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  1. Cathay Pacific info please
  2. Share sim time in Canada
  3. Tech Question
  4. Cadet Training Schedule
  5. B747-200 Flight Sim
  6. KA Medical
  7. CX second interview details
  8. Thumbs Up or Thumbs down after YVR interview?
  9. File delayed?
  10. CPP 1st stage interview
  11. Second Stage in Hong Kong
  12. Interview Dragonair FO Airbus
  13. CX Call
  14. 747 Sim ?
  15. sim practice for CX interview
  16. YVR June 5 - 9
  17. S/O logging flight time?
  18. 2nd interview with Air hongkong
  19. how many pilots at CX?
  20. simulator
  23. News: Dragonair is now part of Cathay Pacific
  24. How great is a CX SO job?
  25. DEFO stage 1
  26. Number of Interviewers in Stage One?
  27. Tech question - winglets
  28. Cathay Cadet Stage 3 - Mgt Interview
  29. Military time conversion
  30. Horizontal Stab Fuel tanks on /400
  31. CX Education requirements
  33. CR Airways......Anybody!!!!!!!
  34. Time to Upgrade ???
  35. Technical Question
  36. infos about tiger please
  37. Interview in Sydney
  38. Time to interview
  39. YVR Interviews
  40. Interview Gouge - Now on P2P
  41. English Test...
  42. Cx medical
  44. aus frieghters
  45. CX time off--how quickly does one progress?
  46. Who is or has finished the CX cadet Program
  47. A few technical questions ... any input?
  48. Time from 1st to 2nd interview
  49. startdate
  50. HK Pilots' income...
  51. A340-300 & A340-600 External Differences
  52. Best Way to go about things ???
  53. Anything to Know About Cathay Pacific Interview
  54. Hong Kong or Oz
  55. Routes + Airways
  56. CPP application handler?
  57. self fund ATPL for a Cathay pilot job - is it worth it?
  58. CP Aircraft's engines
  59. Paying a visit to Hong Kong
  60. KA CPP 2nd interview
  61. Waiting time for Cathay Pacific interview
  62. 747-200 PAY ON EUROPE BASE
  63. Recent Cathay Interview Gouge
  64. Been to HK before?
  65. Dragon Air
  66. When to apply?
  67. direct entry fo on pax fleet?
  68. Where does a Second Officer fly to?
  69. Longest Flight time?
  70. SQ hiring Hong Kong ppl for CPP!!
  71. Getting a North American base once upgraded?
  72. CX F/O B744 lifestyle
  73. Cathay Hiring Age + Other Questions
  75. Cathay 1st interview call?
  76. 747-400 Vs 747-200
  77. Fleet Details
  78. Cathay Pacific Application Form
  79. CX freighter in Paris base
  80. 744 Sim Share
  82. Education Costs in Hong Kong
  83. Cathay Pacific Cargo Route Structure
  84. CX how many pilots?
  85. Need advace for setting a date for the CPP selection process.
  86. Initial DESO Vancouver
  87. seaman
  88. Cathay City Living!
  89. Is NYC west or east of HKG??
  90. CX DEFO 2nd interview dates
  91. Which Diploma should I choose?
  92. Remedial Help Needed
  93. KA May 18 CPP Eng + Math Test
  94. Cathay base help
  95. CX Hotmail account
  96. CX upgrade question
  97. DESO Final Interview 22-23 May.
  98. 747-400
  99. Dragon Air Freighter
  100. Published Contact Details for the Head of Flight Recuitment , Cathay Pacific
  101. Ka's Initial Interview Numerical Test??
  102. Info for simulator
  103. HKG Hotel
  104. DESO Initial Interview May 2006
  105. Cathay Cadet - Flight Grading
  106. Miami Job Fair re: CX?
  107. Second time round - CX interview
  108. CX Retirement
  109. Eva Airways Info please
  110. Contact info...
  112. Dragon Air - do they look at f-Atpl?
  113. Why wont Cathay call...
  114. Cathay Pacific Medical Question:
  115. Tech Question
  116. Oasis Selection
  117. Info needed on ADL and HKG.
  118. Interview in May06
  120. cathay tech question
  121. CPP Flight Training
  122. KA Engineering Trainee programme
  123. experience?
  124. Need some info.....
  125. Share a B747 sim???
  126. KA CPP 2006
  127. I need help (starting career)
  128. Passed 2nd Interview March 16-17
  129. B747-400 interview sim ride
  130. Start Date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  131. Hi all !!
  132. quick ques
  133. Air Hong Kong
  134. CPP Interview travel arrangements??
  135. re: second round interview for Cadet pilot
  136. 49-ers question
  137. Medical (BP) question
  138. cathay
  139. Airbus systems info
  140. London Interviews on the 10th?
  141. Math Test DEFO
  142. DEFO First Interview on April 6th in SFO!
  143. Sim Eval
  144. What can I do??
  145. US Sim time
  146. Application
  147. CX Pay Scales & U.S. Bases?
  148. Does CX require a training contract?
  149. Medical Test
  150. General Questions About Cathay & Dragonair
  151. Management Interview and Flight Grading
  152. Licence conversion?
  153. Chris Pratt - Chairman
  154. Nick Rhodes - Dir Flight Ops
  155. Waiting Period for CPP
  156. Phase 2 - Spouse?
  157. Any sample aptitute test on the Internet using joystick?
  158. what to expect in housing
  159. Should I or should I not?
  160. Calling all Cathay Pacific Pilots
  161. cadet to FO
  162. Anyone hear?
  163. 2nd Interview in HK
  164. CX - ATL base?
  165. 2nd chance?
  166. DEFO, SO
  167. Changes in CX's Cadet Screening?
  168. CX Frieghter pay
  169. Question for CXers
  170. DESO interview questions
  172. cathay pacific direct entry FO
  173. DESO Interview Questions
  174. Phase 2 DEFO 2/8-2/10 results?
  175. SO Commuting
  176. Got an email from HR - what does it mean?
  177. UK ATPL to HK ATPL
  178. can anyone confirm this ? Question about DESO
  179. Initial Training
  180. What to Wear
  181. YYZ base
  182. Cathay CPP Time and Date arrangements?
  183. Any news from Dragonair? Anyone?
  184. Which airline
  185. Interview success notifications
  186. Cathay Cargo Frankfurt
  187. Post with FTP site gone missing
  188. CX DEFO interview in SYD
  189. Air Hong Kong
  190. Hong Kong Express...anyone?
  191. B747 Sim ride in HKG question
  192. Any YV Pilots Headed To HKG For Final Interview???
  193. Best way to update cathay?
  194. Hey Spektor you out there?
  195. How many trips per month and time away?
  196. Jobs at HOng KOng
  197. ALL the information of Cathay Pacific
  198. CXCPP Jan. Medical & Stage 3 Invitation
  199. SO transition to cargo FO
  200. Airline Jet Transport for DEFO
  201. eMail address to check application status?
  202. Class 1 Medical UK & HK (Merged).
  203. The gap between high school and applying to CX CPP
  204. About Dragonair CPP application
  205. CX--> the facts of life
  206. Employment evaluation at Dragon Air
  207. QOL at Cathay Cargo
  208. North American DESO Interviews
  209. Hiring Projections
  210. Eyes/Stereoscopic vision
  211. Help with information on 747 sims in the US
  212. CX 3rd round selection process
  213. To Interview or Not??
  214. E-mailed Applications For CX
  215. Someone else to share 747 sim for 5/20 final interview?
  216. What looks better to Cathay?
  217. Latest news on 747-400 Sim ?
  218. DEFO Interviews in NYC
  219. Airbus simulator access?
  220. Dragon Air Application Letter?
  221. SO 1st interview dates
  222. abroad
  223. How long does it usually take for CX to get back to you regarding the CPP?
  224. Any CX pilot wannabes in YVR
  225. Cathay Cargo
  226. 2nd Interview wash-out rate
  227. Dress code for CX 2nd interview...ladies???
  228. Dec 16th Stage I Inverview in YVR
  229. IAS, TAS and Ground Speed & Descent Charts.
  230. CX Fleet Info (1 Dec 2005) incl orders.
  231. Share Qantas Sim Jan/Feb 06
  232. Any books to Study for Math test?
  233. Any rumours on new CX plan for DEFO PAX recruiting..?
  234. Interview Mins
  235. Light Twin Driver looking for job
  236. questions? questions?
  237. Cathay Cadet Pilot Program (urgent)
  238. London 1st interviews w/c 5th December
  239. Best Way To Prepare?
  240. !!! Help !!!
  241. CATHAY PACIFIC-Direct Entry F/O
  242. 2nd interview dec 12,13th
  243. Second time
  244. Nov 30th to Dec ist final interview group
  245. Cadetship Eligibility
  246. Flying The Big Jets
  247. Question about CX SO basing
  248. merry christmas: the Cx interview notes are back
  249. Degree Requirment
  250. CX Flt Sim Instructor