View Full Version : Program search

2nd Sep 2003, 01:27
Does anyone know where I can download a program that checks for errors, missing/corrupt files, etc on my computer. I hear these programs detect & fix all errors internally or via automatic downloads from the net. Is this true/available?

Hope this is coming over clear. I'm all thumbs when it comes to computers.


Flying Boat
2nd Sep 2003, 01:32
Norton System Works.

It also has Norton Anti Virus on it.

That does everything you require.


2nd Sep 2003, 06:00
Depends on your system!

If you are runnning windows some of the more modern versions of windows, MS Office etc have a repair option on the setup disk.

When you put in the disk and it autostarts you get the option to repair the installation.

If you don't have your original disks handy and are working off of a "backup" you will need to have written down the software key - these can sometimes be found on the net...

Agian if it is windows you are using visit etc.windowsupdate.microsoft.com (http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com) regulalry for security patches

I can't say I have tried System works, but although it no doubt fixes a lot of problems if you are missing files I doubt it will be able to do much more than identify what is missing - after all if it did that it would be the only software anyone ever bought :O

Excuse me must try this new (geeky) sig...
