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  1. Cockpit Automation - Advantages and Safety Challenges
  2. Crew Decision Making
  3. SMS
  4. Day Off before Medical Examination/OPC/LPC
  5. Cockpit voice recorder
  6. Severe wake turbulence encounters. Your experiences.
  7. Challenge: Define 'airside'
  8. Two in the cockpit
  9. Ridiculous CRM call for Help- I am in the Red Zone
  10. JARTEL Training Videos
  11. Fear of Flying a whole new meaning in the cockpit
  12. Oops - wrong airport
  13. Ditching training for cabin crew
  14. CRM versus aspergers syndrome/autism
  15. UPS 1354 NTSB Investigation - CVR
  16. CRM Instructor Course
  17. Frequency of severe turbulance injuries
  18. Airprox
  19. A Life in Error
  20. CRM Training Reqs
  21. Lithium batteries on BBC news
  22. Evacuation Decision Model
  23. UAV crashes into crowd at Virginia Motorsport event
  24. Cockpit Strictly Crew Only
  25. Carriage of Persons with Reduced Mobility (PRMs)
  26. Is Safety Data Hidden from the FAA
  27. Airline Safety Perception Survey in Flight magazine
  28. EASA FTLs From the Horse's Mouth
  29. who's fault? ATC
  30. Flight Safety-2013
  31. Autopilots cause human pilots to "tune out": Pilots are "nothing more than luggage"
  32. Questionnaire 'human interaction on the flight deck''
  33. US sorts out bird hazards!
  34. NAIRAS Radiation Nowcast
  35. Air Maestro
  36. Wing walking a 737-800?
  37. Old report on AF 744 at Tahiti now in English
  38. The Less experience - the less "Bad habits" you accrue. Discuss
  39. Federal shutdown: calls to NTSB go to voicemail
  40. Research into checklist usage
  41. Simultaneous Landings on Parallel Runways (SNA)
  43. From Safety 1 to Safety 2
  44. Presentation from AF447 Investigating Officer
  45. Refulling with passengers on board
  46. Lessons learned China Airlines 120
  47. altering checklists
  49. Radio 4 item on poor english communication
  50. SMS Training
  51. Experiment in Microsleep
  52. Bird Strikes on the Increase
  53. "Safe Airline" vs. Unsafe Culture. We're discussing the wrong thing!
  54. Cranfield University Human Factors & Safety Assessment in Aeronautics HFSAA MSc
  55. CRMIE required!!
  56. Flight Safety Q1 & Q2 2013 - blip or trend
  57. Asiana Crash Investigation
  58. Airbus Official Urges Major Pilot Training Changes
  59. Aviation Safety - TEM FOQA and LOSA
  60. The ones that got away
  61. CAP 371 Standby Duty Calculation
  62. Airline Possible Breach of Regulations
  63. CAA Global Fatal Accident Review 2002 to 2011
  64. The ETTO principle & potential dangers of overreliance on "old school" flying skills
  65. Pilots Not In Command
  66. Would best practice work?
  67. ICAO DOC 9683
  68. human factors and cognitive biases: how we can be functionally blind
  69. Object strike at FL 262
  70. Is MSc Aviation Safety a good option?
  71. Carriage of Lithium ion Batteries
  72. AAIB Report and Civil Litigation / Legal
  73. Routing of emergency traffic
  74. Blind pax discrimination
  75. ICAO interview for the post of Regional Officer Flight Safety WACAF
  76. Deta 191 Accident
  77. Recommendations for CRMI Companies
  78. International Flight Safety Conference in UK. Let's start with plain English, please
  79. Universal SMS software
  80. Airliner 'had narrow miss with UFO'
  81. Audio files needed. "Mayday" examples.
  82. What to do next?
  83. Finnair incident at Tenerife2011
  84. Runway incursion on parallel runways
  85. Training and Assessment of Pilot Monitoring Skills
  86. Norwegian B737-800 almost stalls at EFKT?
  87. CRM Studies
  88. Laser prison sentence.
  89. It's Not Just the Aircraft You Need to Worry About
  90. Air Berlin A332 at HKT, Dec 20th 2012, German BFU Investigation Report
  91. AF447, what about Fatigue ?
  92. Fatal Flight 447: Chaos in the Cockpit
  93. Aviation psychology
  94. 737-800 runway overrun in Katowice
  95. Safety Cards
  96. University student needs your help!
  97. UPS 747 Dubai cargo fire report??
  98. IOSA/LOSA audits
  99. Regions with highest number of fatal Civil Airliner accidents since 1945
  100. CRM Training - A question about its operational limitations
  101. Wake Up UK - Tired Pilots Risk Lives
  102. BBC documentary "The wrong stuff"
  103. Fascinating Blog from a NASA retiree...
  104. What to do,if flying with an uncomfortable captain?
  105. Intuition in aeronautical decision making
  106. Risk Assessment mantra at top of descent - the Magic wand of Blind Faith.
  107. A commercial Pilots General Health - A Survey
  108. UK MSC in Transport/Safety Management
  109. alaska airlines pilot passes out/copilot lands safely
  110. Pilot survey
  111. french issued ADs
  112. Windshear at less than 100' during landing
  113. De-brief
  114. Flight Annual Safety Review - amazing
  115. Low-cost operator incapacitation
  116. Open Source Software - DHC6 Operators
  117. QF 32
  118. Cabin crew take your seats for take-off
  119. ICAO Mobile App Emergency Response Guidance
  120. SMS Programs. Opinions please?
  121. Holding point inside the runway strip?
  122. “They wanted systems that could take responsibility instead of people.”
  123. Safety Lesson Learning Survey
  124. IS-BAO Levele 2 Audit costs
  125. Emergency experiences sought
  126. Some old accident reports
  127. ICATEE
  128. Dark cockpit philosophy
  129. Another angle on automation dependancy
  130. 757 evac question.
  131. Incident/accident report
  132. 1992 crash of Copa Airlines 737 in South America in storm encounter
  133. Right into the storm!
  134. Notech Beh Marking
  135. RTO Question
  136. Unexpected events training or surprise management
  137. Interview with Simon Hradecky (The Aviation Herald)
  138. Flight deck Etiquette when eating rice and biscuits
  139. Security/DGR Training course requirments
  140. Transitioning to Visual
  141. Article about go-arounds after unstabilized approaches
  142. Tarom 371 Crash '95
  143. Use of "brace" command
  144. Hanger fire suppression system
  145. Online experiment: Instrument scanning performance
  146. 737-800 retractable stairs strut hazard
  147. Salary incentivised safety ?
  148. Eng Fire on the ground...procedure steps?
  150. Air/Ground Communication Survey for pilots and ATC
  151. Searching 'manual stick handling' literature
  152. Flight Safety magazinr posted online
  153. BEA Flight 548: Staines
  154. CRM related accidents
  155. How safe are 30 minute turn-around times
  156. CRMI under EASA
  157. Saudia 163 Video
  158. UK helicopter single pilot crm DVD
  159. Relief Air Operations
  160. How to make a career in flight safety?
  161. Engineering a Safer World
  162. Flightdutytimes
  163. Not so Basic Instinct - The Spectator & Sullenberger
  164. Command authority
  165. De-icing the aircraft?
  166. Use of Emergency Exit Row seating
  167. The captain is a real Slapper
  169. Flybe pilots fired after flight deck row
  170. ABC report on pilot fatigue
  171. Avoiding venus...
  172. hypoxia incidents
  173. Look just to your left of the nose gear
  174. UK Met forecast reliability
  175. Reinforced cockpit doors
  176. Definition of Captaincy
  177. Investigative journalist seeking leads/info on unsafe carriers in developing world
  178. Boeing employee in B787 mishap
  179. Iosa IAH
  180. PAN Scottish FIR
  181. A breath of fresh air at last. One pilots view of CRM
  182. Teaching Tony Kern's Model of Airmanship
  183. Aviation security training
  184. QAR/FDM and inaccurate data.
  185. UK Independent Pilots Association (IPA) releases documentary film on Pilot Fatigue
  186. BARS – on the window.
  187. Was the first officer being too diplomatic in CRM video
  188. Monitoring & Intervention
  189. Flight Safety Training Courses
  190. A superb article on safety
  191. Performance management
  192. James Reason on medical error
  193. Pilot - Cabin Crew research
  194. How to find draft drug testing program for 3-man operation?
  195. Augmented Crews
  196. Seat-swap, role-playing, mismatched qualification
  197. Prompting disguised as CRM "support" calls during instrument rating tests
  198. How experienced must one be?
  199. ASAP MOUs.
  200. Human facors - sarcasm on the flight deck
  201. CRM up and down
  202. Loss of Control In-Flight solutions
  203. Annual Flight Safety Talk-Fest -Singapore this time.
  204. CRM Validity
  205. Flight Deck Access in UK airspace
  206. Incident analysis
  207. Flight Duty Times
  208. Excess reliance on automation - the old story again
  209. Flight Duty Times campaign
  210. De-icing/anti-icing
  211. Request to interview cabin crew and pilots for articles about disabled passengers
  212. Aviation Saftey
  213. Updating Airport Charts
  214. ACAS/ASAS
  215. NITS
  216. TCAS RA vs visual on traffic
  217. Pilot reponses in extremis---lessons from Sim Instructors
  218. Burnout in the pilot profession
  219. Qantas flight 72 in-flight upset final report available
  220. Safety Databases
  221. TG crew makeup and safety
  222. ERP for Handling
  223. Regulation compliance
  224. Line "Training"
  225. ICAO DOC 9756 Part 2 and 3
  226. Human Factors: Effects of employment insecurity on aviation safety?
  227. A difference between TEM and SMS?
  228. BA Video- Rushed Approach
  229. SMS Failure in Canada?
  230. Tired Pilots
  231. IFR in Uncontrolled airspace
  232. Pilot Sentenced
  233. 727 Crash at Uromiyeh, Iran...Report?
  234. Polish LOT 767 wheels up landing
  235. British Airway visual approach standards
  236. Baro chamber
  237. Health and Safety in Aviation
  238. Airline Flight Safety Officer
  239. Airline Pilots incapacitation leading to pilot error
  240. Safety issues on remote airfield flying
  241. CRM in cockpit chats during cruise!
  242. captain's authority question
  243. escorting of ambulances airside
  244. Occupational Health and Safety training
  245. Automation Pilots
  246. Search & rescue section of operations manual
  247. Corporate Negligence and us Pilots.
  248. Operational question
  249. Audit course
  250. EU Regulation: obligatory language skills of cabin staff ?