copy it and use the "Replace" function to replace the existing text throughout the document.

3rd Sep 2003, 18:46
Great stuff - thanks again chaps. :ok:

3rd Sep 2003, 18:54
MSWord for a Thesis? Cor, in my day we used TeX ... and we were grateful :)

3rd Sep 2003, 19:50
You wrote you thesis with an iconic penguin? :confused: ;)

3rd Sep 2003, 20:35
That's TuX, innit? :)

3rd Sep 2003, 20:59

You must have the stamina of a saint to use raw TeX :) But it's reassuring in a bizarre kind of way to know that at least one person will know what I mean when I say I preferred LaTeX :)

[ ducks below parapet to await incoming sarccy comments :D ]

3rd Sep 2003, 21:05
That's TuX, innit? Yes Evo, hence the " ;) "
Dunno why I bother. :sad:

RTFM - I've heard of LaTex too - many of my friends are computing people. You are not alone! Mind you, I haven't the foggiest about what it does, beyond the basics...

3rd Sep 2003, 21:13

LaTeX is a "friendly" front-end for TeX (well, sort-of). :) Basically, it's a mark-up language that in many respects doesn't look too unlike HTML. If you can write raw HTML, then you could get started with documets using LaTeX fairly quickly...

Personally, I wouldn't trust anything longer that about two pages to any of Mr Gates products :( The number of times that even in short documents it manages to second-guess what I don't want incorrectly... :mad:

3rd Sep 2003, 21:53
OK, I exaggerated slightly when I said that mine was in TeX - it was more a bastard mixture of about 10% TeX and equal parts LaTeX and AASTeX (depending on what the journals wanted). I guess the most worrying thing was that I ended up thinking they were all quite good... :8 :ooh: :rolleyes:

Still, MS Word? :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :=

3rd Sep 2003, 22:16
I guess the most worrying thing was that I ended up thinking they were all quite good...

What: the articles or the macro suite ? ;)

As for M$Word... " :yuk: " quite :)

3rd Sep 2003, 22:46
Tell you what, how about I send you the files of what I've written so far, and dictate you the rest, and you write it for me? Wouldn't it be sooo much better that way?

3rd Sep 2003, 22:51
Hmm, or I could lend you a book... :)

RTFM, I have no illusions about the quality of the articles ;)