View Full Version : Webcam mirror image

31st Aug 2003, 19:20
I've just set up a Logitech webcam, mainly for use with MSN Messenger 6. With the webcam's own software, the image is normal, but with MSN the view I see is a mirror image. The view the other person sees is normal though... :confused:
Any suggestions?

1st Sep 2003, 03:09
Mirror, mirror on the wall (or on the internet), who is the most gorgeous of them all?

1st Sep 2003, 15:51
You. :O

But that's not going to help much with this.... :(

1st Sep 2003, 17:41
Have you tried contacting Microsoft about this - there is a form here (http://messenger.msn.com/Help/ContactUs.aspx) ?

And failing that Logitech (http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm?page=support/contact&CRID=323&countryid=18&languageid=1) directly?


2nd Sep 2003, 02:30

Have you tried going into the webcam settings of Messenger Tools - Web Camera Settings - Advanced

I don't have my camera on at the moment so can't get in there but am sure there is an option to reverse the pic.

2nd Sep 2003, 06:13
Tell me to shut up if I have mis understood this your question...but...

The camera is facing you, so is it not seeing what you would normally think of as a mirror image? i.e. working properly?

2nd Sep 2003, 15:24
Front_Seat - Will try that in a minute. Although, see * below.

Memetic - I did wonder whether it was just me being confused and stupid, but if I hold some writing in front of it, it appears reversed on my screen.

However... *it doesn't appear reversed to the person I'm talking to. If I reverse the image to me, won't it then appear as a mirror image to them?


2nd Sep 2003, 21:01

I think the setting ust affects you - there must be some people who want to see how they really look i.e. not a mirror image.

2nd Sep 2003, 21:59
Nope, if I flip the image in the horizontal, it affects both of us.

2nd Sep 2003, 23:27
I imagine that this is intentional. Most people are only used to seeing themselves in a mirror. Therefore, when trying to react to the image they see on the screen, it is easier if you see a mirror image rather than the real image.

Sorry I can't help with fixing your problem, but it sounds like a feature rather than a bug to me :-)

3rd Sep 2003, 07:15
there must be some people who want to see how they really look i.e. not a mirror image.

Shame there is not a webcam that captures self image - great if its a bit too early iin the moring etc.

3rd Sep 2003, 08:42
Aerbabe....what model of Logitech Camera do you have? I ask, coz on some of the more advanced models there is the facility to 'mirror' image!

Once we have the model makes it easier to weed out the problem! :D

Oh yeah almost forgot what OS are you using?

3rd Sep 2003, 14:54
OzPax - It's a Logitech Labtec and Windows XP.
Yes, I can mirror it horizontally or vertically, but it changes what the other person sees too. ie. We can't both see the image as it really is at the same time.

3rd Sep 2003, 15:42

wouldn't it be easier to send a mail to Logitech as I suggested above then you'll know if it's working as designed, faulty or needs re-configuring.

I suspect it's working as designed though, peg20's idea sounds plausible even though in practice it's a bit of a pain.
