View Full Version : Illegal operation message?

tony draper
1st Sep 2003, 00:49
Just done a format on my hard disc and reloaded windows along with my graphic card sound card and modem drivers,nothing else on the disc yet, when I boot up I am getting a Illegal operation message.
It say loader causing page fault, folowed by a line of numbers and letters, followed by, loader exe then another whole load of number and letters.
The system is running but for instance pages in my browser are scroling very jerkily and there seems to be a slight delay when I type, to the letters apearing.
Any idea what this could be ,?

ooops sorry, nearly forgot I am running windows 98.

PS something else I have just noticed, my mouse also seems to have a longish delay a now, I click on something and there is a delay before anything happens,
It cannot be hardware, I tried my spare hard disk, and the machine runs fine,
Suppose I will have to bite the bulley and go thru the format and reload again,

1st Sep 2003, 06:40

Was windows working OK prior to the card / modem going on, or did you stick the whole shaboodle on together?

tony draper
1st Sep 2003, 07:17
It ok did a format and install again, everything is fine now,must have loaded a duff file or something.
thanks anyway.