View Full Version : How do I stop a PC from dialling at random?

2nd Sep 2003, 02:23
I have recently networked (peer to peer) two PCs both running Windows XP.

Only occasionally used for e-mail/internet and the recommended (by XP) way of setting up internet access is for internet connection sharing to be used.

i.e. One computer has the connection which both use.

PC 1 has the connection and PC 2 shares it. The problem is at apparently completely random times PC 2 will dial a connection (via PC 1) which is not asked for by the user and has to be shut down or cancelled by PC 1 during the process or PC 2 after connection.

I cannot find any reference to this problem after several weeks of searching various forums and the MS database.

I have looked at the settings in IE on PC 2 but there is nothing to alter on the Internet Options Connections tab because presumably it knows that it is using connection sharing.

It is driving me nuts. I am sure that there is a simple explanation but I am at a loss.

Anybody had a similar problem?

2nd Sep 2003, 03:45
On the "average" PC there are at least three Programs that will dial up atomatically unless configured not to do so. They are:

Windows Automatic Update (waulaunch.exe I think)

Zone Alarm (Pro) will try to find a newer version periodically

Anti virus software (eg aulaunch.exe in McAfee)

Add to these, RealPlayer, Acrobat reader, etc etc.

So I suggest you go through all the likely suspects on the offending PC(s) and see if you can de-activate any automatic update schedules.

As both PCs are XP, it is a simple matter to look at Task Manager and see what processes are running. They will give the game away.

2nd Sep 2003, 05:45
I had this problem about a year ago, when providing my sister with a facility share a dial up modem initiated by either system (one XP and t'other "98). Posed questions on some forum, and tried looking into all the listed programs and Windows Scheduler to no avail. It seemed that the dialling system was the W98 system (the modem was on the XP system). If you find the answer I would be interested to know the answer - at the moment my sister just leaves th emodem off, until chosen to dial! Yeh, I know, broadband is ONE answer!

2nd Sep 2003, 05:49
While tracing the programme triggering this you might try:

Having a look in the internet seetings, select "never dial a connection" or "confirm before dialing". (Or similar - it's been a while since I set up a windows dial up.)

Alternatively configure a dummy dial up, account use just a single digit so you dont accidentally dial. Set this to be the default.

Either of these will require a manual intervention before a connection gets made.

Good luck!


P.S. try googling for the search term windows dials at random it brings up a lot of results!

Golden Runways
2nd Sep 2003, 06:36
Where's it trying to dial to? Try spybot here (http://www.safer-networking.org/index.php?lang=en&page=download) to see if it's a dialler.

2nd Sep 2003, 19:00
Thanks for the replies so far.

I will try some of the suggestions in about 2 weeks time and report back!

8th Sep 2003, 05:48
Well I have finally cured the problem. I removed all the programs that looked as though they might dial of there own accord to no joy.

I then found a piece on another PC forum mentioning an option to stop a PC on a network with internet connection sharing from dialling a connection when one is not present. The option is on the PC that actually owns the internet connection and once the option was selected the problem was cured.

The only downside is that if you want internet access on PC2 then PC1 has to be instructed to connect but in my case this is not a problem.

I can't remember where I found the option but I can find it again if anybody is desparate to know.