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  1. CX F/O Pay !! Have I got this right ?
  2. CX cadet program open to USA citizens?
  3. CX CPP help
  4. Directly from fighters into CX FO interview?
  5. 747-200 Sim Prep in Europe?
  6. HKA and HKE interview
  7. Cathay requirements vs Military Exemptions
  8. Cathay pay scales
  9. CX Spouse Interview
  10. CX DEFO interview
  11. CX and KA interviews
  12. Adelaide in March?
  13. Jade Air Cargo JFK base to be staffed by Evergreen!
  14. jade cargo
  15. CPP Interview Q: Degree of turn for Engine Failure After Takeoff
  16. Flight Sim 747-200
  17. JFK PAX BASE for CX
  18. Prospective CXCPP Applicants
  19. CX First Interview help
  20. CX Interview Sim training in Syd
  21. CX Cadet Final Interview
  22. Jet jobs in asia with FI time
  23. B747-200 Sim Check
  24. is it a must that KA is not taking cadets with CPL or above?
  25. engines
  26. HKA and HKE still hiring?
  27. CX Engineering pay levels
  28. Brazilian SO at CX
  29. food for thought CX
  30. Applying CX CPP with PPL/CPL
  31. dragonair interview
  32. Cathay Book
  33. Spouse - 2nd Interview
  34. Info on DB and HK
  35. Cx Cpp 2008
  36. Regarding the conversion of my CASA CPL, ATPL(f) licence to the HKCAD professional li
  37. CX/FTA Instructor Secondment
  38. Cathay Pilot Recruitment?
  39. SIA Cadet Pilot - HK Recruitment Process
  40. Help with some CX questions
  41. Basings and Timelines-CX Guys what do you think?
  42. Recent US DEFO new hires...need help.
  43. Cx Sfo?
  44. CPP first interview on 21st Jan.
  45. Climatology for Airline Pilots
  46. Cathay Interview
  47. Air Honk Kong
  48. Career SO?
  49. is CX even worth applying?
  50. HK Citizen
  51. CX Interview 21-22
  52. Cathay CPP Advanced Flight grading?
  53. B747 classic sim timein Sydney
  54. cx interview
  55. Aerodynamics for Naval Aviators
  56. Question about the Cathay technical quiz
  57. HK VISA for 2nd interview
  58. Dragonair interviews
  59. Contact Number CX Recruiting
  60. S/O Duties & Description
  61. Latest DEFO Experience for interview
  62. CX, the truth.
  63. SO Endorsement
  64. Age 65 and CX.
  65. Switching from DESO to DEFO?
  66. Longhaul Crew on board question
  67. Jan 21st, 2nd Final Interview?
  68. Freghter types
  69. CX SO Schedules
  70. Cathay Bonding
  71. Cathay Medical.
  72. SO conditions
  73. Hong Kong Telephone numbers
  74. How do I apply?
  75. Cost of Living in Hong Kong
  76. MEETING: CX CPP Second Stage Interview Preparation
  77. Cathay Medical & Tatoo
  78. Hong Kong Express today
  79. Cx health insurance
  80. DESO
  81. DEFO europe
  82. CPP Personality Test
  83. Deferring Stage II - Cadet
  84. Math Test
  85. Tour of Cathay
  86. CX 2nd Officer Requirements
  87. Cadets
  88. just got the call/e-mail
  89. Hong Kong Airlines
  90. CX questions for the 'older' cadet...
  91. what do they tell you at the interview ????
  92. Newbie: Need to know how long does it take CX,Dragon
  93. SFO November 12th?
  94. Change in Interview Process
  95. Cathay Cadet Interview - Technical Questions
  96. fedex hkg
  97. what are my chances?
  98. CX Interview Coming - Is it worth going?
  99. How to in HK
  100. Cathay cadet selection stages?
  101. CARGO out of CYYZ
  102. Oasis updated terms and conditions
  103. Air HK interview
  104. Headsets at Cathay
  105. Basing and taxes
  106. Dragon Air UK Interview AIRBUS fleet - 5th & 6th Nov
  107. First Interview - Written Exam
  108. Jobs in Aisa for a cargo pilot
  109. CX Trying Again
  110. Application At Chx
  111. CX SO Gouge (Initial Interview)
  112. Corporate to CX
  113. Basing/licencing questions
  114. Hong Kong Express
  115. Duration of initial training
  116. CX Cost
  117. Logging time as an SO
  118. Air Hong Kong Gouge?
  119. INTERVIEW Q's
  120. Lost it with CoS08
  121. Cathay 747 Freighter Typical Roster
  122. Rumor: CX with a big announcement in Nov?
  123. CX sim prep
  124. CX cadet pilot programme interview in november
  125. Any CX Canadians living at US bases ?
  126. Interview Oct 10-11
  127. Hong Kong Express - Living and Working
  128. Dragon Airbus FO interview
  129. Four Year Degree
  130. Interview for already rated pilots
  131. Cathay Medical - Tobacco Use
  132. Joining Dragon Air
  133. No More DESO?
  134. Logbook flight time endorsement (FAA)
  135. Recent CX interview feedback assistance
  136. somebody work for HKExpress?
  137. Share A320 Sim Hong Kong
  138. cx application
  139. CX DFO Positions in Sydney
  140. Duration As SO.
  141. Cathay Base Ports
  142. I had to reshedule my first interview with CX Will I ever be given a second chance?
  143. Mecial Requirements
  144. Question
  145. Sim on Sept 24th
  146. Macau
  147. SO Oz Interviews
  148. Online Application Link Missing - Defo & Deso - Fixing!
  149. HK PPL - worth the effort?
  150. Interview & Domicile
  151. Transfer between domiciles
  152. Eleventh Hour Interview Questions
  153. Low down on pay for DEFO USA..
  154. CX DEFO Requirements/Bases/Operations
  155. Cx Application.
  156. DEFO Flight Time Requirements
  157. contact number
  158. History question
  159. Looking for SO candidate Gary Faul
  160. DEFO Interviews Amsterdam October 2007
  161. 340 Fuel System
  162. Sim Questions
  163. CX SFO Recent Interviews
  164. Question about Air HongKong
  165. Ex-FTA instructors in CX
  166. Cathay Medical
  167. Min Hours for S/O
  168. meal allowances?
  169. Some engine questions
  170. SFO DESO 31 July 07
  171. A320 TR - Dragonair
  172. Passenger to Freighter Fleet?
  173. Swire House - Sydney
  174. Typical PAX and Cargo routes for CX?
  175. Logbook Certification for 2nd Interview
  176. Pay during training
  177. 2nd stage for CPP
  178. Question for the commuters?
  179. Domicile Question?
  180. Math Test
  181. Rapid Command
  182. CX Cadet interview
  183. HK Hotel
  184. L over D chart??
  185. Aptitude Test Book
  186. 3 quick questions
  187. Sim prep share in the US
  188. DESO Sim Prep
  189. CX second SO interview
  190. 49ers
  191. Dallas Base?
  192. CX Training vs. US 121???
  193. anything to study while waiting for class?
  194. Pre-interview details to clear up
  195. Classic Interview/Tech Question
  196. Bases... Interview questions...
  197. Weather Study Materials
  198. Dragon to Cathay
  199. FAA Records & CX Second Interview
  200. Ozzy Based FO's?
  201. 742 FE's?
  202. RB211
  203. Taking off your jacket?
  204. Buying in HK
  205. The Bottom Line....cx
  206. "Ace the Technical Pilot Interview" mistakes
  207. HongKong cpp?
  208. Latest on Air Macau
  209. Any possibility of a second invitation?
  210. Screen Height
  211. Recent US Interviews
  212. Hong Kong
  213. 777-300 Tail Question
  214. Interviewers
  215. Dependants and employment
  216. CX Interview Questions
  217. Second Interview Paperwork requirements
  218. KA CPP Interview
  219. Defo & Deso
  220. SFO Interview
  221. A few Q's on CX
  222. Asthma
  223. Calculator for Tech Exam?
  224. Taxi SFO
  225. Reference material / general advice
  226. CX SFI Info
  227. Dragon Sim ride
  228. Tax in NZ/Australia
  229. Wading in the pool...
  230. Cathay Pacific San Francisco Question
  231. DEFO Pay and Conditions
  232. what did CX tell you about TAX?
  233. age
  234. CX interview Aug. 6-7, 2007 (any other spouses attending?)
  235. Another CX that may be really dumb
  236. RB 211 524H(T) questions re:Cathay
  237. Wife of prospective Cathay Pilot asks ...
  238. Dragonair Family Lifestyle
  239. CX flying out of ATL
  240. Cx Amount of Employees?
  241. KA CPP Interview - not able to attend!
  242. is there a 2nd chance??
  243. Vat?
  244. Past threads
  245. Short Form?
  246. G115 information ?
  247. CX Europe basing
  248. Share Sim Time
  249. SIA cadet Help needed.
  250. Length of time to upgrade to Captain?