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  1. Class 1 medical with TOF
  2. Medication Change
  3. legal or otherwise advice for uk pilots
  4. Class 1 renewal - yorkshire/ northwest/ derbyshire
  5. Suicide/deliberate act of self harm...no hope of class 1?
  6. Blood Pressure Monitoring App
  7. Me V CASA
  8. Prescription Medications from GP
  9. Muscle pain
  10. Class One Expiry
  11. ATPL student with a limited EASA Class 1
  12. CAA Class 1 Medical - Eyesight
  13. Letter of Evidence Validity?
  14. Class 1 OML without cpl?
  15. Pain in one ear
  16. British Airways Medical Requirements
  17. Can I get Class 2 Medical if I use Mirtazapine (tetracyclic anti-depressant)
  18. Dealing with Mental Health, Anxiety and Depression
  19. The Vital Role of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
  20. Health impacts of airline pilot job role
  21. CAA Neurologist or any Good Neurologist
  22. Initial Class 1 EASA Medical - What to expect/What to disclose?
  23. Atrial Fibrillation
  24. Allergies and EASA Class 1
  25. Testosterone Replacement Therapy
  26. Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
  27. Medical after a kidney transplant
  28. Some questions about aviation medical
  29. CAA class 1 medical RXO limitation, yearly opthalmologist examination required
  30. EASA initial class 1
  31. Dosage number crunching
  32. Cataract Lens Selection?
  33. First Class 1 Medical Questions
  34. Being a pilot with bad eyesight
  35. EASA Class 1 medical - high blood pressure
  36. FAA recruitment policy - bananas!!
  37. Cellma transaction error
  38. Class I - Limitation Requiring Ophthalmological Assessment
  39. Singapore/Hong Hong Colour vision
  40. Eyesight Tropia vs Phoria
  41. EASA Class 1 - Paperless?
  42. Calling Radgirl New Prostate Cancer Scan?
  44. imited second class medical
  45. Medical - when converting from EASA to FAA
  46. Loss of Class One Medical - Seizure
  47. Psych Interview
  48. EASA Initial Class 1 with INMAS
  49. Class 1 medical certificate and cancer
  50. Question about EASA INITIAL Class 1
  51. Binge-drinking
  52. Visual Aura- advice needed.
  53. Class 1 with LBBB
  54. Airline Pilot With Depression
  55. EASA initial Class 1
  56. Eyesight and stability/vertigo
  57. Sleep study
  58. Sleep study
  59. Hearing loss
  60. Hearing loss EASA class 1
  61. self declared medical question - CAA UK
  63. Can I get a Medical Class 1 (EASA) after a brain tumor?
  64. CAA Class 1 Medical Newbie queries
  65. First Class Medical - Psychiatrist
  66. Some Questions Regarding Colour Vision
  67. EASA Class 2 Medical with Monocular Vision: Seeking Advice
  68. Multi crew restriction on Class 1 medical
  69. Class 1 queries
  70. Old self harm scars
  71. CAA class one revalidation
  72. Low iron and UK Class 1 medical
  73. UKCAA Class 1 Medical renewal in Holland
  74. Full works
  75. BMI slightly above 35- Mater Private Hospital in Dublin
  76. Struggling with Stress ECG
  77. Challenging the CAA to remove an OML
  78. Any experience with aeromedicals? I need your advice please!
  79. Class 1 with CKD
  80. Mitral Valve Prolapse and a sudden TML from the CAA
  81. Class 1 medical after cancer
  82. Class 1 after cancer
  83. Initial class 1 how long does it take
  84. Since I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself . . .
  85. Hyperthyroidism and Initial Examination.
  86. UK Oncology reports
  87. Class 1 vs Class 2 vs Class 3 Medical
  88. Psychotic Episode EASA Class One
  89. Class 1 Lapse < 5 Years
  90. allopurinol - EASA class 1
  91. Sickle Cell Disease
  92. Rotator Cuff surgery 2023
  93. Class 1 Medical CAA UK
  94. Informations
  95. My Wolff Parkinson White story - back to flying
  96. Class 1 with Peanut allergy
  97. Initial CAA Class 1, Help!
  98. Finasteride and/or minoxidil in EASA-land
  99. Axial Spondyloarthritis DGCA Medical
  100. Some kind of anxiety?
  101. Airline pilot with ostomy bag.
  102. Winter Flu Bug 22-23
  103. Is an EASA and UK medical both required
  104. Returner Q regarding medicals appeals process
  105. EASA & UK CAA Orthokeratology lenses
  106. Pilot mental health
  107. FAA changing EKG reqs
  108. Pulmonary fibrosis and aviation?
  109. Aviation medical and Brugada syndrome 🫀
  110. CAA Medical Ireland
  111. Mal de debarquement
  112. Class one Medical issue- ARVC Heart/Pre flight school
  113. What is normal eustachian tube function?
  114. High uric acid level
  115. Sleep Apnea / OSA / CPaP EASA Class 1 Medical
  116. Bicuspid Aortic Valve Replacement and Ascending Aortic Aneurysm
  117. Clarity, OML or no medical?
  118. Glasses !!
  119. Specific question regarding ADD/ADHD
  120. JCAB medical in Australia
  121. Balance test
  122. Transient Global Amnesia (TGA) FAA requirements
  123. Oh no.trouble at EASA class 1
  124. Initial class 1 cholesterol
  125. Kidney Stones. What will happen next to my class1?
  126. Malta Class 1 renewal deferral
  127. 2 Week Grounding with Medication Change
  128. Overthinking this?
  129. Alternative therapies
  130. Renewing a Loss of Licence Income Protection after a claim.
  131. Easa class 1 in Austria
  132. Bother..what now?
  133. Apple Watch ECG. Future use?
  134. Transferring EASA Medical Without License
  135. Pilot Occupational Lenses.
  136. Eyesight standards query
  137. How do I get my class 1 medical with crohns?
  138. High eye pressure - easa class 1
  139. Knees
  140. Medica advice
  141. Clarification on Asthma Guidelines
  142. Monocular vision: EASA Class 2
  143. EASA Medical Assessors
  144. UK & IRISH Class One Doc in the London area
  146. EASA to U.K. medical (Brexit)
  147. Eyesight EASA
  148. Problems with Cellma
  149. UK Initial CAA Class 1 Medical Delays- Advice Needed
  150. Flying to France Past 65
  151. medical after broken bone recovery
  152. Austro Control class 1 /2 denied
  153. FAA medical Examiner Required
  154. Pax Responsibility to Declare Illness
  155. Class 2 Medical certificate (Uk CAA) medical records ?
  156. IBD - Chrons disease - EASA / Local CAA guidelines
  157. Hay fever medicine
  158. EASA Class 1 examiners UK
  159. Hearing loss / EASA Limitations
  160. EASA 1st class medical and limitations
  161. Migraine Advice
  162. UK Medical Examiner
  163. Have I left it too long to appeal a CAA assessment?
  164. Adhd and class 1 medical
  165. CAA and CBD
  166. FAA medical vadility in EU zone (ATP)?
  167. Renew U.K. medical at EASA AME.
  168. Extending validity of rating due injury
  169. Aviation Medica Stansted
  170. Bose A20 cause my tinnitus!!
  171. UKCAA and EASA Medical examiners Ireland
  172. Initial class 1 Poland - Looking for fresh feedback
  173. Initial Class 1 & GP Notes
  174. Transport Canada and the D-15
  175. Ankylosing spondilitis and HLA B27, DGCA medical
  176. Medical Certification after CV19 Infection
  177. Initial Class 1 - What can I do if my AME refuse to reply me
  178. medical versus licence
  179. Cellma "to be approved"
  180. AME's at airfields where I can land
  181. Spontaneous Pneumothorax and VAT pleurodesis
  182. Getting Class 1 EASA (quick) Appointement
  183. CAAC vs hernias
  184. Drug test EASA class 1 initial
  185. Difference between CAA vs EASA Class 1 Medical (Initial)
  186. Photochromic glasses
  187. Initial Class 1 Medical- Referred to respiratory consultant
  188. GDPR request
  189. Masks and Covid spread
  190. Jaw surgery
  191. Initial Class one
  192. EASA Class 1 medicals UK
  193. Expired medical class 1
  194. Old Medical certificates
  195. Class 1 medical But is it valid?
  196. Class1
  197. Class 1 Medical - Expiration
  198. Amlodipine
  199. Booking Class 1 Medical- CAA
  200. Possible Mild Aspergers Syndrome UK Class 1 medical
  201. Social Distancing
  202. How many attempts to obtain class 1?
  203. Astigmatism and Mitochondria Disease
  204. EASA state of issue
  205. Class 1 Medical- astigmatism
  206. Alcohol use and CAA
  207. Class 2 CAA Medical
  208. Rhizarthrosis and 1° medical class EASA
  209. Valid to fly or not
  210. CAA decision making time?
  211. Athlete’s Heart
  212. FAA First Class Holder with treated hypertension, dreams of flying abroad done?
  213. COVID-19 vaccine and future pilot risks?
  214. Celiac Disease and its consequences
  215. Treatment of Scarred Retina
  216. Central Serous Retinopathy
  217. Mental health on the flight deck
  218. Medical GP records
  219. "CAA's Cellma fails the medical" - Pilot Mag.
  220. Sleep Study for FAA medical
  221. FAA medical and Covid 19 Vaccine
  222. Cellma Application Management
  223. Cellma vs medical expiry date
  224. EASA Class 1 Medicals in London
  225. LPC/OPC with suspended medical
  226. Class 1 Medical revoked/Out of options
  227. Hemoglobin slightly above - unfit to fly?
  228. Flight Crew Exhaustion.
  229. Biscupid Aortic Valve
  230. Prolotherapy
  231. AstraZeneca Vaccine
  232. CAA - Long delays
  233. Class 1 renewal - bad limp
  234. Neurontin/Gabapentin
  235. UK CAA medical system CELLMA
  236. EASA medical in Canada?
  237. Liver G.G.T. and Initial Class 1
  238. Genetic Haemochromatosis
  239. Pre Employment Drugtest Hairlength?
  240. Lithium allowed for maintenance medication
  241. CAA Medical Department
  242. Hasimotos disease
  243. UK Class 1 medical questions
  244. Staying Healthy
  245. Should I quit my career?
  246. CAD thresholds
  247. Equalization During Descent
  248. UK Class 1 medical revalidation near Biggin Hill
  249. UK CAA or EU EASA
  250. AME say coronavirus is weakening