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  1. Question about VDEV
  2. Routes over trouble areas
  3. Do you need base training after type in SA?
  4. What aviation robots should exist but don’t?
  5. What should you expect to see at published minima
  6. mass balance question
  7. Solar storms and Polar flight ops
  8. 767 Type Rating on SACAA licence
  9. Visual reference
  10. Who actually sits in First/Business Class?
  11. Degree that accredited with our atpl studies
  13. How to recognise engine type on a a320?
  14. Electra airways interview
  15. Is the B737NG doomed?
  16. Phonak Freecom headset XLR tails
  17. RB logbook
  18. Bose special airline discount?
  19. Questions regarding pilot qualifications
  20. Luggage for Domestic Pilots in Australia
  21. Obtaining Licenses in South Africa?
  22. Frequency allocation
  23. Booking with Qatar Airway
  24. Self sponsored type rating currency & ICAO to EASA CONVERSION
  25. Ekvg metar wind skeid
  26. Historical Flight Data
  27. Widebody line training sectors for low hour pilots
  28. 737 engine rollback mid cruise
  29. Origin of Limit Manoeuvring Load Factor Formula
  30. A320 OEI Raw Data ILS Alternate Law Hand Flying issues
  31. can i use my CS23 flight hours to get to 1500h CS25
  32. Adding 737 rating to EASA ATPL
  33. Airfields designated as customs/airfields with a Borderforce certificate of agreement
  34. PA28 POH
  35. ACARS Fuel
  36. Are there airline pilots who combine professional sports?
  37. Questions about jobs
  38. Use of adapter for GA headset to Airbus XLR plug
  39. Retention of pilot log books
  40. ICAO & IATA codes
  41. B737 Fail operational system
  42. C402 approach power setting
  43. ID travel administrator
  44. baulked or balked?????
  45. I need skytest
  46. Anyone used to work for Astraeus
  47. Where do I request a Canada TSB no accident/incident letter(privacy act)?
  48. Leads aviation group
  49. Hours Verification from Collapsed Airline
  50. Best Headset for the B737
  51. MEIR
  52. Gatwick drone closure?
  53. Are callsigns AOC specific?
  54. Loan for Type Rating
  55. New runway DUB. What for?
  56. colour of fake leather cover of A320 glareshields
  57. Electronic Logbook vs. Paper Logbooks
  58. Reference for procedure design intermediate speed constraints and when they apply
  59. Windshear Level Off
  60. Tiller (Nosewheel steering)
  61. How can a descent radial be defined from a VOR other than the VOR at the aerodrome?
  62. Covert Australian ATPL to UK CAA ATPL
  63. B738 Seat position for tall guys
  64. Misuse/Misquote of QNE
  65. Fixed B787 simulator?
  66. 747 Technical / Cockpit Question for a Travel Book I'm Writing
  67. EASA and ICAO Licence
  68. CARGO Airlines and ETOPS
  69. Picture puzzle - who can identify this cockpit?
  70. Air line colors
  71. Long haul lifehacks
  72. Hot Bat A320
  74. 737 vs 737-800 freighter version
  75. Airbus or Boeing static ports?
  76. Moving a disabled aircraft
  77. Loss of Braking-Airbus
  78. Upper Heyford RASZ?
  79. AN-124 and 225 Trim System?
  80. A different kind of wannabee
  81. A320 MEL
  82. HWC/TWC in Pattern
  83. degree
  84. "When ready, descend to FLXXX" clearances
  85. A-220 type rating Part-66 - where?
  86. Skills Test.
  87. A320 preselecting QNH
  88. Dash 8 Q400 Type Rating
  89. Kai Tak IGS 13 Question
  90. Numbering of NOTAMs
  91. A320 AC 1+2 FAIL
  92. Decode of NAT Track Message
  93. Aviators of the World - Unite
  94. Flight control functionality without Hydraulic Power in 737
  95. A320 type rating renewal
  96. UAV Mail delivery flights in Scotland
  97. A330-300P2F Performance Advice
  98. Airbus A350 XWB FCOM: Systems Manual and Procedures Manual.
  99. Vaxxed/unvaxxed?
  100. Because of Thunderstorm, the radar tilt angle during the Go-around.
  101. BUNAC
  102. Evac ICAO wording?
  103. Who’s using OptiClimb Software A320
  104. 757 LPC Renewal
  105. log book
  106. 24+ months out
  107. A320
  108. ACARS Link Status Decode
  109. How much fuel does a small turbo prop burn on takeoff and climb?
  110. "takeoff" or "take-off"?
  111. Go-around..... what then?
  112. ATC entering London
  113. Rating renewal on a EASA licence. Can it be transferred to U.K. licence ?
  114. Responsible for own terrain clearance.
  115. Approach speeds into Funchal airport
  116. Looking for a UK & EASA A-320 Examiner
  117. FNC vs ANC
  118. 737 intercepting LNAV while in HDG mode
  119. 787 Departure planning
  120. Radar minimum altitudes and responsible for direct to clearances
  121. Descending through a high to low QNH
  122. DenAlt... 1°C = 120 feet and also = 500 feet.
  123. charts cheaper price
  124. Airbus 320 MCDU app or study software ?
  125. How long are the CAA taking to issue new ratings
  126. The Managed Decline of the U.K. Airline Industry?
  127. Old JAA green ATPL cover
  128. Covid
  129. ATPL flight school same as Bachelor in NL?
  130. In flight performance charts B787
  131. Security clearance required to be a pilot in the UK
  132. Why cant NEF items be incorperated into the MEL?
  133. Counter signing PICUS electronic logbooks...
  134. can i still work in aviation?
  135. Recommended logbook
  136. Living in Palma Mallorca
  137. Number of EASA issued licences.
  138. UK Quarantine in hotel for foreign crew
  139. back to Europe
  140. License transfer: Malta or Ireland
  141. Curious cloud
  142. PT6 FCU fuel pressure vs flow divider fuel pressure
  143. fake training academy!! Help
  144. EGPWS alerts below ILS minima
  145. Over a year unemployed, renew ratings?
  146. Approach Photos
  147. Boom boom! Has the time come?
  148. Explanation for EEC operation modes in 737
  149. Entry to Portugal
  150. BOEING 737 APU Fuel usage.
  151. Bose ProFlight Series 2 or Telex Airman 8+
  152. ACMI China
  153. Aer Lingus - Runway Update Callout
  154. CAP 393 aka The Air Navigation Order 2016 and Regulations
  155. The effects of COVID-19 on pilot absenteeism
  156. Class II navigation
  157. Confused regarding GEN OFF Bus light on 737 electrical panel
  158. Air Europe
  159. Around which point does an aircraft rotate?
  160. A330 App
  161. Boeing 767 Questions
  162. Lingering SOLI issues
  163. Airbus STD
  164. Energy management during approach - how do You monitor it?
  165. Flying and sustainability
  166. Aircraft legislation and applicable law
  167. Boeing 737 AMM
  168. Holding Fix - distance based vs. time based
  169. EGNOS and the UK...
  170. KPSP 13R/31L Displaced thresholds
  171. Approach Charts
  172. Flight directors and speed coupling on A320 and 737
  173. Unable to activate Autopilot 737-800
  174. Who is in these aircraft?
  175. ATCO needs help from pilots: performance data
  176. MSc in Aviation safety management
  177. Do RYR use Medlink yet
  178. Russian Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)
  179. Decision Making Models
  180. Airbus getting to grips
  181. B739 Vref speeds
  182. Is 787 done for?
  183. Pilot Hotel Quarantine UK
  184. Single-engine IFR
  185. Landing Performance. OPT Landing weights
  186. College degree credits
  187. Can we fly without our physical licence in our bag?
  188. 737 Max CPDLC
  189. ARINC 424 missed approach coding limitation
  190. B787 Engine differences course
  191. Ferry Flight Recency Requirements
  192. A320 Neo TOGA Thrust
  193. BA flights to SFO
  194. UK Licensing
  195. CANPA vs CDFA techniques
  196. Do any APs "crab" in a crosswind?
  197. Airlines with their own pilot training subsidiaries?
  198. 737 operation
  199. Can flight crew operate across 2 AOCs?
  200. U.K. Border Force Heathrow
  201. Covid mask
  202. Contrasting procedures
  203. Ilyushin Il-114 Approach speed
  204. Pitch/Power Values A350
  205. Should the airline industry be much more proactive?
  206. Walk-round checks
  208. Vaccine transport in dry ice
  209. Airport runway sign
  210. TUI 737 APU question
  211. Radio Altimeter on PFD and emergency situation
  212. 757-200 engines & MTOWs
  213. Act xxx Lim CRZ - What does it mean?
  214. AFMs (Performance) of A350, A380, B777, B787
  215. Moorabbin ERSA
  216. 737 Engine cut on Vr and A/T disengages automatically. Why?
  217. Is HF still used for transatlantic crossing ?
  218. B737 Upset Recovery nose low high AoB
  219. Flight International App - Redundant?
  220. EASA licence and and rules about expired LPC / Type rating
  221. Flight Simmer Looking for Information
  222. Fruitless book search...so far!
  223. Coefficient of lift
  224. Side Effects of Long Term Storage?
  225. Air Europe Pension Compensation
  226. A320 - Hold Present Position entery?
  227. Change State of Licence
  228. 737 Flight Simulator
  229. Global Aircraft order website
  230. Cost of Licence Renewal for EASA holders
  231. Pilotbase
  232. Valid ATPL conversion to PPL or NPPL
  233. 737 desktop sim question
  234. UK Crew staff search liquid limits
  235. Interview Questions
  236. MSc Air Transport Management - City University or look somewhere else ?
  237. Is the airline sector in denial about its imminent collapse?
  238. Wheels Up at Exeter UK March 2020
  239. Bird strike V RTO
  240. The Death of British Aviation
  241. EASA PBN Endorsement for Germany and Netherlands
  242. Autopilot usage - Course and Track/Heading
  243. Storage of hydrogen fuel on aircraft
  244. Sonangol
  246. Medical validity question
  247. What is a flag operation in aviation?
  248. Decelarated approach
  249. Usage of VNAV in 737
  250. Conflict between aircraft and ships