View Full Version : Mac Mail

Evening Star
30th Aug 2003, 04:51
Bought an iMac this week and currently on that teething problem learning curve, which this time includes the change from Windows to OS X. Question for established Mac users: Which mail program do you use, OS X Mail or Office X Entourage?

PPRuNe Towers
30th Aug 2003, 22:01
Horses for courses I'm afraid. If you're a long term Entourage user and you're aware of and happy with countering the constant attacks on Microsoft coding why change?

I've switched to the built in mac mail client exclusively. It's spam/junk mail training works very well and remains nicely configurable once switched out of training mode.

The address book is of course integrated into your other applications as well - not just Office. Thus highlighting a pic in i-Photo and then clicking on the e-mail icon automatically puts the .jpg into a blank message form and the address box is highlighted for you to enter the first few letters of the recipient. Play with the usual keys and you will find you can place multiple photos in an e-mail with a single click.

Of course the photos are fully visible in your mail and you aren't looking at file names on attachments to check you've included the correct shots.

Haven't found a flaw in it and, as you can imagine, running the site gives me a whopping mail load and an address that gets into an awful lot of naive, unprotected ppruners address books.

Others may have had a different experience and can counter with their thoughts. One obvious reason to use Entourage would be if you're a serious Word user and need the mail merge facilities along with a carefully developed and transferred address book.


Evening Star
1st Sep 2003, 17:36

Thank you for the advice. You rather confirm what I wondered, although as I am new to Macs I worried about overlooking the obvious.

Certainly Mail got off to a good start in my mind as it was the program that allowed me to load email from my old PC, something that Entourage sulked over. Also, I like the one size fits all display, as opposed to the goodness know what font size one seems to get with Entourage. However, it seemed too good to be true and was looking for the flaw. Clearly I am too cynical for my own good :\.

I am a heavy Word user, but never really need the linking, so think I will use Mail for the time being and see how I get on. Got the link between Mail and Entourage up and running so can always change later.

Only down side with Mail is that it displays dates in US style, something that really gets up my nose and I cannot so far find out how to change it. Well, I have to be an irritable old :mad: about something.