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  1. FAA initial class 1 - deferred response timescale
  2. Class One after age 65 years of age
  3. Will the faa have records of my faa medical?
  4. Global Benefits Europe B.V. (GBE) - Loss of Licence
  5. Initial Class 1 medical
  6. RAF - Hair Transplant + Propecia (Finasteride)
  7. Solo flight with OML Class 1 Medical?
  8. Resuming Flying After Depression
  9. Advice Please! MI + Class 1
  10. Tinnitus
  11. SINGLE CREW TO 65 ?
  12. Good news for Class 1 applicants HIV
  13. Canadian Class 1 medical
  14. Sinus issues
  15. Class 1 referral - the wait
  16. Advises on taking a medical (EASA)
  17. CAA Class 1 medical with a history of adolescent migraines
  18. Using a Slant Board:
  19. Initial Class I Medical Certificate question.
  20. Can I operate as a LTC with an OML
  21. i need urgent advice
  22. HIV and the UK CAA
  23. CT Coronary Angiogram?
  24. Glider license with heart condition?
  25. Lower Abdomen painless spasms/ twitching
  26. Class One Medical (Initial or Renewal)
  27. Prostate cancer
  28. Class1A Medical - Advice and Feedback
  29. Unrealistic CAA health guidelines
  30. Class 1 Conversion
  31. Bruce Protocol Stress ECG.
  32. Cataracts
  33. Failed my Class 1 and my Class 2's gone. What now?
  34. Obtaining and FAA class 1 medical as a foreigner
  35. What on Earth is going on? Very strange . . .
  36. CAA Class 1 revalidation
  37. Mind-Body research no need for stent issue.
  38. UK CAA Fees
  39. Failed medical, I think the dream is over!
  40. Medical restriction SOLI
  41. Class 1 and alcohol interview
  42. Varicocele Surgery and Hydrocele post surgery
  43. Worried granddad
  44. Respiratory Consultant
  45. CASA and ICAO restrictions
  46. UK CAA Medical History Response Time?
  47. Class 1 Medical with ongoing psychotherapy
  48. Minor arrhythmias - do you have 'em and do they affect your medical?
  49. Class 1 renewal query
  50. Cardiologists in the midlands
  51. EASA Class 3 Medical and Depression
  52. Started Jogging - Muscle/Knee pain
  53. Small allergies and past sinuses
  54. Regaining Class 1 after brain surgery
  55. UK class 1
  56. EASA medical class 1 renewal locations in Atlanta.
  57. Shoulder Replacement.
  58. Class 2 medical - Chemotherapy
  59. Class 1 referral because of fit HELP
  60. Needle Phobia & Class 1
  61. Initial Class 1 Medical Timeline after Cardiology Review?
  62. Perforated eardrum - CAA class 1
  63. PPL medical with a previous mental health condition.
  64. Dangers of Protein shakes and sucralose.
  65. EASA Medical Class I in Paris, France
  66. Renewal of (expired) class 1 medical
  67. The integrity of aeromedical regulation of pilots
  68. Fibromyalgia CAA/EASA Class 1?
  69. Getting medical certification in other nation.
  70. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
  71. Full eye examination and spirometry at every renewal?
  72. 24 hour Holter report
  73. Deep vein thrombosis
  74. Pulmonary Systolic Murmur as reason for not being able to become pilot?
  75. Renewals
  76. CAA Adress?
  77. corneal ulcer
  78. Quandary about SSRI's
  79. Commercial Pilot- Initial Class 1 medical- CAA and Anthracycline Chemotherapy
  80. Ear problem
  81. Can I be eligible pilot in India due to a cleft lip scar?
  82. LAPL Med to Class 2 to Class 1 questions
  83. Polio in Syria. An almost unheard of treatment . . .
  84. Grounded due to historical issue, case taking months at CAA
  85. Whole body screening....any thoughts?
  86. Bruce Protocol
  87. Regaining Class 1 following a Stent fitting ?
  88. 18 Year old with a dream
  89. Cardio Review
  90. Initial Class 1 with OML
  91. EASA 1 class medical requirements
  92. CASA class2 head injury more than 10 years ago
  93. Options passed a 3rd level medical appeal
  94. Age 65 EASA
  95. AMS Secondary review of fitness
  96. EASA First Class Medical - Blood Test
  97. Class 1 Revalidation 80days before expiry
  98. Medical Required - Confusion
  100. Stenosis limits FAA
  101. L5/S1 Sequestrated disc
  102. ADHD
  103. UK Initial Class 1 Medial > FAA & GCAA
  104. Stutter
  105. Xolair/omalizumab
  106. CAA Medical Boss
  107. Operating Seat Temps
  108. Medical Medex Brussels
  109. Steroid medication and psychosis
  110. Advise for CAA Class 1
  111. Pharmacy whoopsie.
  112. Class One Medical, Renewal or Not?
  113. Question on hemiplegia/hemiparesis
  114. Hob
  115. LBA medical data release due to privacy laws
  116. CAA Approved Cardiologists
  117. EASA First Class Medical - Blood Test
  118. Cochlear Hydrops Something of a last straw.
  119. Allergy to antibiotics
  120. Undiagnosed Medical Condition when Flying
  121. Problems with Aerosinusitis
  122. Class 1 in Poland?
  123. Dengue - decrease in medical fitness
  124. Gallstones & gallbladder
  125. Class 3 ATC - Digestive System
  126. common cold viruses and secondary infections
  127. Can I obtain a class one medical certificate?
  128. What would actually stop renewal of CAA EASA Class 1?
  129. FAA with Bicuspid Valve
  130. Class 1 medical in Spain
  131. Is there such a thing as a "restriction" on a Class 1 medical?
  132. Fitness test for fatties
  133. Back complaints
  134. UK CAA Class 1 validity
  135. UK CAA and SVT
  136. NPPL medical self declaration.
  137. Declaring Chronic condition?
  138. Class 1 Medical first issue - why only London?
  139. UK CAA Class 1 Medical
  140. Initial Class 1 Medical - Urine test
  141. FAA Class 3 and medication for depression
  142. Different authorities, can it be done?
  143. new AME looking for advice
  144. When do you need to see avn specialist after sickness
  145. another acid reflux thread.
  146. GCAA Medical Class 1 for obesity!
  147. Inquiries about the Class 1 medical in Europe
  148. Renewing UK CAA Class 2 and Asmtha (Bronchial Test Required)
  149. Gastric bypass surgery
  150. UK CAA Class 1 medical
  151. motion sickness desensitisation training in England
  152. SOLI transfer
  153. Unfit Notice
  154. Anyone with Acid Re flux / GORD?
  155. licence rejected after passing everything?
  156. Ear Query
  157. Severe hyperthyroidism
  158. Temporal lobe epilepsy
  159. So close, yet so far: Class 1 medical, Crohns Disease & eyesight
  160. German Medical with UK License ?
  161. Can I pass a Class 1 medical?
  162. Flying while on blood thinning medication
  163. Any airline pilots here have Sciatica?
  164. Ablation procedure - arhythmic heat beat
  165. Coeliac obtaining a Class 1 Medical?
  166. Replacement Eyeballs!
  167. Medical - In confidence
  168. Medical requirements about to change
  169. Class 1 JAR Medical following MI
  170. Aviation and obesity
  171. Bmi issues - class one
  172. Please help! Eye examination results - do they check out?
  173. EASA Medical Strengthening
  174. Jet lag - pilots and doctors - practical advice?
  175. Flying and bloating/gases
  176. Blepharospasm and Class One
  177. Driver's License Medical
  178. Initial Class one Medical
  179. Can a person hold a pilots licence with 1 lung
  180. GCAA Class 1 Medical
  181. French PPL and Class 1 Medical
  182. Sleep apnea
  183. Question regarding validity of easa medical
  184. Cardiology review
  185. Multi Crew Restriction - OML
  186. Are you full of * * * * ?
  187. Flying when missing a finger
  188. Tingling in the sinuses
  189. Mental Health - Development of Stutter/Eye Twitch?
  190. Class 1 medical
  191. Initial Class 1 Medical. Spain vs UK?
  192. Pulmonary Embolism and returning to flying
  193. What psychological evaluations has your airline put in place ?
  194. Flying thirsty and hungry during Ramadan
  195. Brain bleed
  196. Co-pilot license
  197. CAA Appeal.
  198. Melatonin legal?
  199. Looking for an EASA AME in East Africa
  200. PPL to NPPL DVT warafrin and new rules?
  201. EASA CAA Class 1 renewal having had Podiatry sessions
  202. Ears pinned (otoplasty or pinnaplasty)
  203. Class 1 and QRS time
  204. Heart Murmur(s)
  205. Glasses Case
  206. CAA & Propranolol
  207. Where to go for initial EASA Class One
  208. EASA to EASA conversion
  209. Transfer of ICAO medical to EASA medical
  210. Fitness test to restore LAPL Medical
  211. Transfer of EASA Medcial form one EASA state to another?
  212. Prednisolone & CAA Class 1 Medical
  213. Erythropoietin injections - PPL
  214. Hip Arthoscopy
  215. 1st Class FAA Medical Duration Question.
  216. Heart Palpitations
  217. Neurological Conditions
  218. Instructor - Medical Requirements
  219. Blood pressure limits and airlines (Ryanair etc.)
  220. Stress ECG
  221. Doctors Visit about Depression
  222. MS diagnosis
  223. CASA Class 3 & DVT
  224. Squint
  225. Closure of CAA Gatwick Medical Centre
  226. Zika virus? What is going on. The 1.8 B$ question?
  227. Mental Health
  228. who's the boss ? CAA or AME/Dr.
  229. Chest infections
  230. RAF eyesight - clarification
  231. Class 2 Med by GP?
  232. Medical Examination Three Questions
  233. Wegner’s Granulomatosis
  234. High Functioning Autism Class 1
  235. Pulmonary Embolism
  236. Wrist fusion due inflammatory arthritis
  237. European Class 3 / EASA Class 3
  238. Medical
  239. Hayfever
  240. Class 1 Medical (Alpha Aviation)
  241. Class 1 with OML
  242. Finger gone wrong.
  243. Initial CAA Class 1 Medical Advice
  244. Whats does CAA think of Hydronephrosis for Medical?
  245. bariatric surgery and aviation
  246. FAA 1st Class Medical Ankara?
  247. OCD Class 1 chances?
  248. Help me please! i have my JAA CLASS1 and i have heart problem
  249. Contacting CAA Due EASA Class 1 Fail
  250. Medical Philippines - help!