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  1. Class 2 ppl hearing standards?
  2. Berlin Private Hire
  3. Carb icing on a warm vs. cold day
  4. Baltic maps
  5. Is 7k over the top for Cessna Annual ?
  6. VFR visibility under 140knots
  7. Can you identify this mountain airport in French Alps?
  8. Were you at Shaffen Diest Fly-in
  9. Flight Planning Software VFR EU
  10. Practising Instrument Approaches
  11. Grounding/bonding when refueling
  12. Legality of employer covering PPL flight training costs?
  13. PPL Student training logs
  14. Approaching Duxford from the North.
  15. Absolute stability
  16. Stapleford
  17. From high to low lookout below
  18. Techniques for maintaining vertical positioning on aerotow
  19. Skydemon
  20. Turbulence in an inversion
  21. Tollerton
  22. **STOLEN** David Clark headsets
  23. Jeppesen VFR charts - paper version - where?
  24. Damyn's Hall
  25. PPL(H) to EASA
  26. Small wheel controversy!
  27. HKS 700e engine problem
  28. Helipaddy and VintageAirRally fly-in, White Waltham, Sunday
  29. UK import of aeroplane, arriving by ship
  30. Part.NCO, Electronic Charts and flights >FL80?
  31. Foehn wind
  32. ICAO to adopt Driver's License Medical
  33. Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics
  34. PA28 - 180 Pilots Operating Handbook
  35. You may be required to disregard the 1500ft rule
  36. Fly in to Duxford Airshow September 10 & 11 2016
  37. Donald John Cameron Robertson, 1934-2016
  38. Conditionally unstable
  39. Canada/USA
  40. Rain in high pressure areas
  41. Online resources for Ppl
  42. Most "confortable" oldie 4 seater
  43. Tecnam p2002jf empty weight
  44. Brescia Montichiari
  45. Adding Ratings to a FAA Part 61.75
  46. 1st Time Renters Insurance - Help
  47. Cirrus - Turbo vs non turbo
  48. CrossWind Component Formula
  49. Is there any wingtip vortex (by induced drag) at low angle of attack?
  50. do I need GAR for transit?
  51. Panshanger saved ??
  52. 8.33kHz radios, where are they already in use, UK?
  53. Lachlan Smart - Nomination for HCAP and LAA Award?
  54. PPL pilot logbook suggestions
  55. Question on Flaps
  56. Where to go on Saturday 30th July
  57. Tips on a 1-time Cessna/Piper rental at Shoreham Airport
  58. Questions about a French PPL and the CAA Class 1 Medical‏
  59. UK poor for Night Flying - HELP!!
  60. Derek Davidson
  61. Which Guide?
  62. Overseas Flying Requirements
  63. advice for Munich?
  64. Bahamas PPL validation
  65. Question about zero lift angle of attack
  66. A Serendipitous Day at the Cunim Gliding Club
  67. Expired SEP to microlight license,
  69. Straw poll - magazines
  70. Should I have been given clearance?
  71. W&B Calcs, second pair of eyes needed (again !)
  72. What is the difference between indicated altitude and true altitude
  73. NATS makes London atz class D
  74. Two engine failures in one flight, the second one to the ground (airfield)
  75. Broken Ankle
  76. Photography
  77. PA32 down in Slovenia
  78. PPL exam questions
  79. Robin DR400/180 stick back at start of the roll
  80. PPL Examinations
  81. Who is responsible for supplying the PLB?
  82. Amanda Harrison Tiger Moth solo to Australia
  83. PPL and Uni
  84. What's best, ICOM A6/A24 or Yaesu
  85. Info requested for flying to Cardiff
  86. Logging only part of a flight - Logbook
  87. sorry to bore you!
  88. Yak down near Salisbury
  89. How does the friction adjustment on push-pull throttles work?
  90. Solent Collaborative Airspace Trial
  91. Help - gliding clubs in Germany
  92. Differences training & CFI
  93. Farnborough Airshow RA(T)
  94. Lachlan Smart; 18 year old pilot to circle globe
  95. Flying outside of Schengen
  96. 3 years since my PPL-A, 1 more year to go - but what next?
  97. Automation attraction
  98. Derek Davidson PPL Completion.
  99. Whats going on at Sleap?
  100. Part NCO and ELTs - mandatory?
  101. 8.33 and what happens with existing radios
  102. French Customs Charges
  103. Please support EGKR Redhill's Retrospective Planning Application: taxiway improvement
  104. EASA PART-NCO (Non Commercial Operations)
  105. Trip abroad
  106. Phil Hall
  107. David Clark headset
  108. Tailwheel differences training
  109. RAF Publications!
  110. Help buying/flying a micorlight('Lambada') Hungary to Ireland
  111. Brexit and EASA
  113. Importing engine bits from the US - Customs charge?
  114. Napps Field airfield near Billericay
  115. VW engine overhaul
  116. Broadford Skye airfield status
  117. Garmin 530W Software Updates
  118. Headset confusion
  119. Correct use of the coastline as a line feature??
  120. Enniskillen Fly-in prize winner ?
  121. Cargo/belly pod for Avid 4
  122. Trail flight out of Perth
  123. 8.33 Radios
  124. Morocco information please
  125. Import duties
  126. Bristol Aero Club / Fly2Help Fly In + BBQ at Kemble Saturday 18th June
  127. Microlight School
  128. Flying Magazines; The Future
  129. Paucity of airfields in Kent
  130. Question for engine smarty pants
  131. Self-Hire Minimum Hours Restriction
  132. How did you prepare your PPL(EASA) exams?
  133. UK 1:500,000 Charts
  134. Aviation Medical
  135. Does size matter ?
  136. Follow my flying and gliding!
  137. Anyone been to Aeroclub Fumel Montayral?
  138. Where is the most beautiful place you have flown?
  139. Airport parking fee
  140. Could any DH Moth pilot beat Jean Batten today?
  141. Seat cushion for short people
  142. "Best" glide
  143. 2016: renew EASA PPL (SE) licence outside the U.K.
  144. Stearman Brakes.
  145. PPL training at Leeds/Doncaster
  146. Going from Cessna 152 to 172
  147. EASA - FAA FCL treaty indefinately postponed
  148. Michel MX-170C and Bendix King KX-125
  149. Shiny new licence
  150. Flying alongside a tornado
  151. Cretin in the circuit
  152. Ireland/UK PPL pilot flying in America. Advice needed.
  153. 2 Amphibians landing in formation
  154. Bölkow meet-up 24-26 June EDGQ Schameder
  155. Eurostar EV-97A(SEP version)
  156. Two word phrases...
  157. Question on PPL Hours crediting
  158. Insane Vandalism
  159. Mastering the skill of landing
  160. Perhaps the last opportunity - RAF Pershore Disused
  161. Renewing a long expired UK PPL(A)
  162. Temporary ATZ
  163. Anyone else doing Proj Propeller 16?
  164. Garmin 430W
  165. Euro 2016 French Airspace Restrictions
  166. US schools to do both the helicopter and seaplane add-on rating
  167. How do you get charged for your aircraft hire?
  168. EASA (CAA) PPL Revalidation by Experience in USA
  169. Revalidate 2 ratings on same SRG119E?
  170. Aspen Evolution 1000
  171. Maintenance and ARC
  172. Should I buy a Piper PA-32R-301 Saratoga SP ii?
  173. Sywell - restaurants, not on the airport
  174. How to contact Colerne Airfield please.
  175. Which service/requests using Scottish/London information
  176. Help with Selling Our Aircraft
  177. Safety Pilots
  178. Hindsight or Foresight
  179. Sky Demon & iPad. Successes, not grumbles.
  180. Friendly IFR approaches
  181. Clubs at Elstree?
  182. RT Practical exam
  183. Logbook Repairs (UK)
  184. HIRTA drones?
  185. Question about Skyhawk antennas
  186. SEP block rental
  187. ID cards
  188. CAA UK and training in Poland and RT exam
  189. Thinking of PPL
  190. ADS-B LIVE – Experience ADS-B at a Fly-In near you.
  191. License Conversion
  192. Words of wisdom appreciated
  193. Tiger Moth accident in Devon
  194. What to wear
  195. Cloud break at Luton or Stansted?
  196. Bitterly dissapointed with you PPruner bar stewards
  197. PPL medicals...at last!
  198. South Africa General Aviation - into the sunset?!
  199. Oops Reds RA(T) bust
  200. Importing aircraft from USA to EU
  201. Thanks to Scottish Information
  202. USB adapters for airborne use
  203. Minimum passenger age - children?
  204. How do you decide which Airfield to study at?
  205. Floating grab bag
  206. Importing an aircraft from SA or USA into UK. Advice?
  207. Does this old trick work?
  208. Introductory flight in Spain
  209. EASA PPL in the USA - School recommendations
  210. PPL Training flying and ground school
  211. Hey Everyone!
  212. Lifejacket CAA Requirements?
  213. GA in New York City Area
  214. Bertrand Piccard nomination for the HGAP Masters Medal
  215. Another longtime LA flight school closing
  216. Wear your sunglasses chaps
  217. How Ironic!
  218. London Transport Flying club, Fairoaks Airport
  219. RV4 Ad
  220. SAFEST Breighton Airfield Wednesday 27th 19:30
  221. VELAS. A compliment
  222. sep ppl a
  223. GARMIN Aera 660, first impressions (Aera 500 user)
  224. Well after 800 hours of TW time I finally bolloxed it up
  225. Any electricians out there? Low volts warning.......
  226. Home flight sims
  227. Dissing the other type
  228. Purchase advice?
  229. PA28 Respray
  230. EASA/France CPL from existing FAA CPL?
  231. Wheel fairings
  232. Equation thats driving me insane!
  233. Le Mans 24 Hours Weekend
  234. CATS aviation Nav preparation
  235. Routes to PPL(A) with gliding
  236. And another one, this must be at least 4 in the past year
  237. IR(R) old IMC renewal
  238. Continental O-520 series engine overhauls in the UK?
  239. Chipmunk - Should I?
  240. Notams / TRAs for Obama's Visit
  241. PPL with CRI
  242. London with PA46 Matrix
  243. about instruments using gyroscope
  244. IMC rating in the Uk
  245. PPLtutor app... won't login!
  246. Mini Sukhoi 27 for private pilots
  247. calling all Bonanza or BE55 Baron owners in UK
  248. Tracey Curtis-Taylor (Merged threads)
  249. How long are your landings?
  250. Luton Airport Charges £1047 for GA Emergency Landing