View Full Version : Spell-checking OE6 on WinXP Home

2nd Sep 2003, 17:04
Thought we'd done this but had no luck with search.

Got a Dell machine with XP Home and "Works" for XP that includes a Word Processor with a spell-checker that works fine.

OE6, however, in the Tools>Options section only has 9 tabs; the "Spelling" tab is missing and e-mails are not spell-checked.

What's up folks? Any ideas?

2nd Sep 2003, 17:32
I've only got 8 tabs :{ but it includes spelling :)

Have you tried pressing F7 when you're in a message? That calls up the spell check dialog box in MS applications.

Otherwise I would guess you may need to run Windows Update or re-install OE6 from the Micro$oft website - it's possible that spelling is an optional download though I don't recall it being that way.


2nd Sep 2003, 19:00
No problem!

If you go to: IE6 SpellCheck (http://www.iespell.com/)

You can download a lovely little utility for free that does the job. (I've been using IE6 for quite a while and never found a spell check within).

2nd Sep 2003, 21:21

I think you have your answer now with Blue Eagle's IESpell suggestion. I use it for on-line form like this one (the proon text entry window) and it's great.

Out of interest, does your "Works" include MS Word? Mine does and I have always had spell check available on OE6.

I read somewhere that if you have Word installed you get its spell check in OE6 - it kinda migrates.



2nd Sep 2003, 22:36
Thanks All.

AA, that's what I expected so it may be possible to configure the set-up to achieve that. But I'm trying to do it by remote control and it's slow work.

[Edit] Seems that the version of Works that Dell is bundling is Version 7.0 and has only a basic word-processor. Whils this will spell check its own documents it appears that it won't migrate the spell-checker to other applications.

I'll suggest the freebie above to my client.

3rd Sep 2003, 05:02
No, but I will tomorrow; thanks a lot. fobs.

[Edit] Well it's now tomorrow and it didn't work! The file wasn't missing but it was replaced anyway and there are still only 9 tabs in Tools>Options. The missing tab is "Spelling".

We'll have to install a proper Word Processor, I think. Unless there are any more ideas. The iespell didn't work in OE only IE, BTW.