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  1. Strategy to undermine Joyce
  2. Failure To Understand Qantas Strategy - Inquiry Needed.
  3. Qantas orders 110 A320
  4. Qantas Domestic Changes??
  5. 1000 AND the rest!
  6. JQ204 AKL-SYD Cancelled due snow
  7. Qantas Checked Baggage Allowance Lunacy
  8. Jetstar- Never Missing An Opportunity To Demonstrate it's Incompetence
  9. Qantas Ground Services (QGS) is a newly created entity under Qantas Airways
  10. Airbus is the way for Air Van
  11. Body Scanners being trialled in Australia
  12. Cobham Pilots march toward a 30 percent pay rise.
  13. Strategic to Hawaii
  14. PER ATC - Worst in Australia?
  15. Qantaslink pilot trainee's? afap 12th August
  16. Virgin & VIPA - pay rise
  17. Virgin drops below assigned altitude into Melbourne
  18. BA doing a Jetstar type cadetship
  19. QF LWOP to Qatar
  20. Q400's announced for PER
  21. Play nice please
  22. The opposite end of the Qantas Spectrum....
  23. Passengers in charge of overwing exits.
  24. Whats with the facials and massages?
  25. Kiwi engineer sucked into engine: killed
  26. OPEN SKIES - bull****! Australian Industry protected from cheap imports?
  27. Qantas on You Tube
  28. Qantas Malaysian Base ?
  29. Stranded - Documentary or Qantas Advertorial?
  30. Dixon cashed up and looking to invest
  31. Border Security program and SYD International.
  32. Qatar Australian bases
  33. Strategic Bali link - Gone!
  34. Jetstar to launch Hong Kong based carrier
  35. DJ Incident YSSY
  36. Qantasanswers.com.au
  37. Jetstar A330 Singapore Base
  38. Sydney Aiport Power Failure
  39. Common courtesy of a response?
  40. Virgin on a go slow?
  41. Re: closed Peter Cosgrove thread
  42. Question for Peter Cosgrove
  43. Jetstar to hire 150 pilots
  44. Xenophon Private Members Bill - Foreign Crews
  45. 757 Chief Pilot AKL
  46. QANTAS Hong Kong Overnight Technical Delay.
  47. For QF Pilots only
  48. The latest Qantas spokesman.
  49. Big Airlines recruiting... finally!
  50. QF pilots offered J* MOU/other positions
  51. Qantas AGM~ My Proxy
  52. Air Canada on Fire after Sydney Departure
  53. Qantas Asia Business Model
  54. Thai altitude bust into Melbourne Airport
  55. Qantas/Jetstar Depreciation and Amortisation
  56. Geez Borghetti is Smart
  57. Fallacy or Fact - Qantas International losses
  58. Qantas~Project Marlin
  59. Skywest Dumps Karratha routes
  60. Thai Airways really low around Melbourne Airport
  61. Australian... Virgin has the right idea!
  62. Airservices Australia & sex discrimination
  63. Snap Qantas strike costs union a packet
  64. Cliffords View of I R
  65. QF Ads
  66. AJ's August 24 Speech Leaked ??
  67. Ralph Norris Quits as CBA CEO.
  68. American Airlines CEO: Qantas not a "premium" airline
  69. New Qantas mouthpiece?
  70. American Airlines Order - Boeing fighting hard
  71. American Airlines orders some new jets...
  72. A captains dilemma re engine precautionary in-flight shut down
  73. JetStar NZ
  74. Qantas and public perception
  75. Well done DJ
  76. Would You Treat Your Child Like QF Treats Its Staff s Dedicated Staff
  77. Jetstar to overtake Qantas says Bruce
  78. Murdoch And The Message For Qantas.
  79. Strategic delays
  80. AIPA Billboards
  81. So who will pay JQ's bills now?
  82. Fijian government and QF, staff could loose 60% pay
  83. QF ends overnight
  84. Qantas latest engine out
  85. Some Fokker's making a few dollars
  86. Pilot, asset or liability?
  87. Qantas Defence Services in NZ
  88. Avalon TVAPPI
  89. Virgin LCC to replace Tiger?
  90. Poor old Rupert
  91. Anyone catch the RAAA spitting the dummy?
  92. Now What!
  93. Qantas basing in Asia? . . . lets give up a lunch to help Qantas staff fight
  94. all QF gingerbeers now cacky handers. Your having a lend of us, right?
  95. BBC Breaking News
  96. Dick Smith "QF move to Asia".
  97. Jetstar Beijing to Melbourne
  98. Why I hate NZAA
  99. Qantas Group back to Beijing
  100. Rishworth recruiting for Jetstar NZ
  101. What little Allan is missing is the "force Majeure"
  102. Boeing Forecast For Oceania
  103. NZALPA Loses Court Case
  104. There Is Hope - The Death Of The MBA.
  105. QF Pilots PIA
  106. "Exploiting Asian Markets" - Irish Suicide.
  107. Operation Orange 2011
  108. QF cancels flights to Queenstown Sunday
  109. Alan Joyce Inside Business ABC 10:00 am Sun
  110. Same pilot at controls of Both Tiger safety breach flights
  111. Qantas Management Pilots are they pointless ?
  112. The Mystery of VH-VQS
  113. QF: Enjoy The Journey
  114. QF to EK on LWOP
  115. Jetstar Grounds 6 jets
  116. where are Allan and Bruce?
  117. AirAsia will replace Tiger Australia
  118. Alliance Airlines
  119. Globalisation debt & banking
  120. Altera
  121. The Alleged $200m mainline loss
  122. RMA gold airways
  123. Jetstar Pacific Losses etc..
  124. Good for you C.A.S.A
  125. Meanwhile, over at Qantas.............
  126. Purvinas - you have no credibility, re Tiger
  127. Orangestar and GD
  128. An apology
  129. Qantas post August 24
  130. Barry Jackson on Abc news 2/7/11
  131. Promising growth for Qantas.
  132. Isn't this just so bloody awful?
  133. QF Pilots Engagement Survey
  134. Webber in, Travolta out?
  135. Charming......
  136. Recent Qantas Boardroom Meeting........
  137. Virgin J Class
  138. Merged: Are QANTAS pilots asking the wrong question?
  139. Barbecues and Public Perception
  140. CEO golden handshakes
  141. QF Telling lies about their OTP
  142. When will VB,VA & PB merge and/or expand?
  143. AUGUST 24th - QANTAS
  144. Nay-sayers' challenge
  145. Is one of 2451 Qantas pilots too many
  146. 2451 Qantas Pilots
  147. Qantas: We're Sorry
  148. Qantas: How do We Save It?
  149. What Happened To The Qantas Third Reich Thread?
  150. Jetstar A330s in SIN
  151. Loyalty!
  152. Australia's a backwater in aviation>>
  153. Australian Airline Wanted
  154. Qantas Skytrax Rating Falling
  155. AirNZ & the ash-cloud
  156. Australia's most trusted profession survey 2011
  157. Skywest's Recruiting in a spin !!!
  158. Qantas Employee Share Purchase
  159. Repairer of Qantas planes has problems.
  160. Royal Brunei in trouble - whos next?
  161. QF Engagement survey
  162. Alan Joyce Chief Executive Qantas June 22/6/11 Address to the National Press Club"
  163. Unsolicited advice for Joyce and Clifford.
  164. Whats with Strategic and who owns it.
  165. Qantas:Yesterdays Technology Tomorrow
  166. Ash Cloud Damage
  167. Qantas - takeover target?
  168. Australian Pilots Ad Campaign
  169. Social media exposure
  170. QF18 DLW-BNE into Tahiti ??
  171. Strategic Airlines - Denpasar to Brisbane delayed
  172. Captain makes "Citizens Arrest" on bum crack bum
  173. Joyce and his faulty calculator at it AGAIN
  174. AVV Class E > Class C?
  175. Branson - Give Customers their Due
  176. Virgin: AFL winners!
  177. Part 66 time only 6 business days away
  178. QF media collusion
  179. More rats at Qantas
  180. Photo ID for Australian domestic passengers
  181. RAN to acquire ROMEO model Seahawk
  182. Civilian access to Military airports announced
  183. SECURITY - The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves.
  184. A Simple Truth
  185. Now it's JQ's turn to face the ATSB
  186. Qantas aircraft order reduction
  187. Australian/Qantas merger in 92/93
  188. Volcanic Ash is now heat seeking
  189. Project Suzie
  190. Is this a ridiculous over-reaction?
  191. New Volcanic Ash warning.
  192. Nuts! Southwest Airlines' crazy recipe for business and personal success
  193. More good news.
  194. An Open Letter to Messrs Joyce, Clifford and Wilson
  195. Jetstar crew "drunk with tiredness"
  196. Is my QANTAS superannuation secure?
  197. Chile Volcano Plume and NZ Airspace
  198. A Wing and a Prayer
  199. How to Fix the Qantas International Business
  200. More tense moments in Melbourne....
  201. ? Missing Qantas engineers EBA thread
  202. Jetstar Pacific can't pay the bills....
  203. Air New Zealand engine failure
  204. The journalist - Possibly one OWs school mates!
  205. Tiger Airways jet flew 'below safe altitude'
  206. TN/QF A300s
  207. What if............
  208. Jatstar Meals - Ewwwwww! - "It's probably the best bit of protein in that meal."
  209. Jetstar reservations system goes pearshaped - AGAIN!!!
  210. Qantas : Some astute Commentary
  211. "Operated by Jetstar" stickers
  212. Virgin applies for links with Singapore Airlines
  213. Qantas baggage changes - Mk II
  214. No photos on the Tarmac
  215. QF shares hit $2.00, discuss
  216. Qantas baggage limit changes - fail
  217. Virgin pax numbers DOWN!
  218. Another QF air return
  219. Revoke Qantas' National Carrier Status
  220. Sick of working for AJ?
  221. Tiger and REX bring out the axe
  222. Jitconnuct Job Security Clause
  223. QF17 to EZE another technical stop?
  224. Things are looking up
  225. Skytrans interviews
  226. Up to 400 QF Cabin Crew to be axed - pilots next?
  227. Pilot Turncoats - we all know one
  228. Jetstar Pilots - Here is your chance
  229. Hungry Beast
  230. Qantas Engagement Survey Results - Bleak
  231. QF gouging on US routes
  232. Qantas = Telstra
  233. JQ Business Class
  234. Qantas Deprives Australia and Australians
  235. Qantas board split - Joyce to go?
  236. Standard (or lack there of) of Weather Forecasting in Australia
  237. Go John, Go!
  238. JQ 330's to be crewed by Parc
  239. Anti- qantas threads
  240. Inflight Emergency Research
  241. Joint Airline Industrial Action
  242. Time to change the forum name...
  243. 787~ A Firm Delivery Date ?
  244. QF Staff Engagement Survey Results
  245. Do the media ever get it right?
  246. The Future of the QF Chief Pilot
  247. Future of Qantas in jeopardy: Joyce (Merged)
  248. Boeing Aerostructures Australia
  249. Qantas Earnings (Jetconnect)
  250. Direct entry positions