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  1. Extraordinary looking Synergy aircraft - fundraising via Kickstarter
  2. Looking for advice - I think I need a new school
  3. Gratuitous name dropping/Emergency Manoeuvres Training
  4. Double-Holiday: Any fly-ins?
  5. Cubbing :)
  6. Aircraft rental Cincinnati, OH
  7. EASA pilot licence start date postponed
  8. Aeronca Rental US
  9. New Cessna Special Inspections Documents (SIDs)
  10. How to fly a Zwilbelturm
  11. GTN750 in a TB20
  12. Glass Cockpit - FS2004
  13. Pan Pan at Doncaster this afternoon? 21052012
  14. Cessna 152 fuel
  15. Sherburn 27th May
  16. Improving navigation skills
  17. Gliding hours towards PPL/NPPL?
  18. Naples Air Center, Florida - who has actually been there?
  19. VFR to Mallorca
  20. Bernoulli's Principle
  21. Curious.
  22. When does "sight of surface" end?
  23. UK JAR PPL Abroad
  24. Evans NPG+ coolant
  25. JAA PPL Question
  26. Can you request runway lights to be illuminated on approach to an airport ?
  27. Flying after bumping the wing during taxi
  28. Any recommendations for France?
  29. Deanland airfield - inexperienced ppl
  30. Logbook CAP 407
  31. Ofcom charges
  32. Danger Areas and the Queens Birthday?
  33. Light aircraft down near Ashwell
  34. Licence conversion
  35. Stall Spin Awareness/Recovery
  36. East Staffordshire Flying Club - Charity Fly In & Display
  37. Duxford LAA Bonus Day 9th June 2012
  38. CAA eases night flying restrictions
  39. Flying cancelled due to the flu !
  40. Another great day
  41. Gliding is brilliant!
  42. Le Touquet B&B recommendations please
  43. Don't Wish to Lose your Licence?
  44. Unable to access Garmin Pilot app
  45. Wattisham ILS
  46. Olympics Airspace Closure
  47. Engine Roughness/Loss of Power
  48. Carbon fiber engine blocks
  49. Headset for training
  50. Need some advice on JAA/EASA IR!
  51. Garmin 296 vs AWARE
  52. Choosing an Instructor for the PPL
  53. Summer Holiday in Mexico
  54. Olympic restrictions, how about Ireland ?
  55. Duty Drawback Question
  56. Scottish Info Coverage
  57. Evelyn Johnson, Mama Bird passes away.
  58. PPL in Holland
  59. Flying on uk jar-ppl, in n reg plane in French airspace
  60. Canada midair, five fatalities
  61. Piper Turbo Arrow IV .. Am I nuts??
  62. Microlight Crash in Scotland - 2 Fatalities
  63. Harbour Air - Not your usual music videos!
  64. ppl training canada
  65. florida ppl training
  66. Aircraft ditched off IoW was optical illusion
  67. What a great day...
  68. Seaplane Harbour - New Maritime Museum
  69. Plane down in Solent
  70. PA38 V C152
  71. Sandown update
  72. Wanted - SF25C with Limbach 2000 engine AKA Falke 2000
  73. Which aircraft to buy?
  74. Visiting Plymouth
  75. DIY electronic ICAO charts for a portable GPS
  76. Actions on Interception
  77. Light aircraft down off Roses, Catalunia
  78. Skydemon vs. Airnav Pro
  79. 7 in Tablets
  80. Wanted: PPL books (Pooleys or T/Thom)
  81. 35 U.S gallon tank capacity, but is it really?
  82. Uk PPL biennial check
  83. G1000 training
  84. PPL Training DVD's
  85. EASA GPS approach survey
  86. Circuits landing fee deal?
  88. Arnie Schreder RIP
  89. Doncaster Robin Hood - Mandatory Handling?
  90. Super Cell Storm hits UK
  91. Dropped a clanger (Literally)
  92. IMC Radio Calls
  93. Class 2 medical in EASA transition period
  94. 1st Circuit Solo
  95. Any recommendations on flight schools in USA?
  96. Attitude = speed control/power = pitch
  97. Time between night rating completion and sending it off
  98. Lancair aeroplanes in the Netherlands
  99. Hawaii Aircraft Rental
  100. Jet Provost
  101. Self-build gliders: a question for the glider pilots
  102. purchasing a glider
  103. Incident at Dinnet Airstrip
  104. Free stuff?
  106. RA(T) Essex
  107. Update from Atlas Control of File a Flight plan Day 2
  108. Crash landing Eindhoven
  109. Common sense flying.
  110. Leicestershire Aero Club and Peterborough Flying School
  111. Spitfire MK IX down in Southern Germany
  112. Bright screen GPS
  113. Fife Flying Club Fly-in and Open Day
  114. Legal to fly after PPL revalidation?
  115. Milan, Bresso and Monza
  116. Forgot to file a flight plan with Atlas control?
  117. Seattle aircraft rental
  118. Carb Heat: What's the deal?
  119. C152 down near Forres
  120. Popham Microlight Trade Fair NOT cancelled
  121. C206/210 hire
  122. Ben Armine Rocket Range
  123. Cheap data connections for international flying
  124. Greenpeace activists paraglides into French nuclear reactor
  125. Initial PPL Training EFT
  126. Flying request - East Anglia
  127. CAP804 - son of LASORS released!
  128. Cost per hour (Followed on from previous thread)
  129. taking photos of people houses
  130. NEW Oxford Frequency
  131. Upto 124 Brand New Boxed Spitfires Found In Burma
  132. IMCR - the latest update!
  133. Ferry flight or crate/ship? Rio de Janeiro to Panama City, Panama
  134. Flying in France on UK Pilots licence
  135. Fatal accident Switzerland
  136. What's happened to PRNAV in the UK?
  137. Would you be happy for a loved one flying with a brand new PPL?
  138. CAA TAPs
  139. Young french pilot presentation
  140. Anyone wait this long for a flight?
  141. Front cover of this month's pilot magazine
  142. New voices on "Scottish Information"
  143. Interesting video on cockpit automation
  144. FINALLY, dry enough to go flying tonight.
  145. IMCR Application Cost
  146. 3 weeks from my exam...
  147. Dam buster run
  148. JAA to FAA PPL conversion cost?
  149. PPL @ Weston
  150. Applying for PPL/Night rating
  151. AERO 2012 - Ausführliche Berichterstattung
  152. Duxford RV Bonus Day 12th May 2012
  153. PA28-180 Share
  154. Cost of MEP LPC/IR
  155. UK & Ireland mutually recognise permits
  156. Miami PPL dual hire
  157. New student pilot
  158. Looking for a high performance fixed wing microlight.
  159. Continental O-300-D Pros/Cons
  160. Great North Fly-In 2012 (Eshott Airfield)
  161. humberside airport
  162. Italy 48h -> 45 days finally approved
  163. Zinc chromate primer (or Alodine) - where to get?
  164. VH or RA-Aus Registration for a new LSA
  165. EIR - maybe not such a bad thing after all?
  166. Biggin Hill vs Southend
  168. Cessna "plastic" repairs
  169. FAA Instrument Foreign Pilot exam
  170. Eurocontrol IFR charges - 2,000kg exemption disappearing?
  171. Aeroplane hire in Barcelona
  172. You know you're a pilot when....
  173. Hunter in the Solent - 40th Anniv
  174. Is there VAT when buying a used plane
  175. ASA GARMIN G1000 Flight Sim Software
  176. What makes a good Flying Club Secretary?
  177. Nav planning by email...
  178. H10-13.4 ear seals
  179. Pipistrel World Flight - Success !!
  180. The positive side of EASA. But - a question as well.
  181. Logging Hours
  183. Did you ever land on a beach?
  184. Lycoming approve UL91 - what now?
  185. Youth Aviation “Working Together”
  186. Finals
  187. Add a rating now or wait?
  188. Another NDB IMC Question
  189. Would you ever risk someone else's life?
  190. Anybody going to Friedrichshafen AERO 2012?
  191. Mandatory insurance?
  192. RTC for Sportcruiser
  193. Stuck on IMC VOR question
  194. Three more Olympics airspace warm-up events
  195. PPL SEP revalidation
  196. Decisions, decisions: trade the FW for a gyro?
  197. Demo Flights
  198. Dust Devil
  199. Californian Flight School Dilemma
  200. Harriet Quimby flew Dover/Calais in 1912...
  201. Flying with your wheeled transport onboard
  202. Learning curve post PPL
  203. Wrong radio phrase after handoff
  204. Completing PPL
  206. How much do you pay per hour?
  207. Fixed wing to flexwing
  208. Routing request EDFV to Skegness/UK
  209. IMC test question
  210. Mode 'S' & 8.33kHz
  211. David Clarke Headset Problem
  212. Air Racing - Old Buck 15Apr12
  213. Summer holiday
  214. Spitfires in Burma 'could be found'
  215. Do I need mode S
  216. Spitfire Flypast
  217. Something "big" at Cirrus
  218. Flying Thruster on NPPL
  219. Three cheers for Shoreham ATC...
  220. Perfect RT
  221. Average time it takes to study for each PPL theory exam...
  222. UK NPPL Electronic logbook, early version. Would love your feedback!
  223. Wales - Mach Loop.
  224. RT Memory
  225. Liquid forming under Nosewheel on C152.
  226. Jabiru J400
  227. Microlight Down near Kincardine, Clackmannanshire
  228. 172 for a very short term Dry Lease.
  229. Name for house on airfield
  230. PPL ground studies course
  231. Plane 'suffered fuel supply problems' before fatal crash.
  232. Flight planning with this patchy weather
  233. FAA private pilot test advice
  234. Zaon PCAS XRX
  235. Beautiful wind map
  236. Performance Considerations
  237. ICAO PPL to FAA (or JAA) PPL
  238. PPL exams
  239. First land away
  240. Worrying Application for a DropZone SW of Popham
  241. PPL Exams problem
  242. Obtaining PPL over time
  243. Spark plug resistor
  244. Climbing and decending
  245. PPL hour breakdown
  246. Sbach 342 Group - Kent
  247. PPL Lesson Briefings
  248. Quick MSA question
  249. N-reg situation update
  250. Anyone heard of "The Penang Approach"?