View Full Version : education allowances at GF

28th Aug 2003, 20:43
Can someone explain to me how the education allowance works at Gulf Air. I know what they allocate per child but was curious how it works. ie: do they just give you the money to use at your discretion for education, do they require reciepts then reimburse the employee or do they pay it directly?
Thanks for the info

29th Aug 2003, 02:06
on-the-go When Iwas there many moons ago it was paid against receipts and that will not have changed I am sure.

To be an ex-pat these days you need plenty of money up front as you will find the first few months all sorts of people want money from you before you see any back!!

29th Aug 2003, 02:42
Trying to gather as much info on how much money I may need to get set up once over there. Either way I'm sure it will not be enough with what is being paid these days.

29th Aug 2003, 14:32
on-th-go schools in Bahrain are expensive and overall the allowance we get covers less than 50% of the cost. It is paid in 3 equal terms against receipts. In other words you pay lets say BD1600 per term and get back something like BD650-700. Schools in Bahrain increase their fees annually about 5% however our allowance has not changed the last 20 years. We tried last year to talk to a certain school which is one of the only one's expat kids can go to (ie British curiculum) to give GF kids a discount but they were not interested. Demand is high and fees just continue increasing.


TAF Oscar
29th Aug 2003, 15:20
For info on schools in Bahrain look at:

There are two British schools in Bahrain, I would advise getting kids on the waiting list as soon as possible.

St. Christophers is a "non profit international school":

Alternatively the British School of Bahrain:

Both sites give details of fees.


29th Aug 2003, 18:20
on-the go Remember that if it is like the Singapore schools then expect to pay schools a huge sum in addition to the fees when you first start as a deposit which you get back with a bit of luck when they finish.

As I said take plenty of money with you when you join!!

29th Aug 2003, 21:27
Again thanks to all.

TAF Oscar
30th Aug 2003, 15:22
Don't know about Singapore but the schools here do not ask for a deposit, just the fees.

They do give the kids a test in English and Maths and state that they have to achieve a certain level to be allowed in, but I never heard of anyone actually being canned on that basis. At St. Christophers there are 52 different nationalities of kids with varying abilities of English, if necessary they get extra tuition.


30th Aug 2003, 16:26
TAF Oscar I am glad to hear that schools in Bahrain do not ask for deposits as they do in Singapore.

Singapore and SIA are one big Rip Off. Not only do you have to pay for accommodation and medicals when you come for an interview but when you join you have to pay deposits for schools, 2 to 3 months deposit on rental accommodation,pay for your own 6 monthly medicals and licence,all at a time when during the long drawn out training on a very low salary and now with a Bonus just a distant memory,pay cuts , and a very nasty atmosphere now evident for all to see anyone considering SIA in the future when they eventually start recruiting again should think long and hard!!
Also the Bond carries a hefty $2000 charge from the Banks merely for promising to hand over your money to SIA if you leave early!!