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  1. Searching for UK Approved Medical Examiner in France
  2. Pain after vasectomy.
  3. Upper right Abdomen
  4. Damage to knee cartilage pads (menisci)
  5. Achalasia
  6. Weather Radar Exposure
  7. Medical Question - ADHD
  8. FAA and CAA medical differences
  9. Lufthansa Medical
  10. University Air Squadron Fitness
  11. Hip problems - Piriformis
  12. Surface Hippies
  13. Heart Condition
  14. Countries recognising FAA medical?
  15. haemorrhoids
  16. SVT
  17. Spontaneous Pneumothorax, Class 1 & 2
  18. Food allergies
  19. Class one after Joint replacement Surgery?
  20. Medicals and Illicit Substances
  21. cosmic radiation
  22. Class 1 Medical and ADD
  23. Peak Flow quesstion
  24. photophobia
  25. Restless Leg Syndrome
  26. Class 1 medical and Cardiomyopathy ?
  27. JAA Medical - Please recommend a place in London
  28. Class 1 medical after breast cancer treatment
  29. New Breakthrough and drug free treatment for HBP?
  30. Low Pulse Rate / BP
  31. URGENT:Exposure
  32. Clostridium difficile after antibiotics
  33. Conked Out!
  34. Intraocular pressure
  35. Fleet Air Arms eyesight question.
  36. Renewal of Class 1 Medical
  37. Prostate Cancer
  38. Jetstar Pilot Pre-employment Blood Test
  39. Fulfill JAR class 1 renewal requirements
  40. CAA class 1 renewal
  41. Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS
  42. endorsment for AGI?
  43. Paediatric transfers - any thoughts?
  44. chest xray result
  45. Which laser eye surgery is best
  46. All DOCS PLZ READ!!!, Really Worried
  47. Citalopram and the dream
  48. Risk/benefit of full body scans
  49. AIrcrew (and Ground Crew) and radiation Poisoning
  50. UPDATE - Seeking docs to play "House" for real
  51. CAA overseas authorised AME
  52. Medicial Information Regarding ATCO
  53. Methotrexate
  54. Pacemaker and Aeros
  55. FAA Medical in Paris
  56. DGCA Class 1 Renewal
  57. ATCO European Class 3 - Neurological Requirements
  58. pacemaker
  59. Class 1 Medicals
  60. Fractured foot
  61. Collective Colour Vision Thread
  62. Giving old eyes a new lease of life
  63. Migraine and Vertigo
  64. hemodialysis
  65. ECG
  66. Initial Class 1 question regarding weight / body mass index / fitness
  67. Holter Report
  68. Pulmonary Valve Replacement
  69. Emotional instability
  70. ECG Variants in NATS and CAA Medicals
  71. Class one Medical expired 9 days ago
  72. Pax having a fit in flight
  73. Taylor Spatial Frame
  74. Could plastic surgery affect future medicals?
  75. JAA initial class I - Kerato
  76. CAA Medical Expiry Dates
  77. Varilux Physio lenses
  78. Fit to serve: Coeliac disease/Gluten intolerance
  79. NATS medical and migraines
  80. Class 2 Medical Validity
  81. Esophageal cancer and curcumin.
  82. European Class 3 Medical
  83. Medical Class 1 - differnt countries
  84. ATPL with a class II medical
  85. Medical Chaparone
  86. Swine flu vaccine?
  87. FAA class I to JAA class I ?
  88. First Class Medical Duration Under 40
  89. About the Class II medical...
  90. AMEs and European Class 3 Medical for ATCOs
  91. Help us
  92. Enlarged Tonsil
  93. Cholesterol count
  94. Right Axis Deviation on ECG
  95. Renewing UK Medical
  96. Class 1 medical validity time?
  97. NPPL Medical
  98. Migraine and Class 2
  99. Flying as a passenger post arthroscopy/menisectomy
  100. "...shall be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be considered..."
  101. Endocrine disorder
  102. dgca medical renewal
  103. Emirates Medical requirements.
  104. Worth buying headset?
  105. UV Rays
  106. Neuro endocrine tumours
  107. Back Pain & Support Cushions
  108. Trapped Nerve
  109. unstable shoulder/arthrosopic labral
  110. Canadian medical
  111. Kidney Stones and Class 1
  112. ear advise please
  113. Australian medical/ Alcohol
  114. Systemic Lupus, SLE = No more flying?
  115. Aviators' Eyeballs and Pressure Changes
  116. Cheapest Class 1 Medical renewal in Southern England.
  117. Automated External Defibrillator or AED
  118. Paralyzing Panic Attack
  119. ANR, do they really protect?
  120. NTSB recommends pilot screening for Sleep Apnea
  121. Class 1 medical with Addisons disease
  122. Any procedure over uniditifed biting insects in PAX area?
  123. Liver Transplant
  124. Menieres and the FAA
  125. advice re my class 1 please
  126. Removal of Oml from Class 1
  127. Class 1 Renewal Vienna
  128. Right Bundle Branch Block (RBBB)
  129. Scan picture?
  130. Hip problems
  131. Cancer and radio transmitters in WW2 aircraft
  132. OML restriction
  133. Class 1 medical - EEG
  134. ENT Surgeon - Portsmouth
  135. How to detect an inner ear infection ?
  136. Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Cadet Pilot selection
  137. Exercise after Flight: Dangerous?
  138. Flying with an instructor with lost medical
  139. a question about Steroides and sinusitis -- need help
  140. suspended JAA class I medical and other non-JAA states
  141. Class 2 medical in London/Kent
  142. CASA Class 1 Medical cost (Ireland)
  143. Recirculating Air
  144. Back surgery-fusion/disc replacement
  145. Fear of heights when "connected" but not when airborne ...
  146. IBS - irritable Bowel syndrome
  147. Alternatives to Malarone
  148. AMEs
  149. Endoscopic Sinus Surgery.
  150. A daft theory?
  151. Heart conduction Block worries
  152. Medical class 1 in JAA countries
  153. Stats for class one failures.
  154. Asperger's Syndrome and ATC
  155. SWINE FLU & Flight Crew / Ops / ATC ????
  156. Job Prospects for disabled & diabetic
  157. canadian class 3 medical
  158. Warfarin & JAR medicals
  159. Chronic Sore Throat
  160. No eating before Class 1 medical
  161. swimmer's ear.how does it affect ?
  162. Grounded by incredible twenty years of 24/7 major headache - HELP!!
  163. Angry as #$%# tonight.
  164. Exophoria and Exotropia and Strabismus- Aren't they the same?!
  165. Hayfever
  166. Class one renewal
  167. Colostomy
  168. Crohn's disease and Class 2 Medical
  169. Allergy medicine - relief or not?
  170. How long for drug approval?
  171. South African Medical Class 1 for UK
  172. Open Heart Surgery Will I pass?
  173. Transgendered cabin crew? Medical point of view vs uninformed discussion
  174. Gaining a class 1 - Leukemia
  175. Ateronon
  176. Class 1 after heart attack
  177. Medical Certificate problem
  178. Bell's Palsy + Class 1 ?.
  179. EASA Class 2 medical for cabin crew
  180. Etilefrin? medicine against Hypotension
  181. Regime for Medical Certificate in certain Regions
  182. Consequences of a Stroke....
  183. Do a JAA medical in USA?
  184. CAA Class 1 medical renewal – can it lapse by 1 year?
  185. pass 3rd class medical?
  186. Ectopic heart beat?
  187. Hello, Hello....I'm at a place called vertigo.
  188. Gilberts Syndrome for Aircrew
  189. by pass gastric surgery
  190. Creatine supplement & aviation medical
  191. Medicals? help!!
  192. Gallstones?
  193. Upgrading class 2 to class1?
  194. Covering up an illness to gain a Class One Medical.
  195. medical & licence nationality differences
  196. Medical in Jeddah
  197. Biofilters
  198. kidney stone?
  199. Change in ECG?
  200. Be Happier Than Before
  201. prolapsed disc
  202. Swine Disease
  203. Help Me Please !!!
  204. Acquired hypothyroidism and class 2
  205. Cochlear implant?
  206. Active Noise Cancelling is BAD for your ears??
  207. moderate eye conjunctivities ,, can prevent me from FAA class 1 ?
  208. Some Thoughts on Sim Stress
  209. Prolonged PR Interval
  210. Timely wait.
  211. Abnormal EEG
  212. confused, scared at times
  213. What do radiologists look at?
  214. Statins
  215. Hayfever
  216. Tired after Flying
  217. Attention-deficit disorder
  218. A bit concerned
  219. Fatigue / Crew food & Water
  220. Advice on drugs for rheumatic problems
  221. too many interviews, too many X-rays
  222. Class One Expiry
  223. Alt / Ast / Mcv / Mch
  224. over blinking of the eyes
  225. Crohn's, Remicade and medical class 1
  226. Warning about the CAA's view of Roaccutane
  227. JAR Class 1 or Uk Class 1?
  228. Very Minor Heart Problem
  229. CAA medical EGKK
  230. Valid class 1 despite HRT? (Hormone Replacement therapy)
  231. Pacemaker
  232. Circulation Symptoms
  233. suspended class I medical
  234. Patent Foramen Ovale
  235. Numb teeth on climb!
  236. make me stay awake
  237. Skills test with a broken metatarsal
  238. JAA Class 1 initial in a diff. country than renewals?
  239. Malaria : Vietnam / HCMC
  240. Continuous sickness flying Longhaul
  241. Barvo pH meter & aviation
  242. Gastric Band
  243. Dislocated Wrist
  244. Sorting out G-Sensitivity
  245. Airbus Back Problems?
  246. Renewal question
  247. Night Shift Sparks Cancer Pay-Out
  248. Class One renewal with a chest infection?
  249. how to prepare for medical 1 exam
  250. I can see my pulse - is it dangerous?